"If you meet a duelist, if the opponent's strength is higher than yours or equal to yours, then once he asks to start a duel, you can't refuse."

"And duels can be roughly divided into three types. The first type is ordinary duels, the duel will not endanger oneself, and at most one card can be lost; the second type is special duels, all damage received in the duel is real; and The third type is called Dark Duel!"

"Darkness duel requires special power to open, and ordinary duelists simply cannot touch it."

"Dark duels are terrifying. What kind of consequences the duel will lead to depends entirely on the rules set by the dark duelists before the duel begins!"

"Thus, if you lose the duel, the consequence may be to pay cards, but it may also be to pay life..."

Muto Pikachu's eyes flickered slightly, and a dignified look appeared on his face.

Maria was silent, as if thinking about something.

After a while, she looked up at Pikachu Muto, and said with a smile, "Brother Yu Yu, can you show it?"

Muto Pikachu's eyes moved, but he didn't move.

Maria glanced at the cards on the table, then smiled slightly, looked at Pikachu Muto and said, "As long as Brother Yuyu shows it, I'll buy some cards."

"it is good!"

Hearing this, Muto Pikachu immediately moved.

As soon as he raised his left hand, a golden light surged on his arm, and the duel disk appeared immediately.

Seeing this, Maria couldn't help being taken aback.

"Duel plate?"

"Brother Game, you don't really want to use this thing to summon star cards, do you?"

"Of course!"

Muto Pikachu looked calm, "If you want to start a duel, you need a duel disk as a medium!"

After speaking, Muto Pikachu raised his right hand, and a set of cards appeared out of thin air, and then they were put into the duel plate.

"The duel begins!"

As Muto Pikachu's voice fell, a magical barrier emerged from his feet, instantly covering the entire room.

Standing in this enchantment, Maria could obviously feel a special power.

After Pikachu Muto releases the duel field, he draws six cards from the deck.

After glancing at the cards in his hand, Pikachu Muto started the printing... show operation!

"At the cost of 1000 health points, use [The Curtain of Black Magic] to summon the dark attribute magician [Dark Mage] in your hand!"

Muto Pikachu waved his hand, purple light gathered behind him, and a slender figure appeared, it was the dark magician!

Jingle Bell!

In an instant, the attributes of the dark magician were displayed, "Attack 2500/Defense 2100".


Pikachu Muto stopped and turned to look at Maria.

But at this time, Maria just stared blankly at the dark magician behind Muto Pikachu, as if in shock.

"how can that be!"


Chapter 314 An Uninvited Guest; Overturning the Table?Come out then, Aube...

"how can that be?"

A questioning voice came.

Muto Pikachu followed the sound and found that it was the voice of the man in the silver robe.

The silver-robed man looked horrified and looked at the dark mage behind Muto Pikachu in disbelief.

"How can there be an item that can summon a star card?"

"Boy, are you pretending to be a ghost here!"

The silver-robed man's eyes were wide open, and he questioned Muto Pikachu angrily, as if he felt that his IQ had been insulted.

Muto Pikachu frowned slightly, and there was a trace of coldness in his eyes.

"Little Silver! Shut up!"

At this time, Maria's voice came, and the silver-robed man immediately shut up, but his eyes were still fixed on Muto Pikachu.

"Brother Game!"

At this time, Maria walked up to Pikachu Muto and looked up at him.

Muto Pikachu said lightly, "What's the matter?"

Maria showed a sweet smile, and then said, "Brother Game, I am very interested in Duel Disk and these cards."

"I can buy them all, but I have one request."

"any request?"

"I want you to come with me!"

Maria smiled brightly.

Muto Pikachu looked at Maria, "Where are you going?"

"Brother You, don't worry, I just think you are very powerful, so I want to invite you to my house, don't worry."

Maria smiled, her crescent eyes were alluring.

However, Pikachu Muto obviously didn't like this, he shook his head decisively.

"Is that so..."

The smile on Maria's face dissipated, and there was a glint in her eyes, "Brother You, your origin is too mysterious, and this duel disk is too unusual."

"So, I don't want you to be noticed by those in the Apocalypse Army..."

Muto Pikachu looked down at Maria without changing his face.

"What do you want to do?"

Maria didn't say a word, and suddenly raised her head, but there was already a white mask on her face.

The eyes of the mask are like crescent moons, and the mouth is like a waning moon, which looks full of weirdness.

"You must go!"

Maria's voice sharpened.

Muto Pikachu frowned slightly, and didn't expect that the other party just had a disagreement, so he just pretended not to pretend.

However, he was not flustered.

In his duel arena, no one can hurt him!


But at this moment when the trigger was on the verge, a sound of kicking the door suddenly came.

"Maria, Mother of Blood, how dare you appear here!"

"Three-Star Lord!"

Maria turned her head sharply, and after seeing who was coming, her tone clearly revealed unexpected emotions.

Muto Pikachu also turned his head to look.

The person who came was a silver-haired young man, dressed in a slim silver armor, with two long swords behind his back, and the spirit revealed between his brows was impossible to ignore.

"Three-Star Lord..."

"It appeared because of the matter of the leader of heaven and earth!"

Muto Pikachu narrowed his eyes slightly.

Although he has just arrived, he knows a lot of news.

There are nine princes in the eleventh district, guarding all sides.

And although Muto Pikachu's foot is the main realm of the eleventh district, there are only two princes guarding it.

They are the seven-star prince and the one-star prince who have met the lord of heaven and earth.

And the three-star king is naturally guarding other places.

Appearing here now is mostly because of the matter of the leader of heaven and earth.

However, Muto Pikachu didn't panic.

As long as he doesn't say anything, who knows that he has something to do with the leader of Heaven and Earth?

Moreover, he is from the light enchantment, what is the relationship with the people in the dark enchantment?

As for the dueling discs...

It's just a treasure used by duelists for duels, how can it be directly linked to dark duelists?

Moreover, the three-star prince obviously didn't come for him, so Pikachu Muto didn't panic.

"Mother of Blood, looks like a villain?"

Muto Pikachu looked at Maria, complaining in his heart.

After all, just this title doesn't look like a serious person.

"Three-Star Lord, why did you appear here?"

There was a trace of surprise in Maria's eyes, and she couldn't help wondering if her whereabouts had been exposed.

The three-star prince did not answer.

He looked around the game card wholesale shop, his eyes sinking.

After seeing the duel disc in Muto Pikachu's hand, his eyes became even sharper.

"Are you from the Dark Barrier?"

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