And the other party is also a professor at the highest institution in the eleventh district.

Even among the nine princes in the eleventh district, four or five were former students of Master Yi.

And the one-star prince is one of them.

Therefore, the one-star prince respects Master Yi very much.

The unruly Samsung King Jue didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly greeted Master Yi.

Although he is not Yi Shi's student, but relying on Yi Shi's own strength, it is enough for him to treat each other with courtesy.

"Haha, the two princes are here, why bother to salute to an old man like me, it's too polite."

Master Yi turned his head and laughed loudly.

One Star Prince smiled and said, "This is what it should be."

Then, Lord Yixing looked at the inverted triangle building, his eyes flashed, "Is this the ruin?"

"That's right!"

Master Yi nodded, looking at the inverted triangle building with a touch of wonder in his eyes.

"This thing is called the Pharaoh's Pyramid. According to the current information, this Pharaoh's Pyramid should be left by a true god. It may even be the tomb of a true god, where a true god was buried!"

"And, at least they are all immortal gods!"

Hearing this, Yixing Wangjue and Ke Ye were shocked.

"In the main world, there is actually a relic of the immortal true god...Professor Yi, do you know who the owner of this relic is?"

Yixing Wangjue stared slightly, and asked Yi Shi.

Upon hearing this, Master Yi immediately asked someone to bring a stone slab.

The stone slab is not complete, judging from the cracks around it, it should be a small piece in the middle of a large stone slab.

The pattern on the slate is the intaglio of a circle.

Moreover, there is an obvious eye pupil imprint in the middle of the ring, and there are also triangular imprints on the outside of the ring, which seem to be decorations on the ring.

"This thing was excavated from the underground of this pyramid, but it is only incomplete, and no other information can be known."

"And this is why I came to you. I want you to call out your [Wan Lingqi] and let it help me."

Master Yi gently caressed the stone slab with his fingers, raised his head, and said to Lord One Star.

"no problem!"

One Star King nodded, and then the original card slot appeared, and a card fell into the slot.

Immediately afterwards, a golden creature with one eye, a round body, and swimming arms appeared.

This thing is called [Wan Lingqi]. Although it is only an epic star card with the strength of a demigod, it is an extremely rare and precious special star card with a very special power of "listening to all things".

It can use the tentacles on its body to obtain information about living and dead objects, which happens to come in handy now.

Wan Lingqi's tentacles waved, and when he knew what his mission was, he immediately put his tentacles on the stone slab.

Immediately afterwards, it raised two more tentacles, and immediately after touching together, a phantom appeared above.

This is the power of Wan Lingqi's manifestation, which can convert the obtained information into an image, so that the people present can know it immediately.

Yixing Wangjue, Yi Shi and others immediately looked at Xuying.

But within the phantom, there was darkness.

The line of sight turns, and in the darkness, there are two people standing opposite each other.

One has an exploding starfish head, a stern face, and an inverted triangle-like golden pendant on his chest.

As for the other one, he had white hair, and his eyes were filled with darkness. Terrifying dark power surged from under his feet.

In front of him, there is also a pendant, but it is like a ring.

In the golden ring, there is an eye with divine light in the middle, and round-edged triangular prisms hang around it.

The appearance of this thing matches the imprint on the slate!

At the same time, information about this thing also appeared on the phantom.

"The Millennium Wisdom Wheel, one of the seven artifacts..."

"And those two..."

A hint of thought flashed across the eyes of the One Star Prince.

He had never heard of the Seven Artifacts, and he had never seen those two.

"It's him!"


Suddenly, a voice came.

Lord Yixing turned around, and saw the shock in Ke Ye's eyes.

He frowned and asked immediately.

"Muto game!"

Ke also had a cold expression on his face, and his tone was extremely gloomy.

"Muto game?"

Hearing this name, Lord One Star frowned even deeper.

He didn't expect that Muto game was still related to this ruin.

Lord Yixing raised his head, looked at the figure of Yugi Muto, deep thought flashed in his eyes.

"Muto Yugi? Do you know that person?"

"Look at his aura, the two people in this phantom are by no means as simple as the Eternal True God, are you sure you didn't admit your mistake?"

Master Yi's eyes changed slightly, and he asked.

Hearing what Yi Shi said, Ke also hesitated.

He has been in contact with Muto Yuki, and he knows that Muto Yuki should not be immortal.

If it was true, then he and Maria might not have the chance to get out of the card wholesale house.

"Maybe it's just that they look a little similar. Maybe the person in this phantom is the ancestor of Muto Yuki."

Lord One Star raised his head and expressed his guess.

"That's right! Maybe that's it!"

"Although the person in this phantom is somewhat similar to Muto Yugi, the momentum revealed by the two is completely different. Muto Yuyu is like a vast ocean, which cannot be seen through, but it is calm and still."

"And the person in this phantom is like a sea of ​​flames that burns the world, with a supreme aura exuding from his body, like the ruler of an imperial dynasty, every move he makes gives people a sense of oppression as if he is ruling the world."

Ke also calmed down, and after observing the person in the phantom who was very similar to Yugi Muto, he made a reasonable analysis.

One Star King nodded, if Muto Yugi was really an immortal statue, then the problem would be serious.

Fortunately, the person in this phantom is not the same except that he looks similar to Muto Yuki.

At this moment, the ghost image derived from Wan Lingqi suddenly dissipated.

At the same time, Wan Lingqi seemed to sense something, and immediately retracted his tentacles from the stone slab, and wrapped his whole body with all the tentacles.

"Wan Lingqi, what are you afraid of..."

One Star Prince's expression darkened slightly.

Wan Lingqi is his star card, so he connected with him, and immediately received the fear from Wan Lingqi.

Looking at the trembling Wan Lingqi, King Yixing had no choice but to take it back.

Only after the one-star king recalled Wan Lingqi, the stone slab changed.

Master Yi frowned, and immediately waved out his big hand, trying to suppress the stone slab.

At this moment, a gloomy light suddenly burst out from the stone slab.

The light went straight to the pyramid, but it didn't damage the pyramid, but directly melted into it.

"How is this going?"

Ke also became vigilant, with his right hand on the hilt behind him, ready to go.

"Don't worry, this thing may be the key to the pyramid, and it may happen to be activated by Wan Lingqi."

The One Star King raised his hand and said.

"A strange power, there must be something unusual hidden in this pyramid."

Master Yi glanced at the stone slabs that were constantly emitting dark light, and then at the gradually changing pyramid, his eyes were full of light.


Suddenly, a loud noise came from inside the pyramid.

In an instant, an invisible force swept out from the pyramid, swaying in all directions like ripples.

Immediately afterwards, the sun and the moon changed, and the sky and the earth rotated.

Yi Shi and the others looked around, but were surprised to find that they had come to an endless desert in an instant.

"This should be an illusion, don't panic."

Yixing Wangjue didn't change his face, and immediately spoke to appease the people around him.

Apart from him, Ke Ye, and Yi Shi, there are other staff here, and King One Star reminded them to avoid panic.

"someone is coming!"

At this time, Ke also noticed a figure in the distance, who was slowly walking towards them.

"It's the guy who confronts the person who looks like Yugi Muto in the phantom, but don't be nervous."

"This phantom should be a reenactment of a certain period of time. We are just bystanders, we can only see, but not touch, so everyone needn't be nervous."

Master Yi observed around for a while, and then said to the students and staff who followed him.

However, as soon as Yi Shi finished saying this, he was slapped in the face...

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