The three-star king received the news from the seven-star king, and naturally he also received pictures and videos about the heaven and earth lords.

Among them, the duel disk was specially marked by the Seven Star Lord.

Therefore, the three-star prince can immediately judge that the duel plate on Muto Pikachu's arm is!

"Dark enchantment?"

Muto Pikachu frowned without a trace, and then his eyes were fixed.

"Have you seen them?"

Sure enough, seeing Muto Pikachu's reaction made the Samsung King hesitate for a moment.

Seeing that the three-star prince did not speak, Pikachu Muto regained his composure and continued.

"I am not from the dark enchantment, I am from the light enchantment."

"Just like the opposition between darkness and light, I have nothing to do with the dark enchantment. If there is any relationship, it is irreconcilable."

The Samsung King's eyes changed, as if he was thinking about the reliability of the other party's words.

"Dark enchantment? Light enchantment?"

"Interesting, I didn't expect so many interesting things to happen in the main world. Brother Yu, I want to take you away even more now!"

Maria laughed, and the crescent eyes on the mask gleamed red.

"wishful thinking!"

"Mother of blood, stop wishful thinking, don't say it's him, even if it's you today, don't even think about leaving!"

Hearing Maria's words, the three-star prince's eyes turned cold, and he pulled out a long sword behind him.

"Kun Wu Sword..."

"Your family really loves you, and gave you this treasure."

Looking at the long sword in the hands of the three-star prince, the bloody mother had a trace of fear in her eyes.

"Since you know this sword, you'd better surrender now, so as to avoid the pain of flesh and blood!"

There was a sense of arrogance in the eyes of the three-star king, and he said coldly.


Maria smiled disdainfully, "The sword is a good sword, but it's a pity you can't!"

"Today, if you can't stop me, I will take him away too!"

"Little Yin, catch that guy!"


Hearing Maria's order, the silver-robed man nodded immediately.

He looked at Pikachu Muto with a grin on his face.

"you dare!"

The three-star prince glared at him, but before he could move, Maria stood in front of him.

"Three Stars, do you think I will let you pass?"

Maria held the little bear in her arms, and sneered at the three-star prince.

Looking at the little bear in Maria's arms, the three-star prince's face gradually turned serious.

This thing is not an ordinary bear toy, but an evil thing that can cast a terrible curse, very weird.

"Hehe, ridiculous!"

"One of you wants me to stay, and the other wants me to go, why don't you ask my opinion?"

Muto Pikachu patted his forehead with his palm, looked at Maria and the Three Star Lord with sharp eyes, and asked lightly.

"Brother Yu, don't mess around! I'm afraid I'll hurt you."

Maria smiled slightly, and stared at Muto Pikachu with blood red eyes.

The Samsung King's face was cold, and his attitude was even tougher.

"I don't care if you are a member of the light enchantment or the dark enchantment, in the eleventh district, no one can defy my will!"

Muto Pikachu shook his head slightly, "It's really arrogant and unreasonable."

"In this case, you are not welcome in my shop."

Muto Pikachu's complexion was suddenly cold, his eyes were sharp, and the way he looked at people was like a high god looking down on all living beings.

He raised his right hand high, and a card suddenly appeared.

This card is completely different from ordinary cards. The card body is shining with the supreme golden light, as if it is haunted by endless spirit.

"Giant Soldiers of Obelisk, come out!"

Exciting shouts echoed in the room.

Muto Pikachu dropped the cards heavily on the duel plate, and saw a divine light penetrate the roof and reach the sky.

In an instant, a terrifying aura roared like a tsunami, filling the entire room in an instant.

The complexions of the three-star prince and Maria changed drastically.

The silver-robed man was directly crushed to the ground, his face full of horror.

Without any hesitation, the three-star prince immediately left the room.

After Maria hesitated for a moment, she immediately rolled up the silver-robed man and exited the room in an instant.

When they came outside, they saw a dark blue creature so huge that only its legs could be seen standing on the ground.

The three-star prince and Maria looked up, their hearts were shocked.

Through the clouds that could only hit the giant creature's knees, the two saw the true appearance of the creature.

Carrying a pair of triangular divine wings, hideous spikes grow on the top of the head and shoulders, as if to penetrate the sky, and a pair of red eyes exude endless divine power.

There is no doubt that this is a god!

A god that made both the three-star prince and Maria feel infinite pressure!


Chapter 315 Retreat!Nine Kings Gathering, plan!


"This guy is actually a true god!"

The three-star prince looked gloomy.

Since Muto Pikachu can summon a true god, it means that the other party must also be a true god!

He didn't expect that in this small room, he not only met the Bloody Mother of the Seventh King Hall of the Fallen God Heaven, but also met an unknown true god.

"Is this main world a sieve? Anyone can enter!"

The more the three-star prince thought about it, the more angry he became, his eyes fell on Maria, and the murderous intent in his eyes soared.

"What is this guy crazy about?"

Maria's eyebrows jumped, and she noticed the Kunwu sword ready to be released in the hands of the three-star prince, and she couldn't help cursing inwardly.

At this time, shouldn't you focus on this giant blue god?


"Giant soldiers, drive them away!"

At this time, Muto Pikachu walked out of the house.

With his hands in his pockets, his face was indifferent, and he gave orders to the Giant God Soldiers calmly.

"and many more!"

Hearing this, the Samsung King immediately stopped.

He wasn't really afraid of the Colossus.

It's because the Giant God Soldier is too big, and if he moves a little bit, it may turn the main world upside down.

If there is a real fight, the consequences will be even more unimaginable.

The three-star king didn't dare to gamble with the lives of the creatures around him, not to mention the Bloody Mother watching over him, he didn't want to start a war easily.

"Your Excellency, it was my fault for my harsh attitude before, and I am willing to apologize to you."

"I just hope that your Excellency will not easily start a dispute. This is not a good thing for you and me!"

"Besides, since your Excellency settled here, you should know that the law enforcement team here is a team to maintain order. Above the law enforcement team is the Tianqi Army. The Tianqi Army has nine generals and nine princes."

"My name is Ke Ye, and I am the three-star prince of the nine kings. My duty is to protect the eleventh district. Your Excellency will stay here. You and I should be friends, and we don't need to fight each other with swords!"

"But the Bloody Mother is different! She comes from the Fallen God Heaven, and is the seventh of the Ten Great King Halls of the Fallen God Heaven. And the Fallen God Heaven is trying to overthrow the Tianjue star field, it is a troubled person, a traitor! I wanted to kill you before." Take it away, you must have taken a fancy to your ability, and want to use it to do evil!"

"Therefore, our enemy should be the bloody mother!"

Sanxing Wangjue looked like a taciturn, cold and arrogant person, but when he talked about the truth, he spoke eloquently, and he didn't stop at all after speaking.

And hearing what the three-star prince said, before Pikachu Muto responded, Maria's expression changed.

"Three Star King, don't spit blood!"

"I just want brother You to come to my house as a guest, but there is no malice! On the contrary, you are domineering when you come, and you look like a big boss. People want to tear your face apart!"

Maria sneered, obviously disgusted with the three-star prince as well.

"Have you two talked enough?"

"Enough talking, let's leave here! Otherwise, I don't mind letting the giant soldiers give you a ride."

Muto Pikachu raised his eyes, his face didn't change a little because of what the two said.

Maria narrowed her eyes slightly, and after thinking about it in her heart, she covered her mouth and smiled, "In that case, then I'm leaving!"

"Brother Game, see you next time!"

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