
"Great, someone is finally here!"

Before the person arrives, the sound arrives first.

The cold voice chilled the hearts of those present.

"how come……"

The one-star prince became alert.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

Ke Ye's face was cold, he stepped forward two steps, drew out the Kunwu sword behind his back, without saying a word, he slashed out with one sword.

The power of the true god is so terrifying, a sword cuts out, the desert in front is divided into two, and the terrifying sword energy goes straight to the opponent.

"Ha ha…"

"It's really rude."

The man raised his eyes, waved his hand, and blasted the sword energy away.

The raging sword energy caused the sea of ​​sand to roar like a tsunami, attracting dust all over the sky.

"who are you?"

Ke also fixed his eyes and said coldly.

"Who am I? Don't you already know it from the slate?"

"If you like, you can call me..."

"Dark tapir!"

The white-haired boy raised his head, and the corners of his mouth curled up, revealing a wicked smile.

Behind him, the endless wind and sand dance wildly, like a terrifying evil god baring its teeth and claws, making people shudder. …

Chapter 317 Dark Doll—Nicole Rophia! ;Mouth rules!

"Dark tapir?"

"Are you a person in the shadow?"

Ke Ye's eyelids twitched, and he asked in a deep voice.

An Poliang raised his hand to cover half of his face, grinning and said, "Obvious things, it would be too boring to ask more questions!"

"Okay, save time, get out of the way, and I won't embarrass you!"

An Tapirang put down his hands, looked at Ke Ye and the others, and said calmly.

"Can't let it go!"

Before Ke Ye could speak, Lord One Star stepped forward and said with a serious face.


"I don't know you guys personally, so there shouldn't be any grudges."

"On the contrary, I am also very grateful to you for opening the seal. Let me go out now, and I will give you a lot of rewards."

There was a gloomy look in the dark eyes, and then he smiled nonchalantly.

"The breath on your body is too dark, full of violent and evil breath. I don't think it's a good decision to let you leave like this."

One Star King Jue has a firm attitude, obviously it is impossible to let An Liang leave.


Hearing this, An Baoliang immediately burst out laughing.

Ke also looked cold, "What are you laughing at?"

An Anliang spread his hands, his eyes seemed to be filled with blackness, "You are so interesting, just relying on the so-called breath, is it possible to conclude that I am a villain?"

"Trust me, I mean no harm to you."

"You should have seen the Pharaoh's Pyramid, do you know why it is upside down?"

"Because the evil party sealed me with a pyramid!"

"And I am Pharaoh! The supreme Pharaoh! The ruler of light and darkness!"

"In the phantom just now, you should have seen the guy confronting me. That guy is the incarnation of the evil god, and the other party sealed me with despicable means!"

"Now that the seal is lifted, what I want to do is to take revenge and suppress the evil god, so as not to cause disaster to the heavens!"

An Poliang looked furious, and hatred flashed in his eyes, and at the same time he looked at Ke Ye and the others sincerely, as if every word was true.

Ke also froze for a moment, with a hint of suspicion in his eyes.

There was even a strange look in the eyes of the one-star prince.

The only one who has no mood swings is Master Yi.

Yi Shi looked at An Tapirang, as if he was thinking about something.

After a moment of silence, Prince One Star shook his head slightly.

"I have no reason to believe what you say alone,"

"It's okay if you want to leave here, but you have to follow us. Otherwise, don't talk about it!"

Yixing Wangjue looked at Anliang, observing the expression of the other party.

After hearing the words of King Yixing, An Poliang's complexion also turned cold.

"Maybe you didn't figure out one thing. With your strength, you can't stop me! You are polite, just because you thank you for opening the seal. Don't be ignorant!"

A flash of blackness flashed in An Tapirang's long and narrow eyes. As he spoke, a breath that changed the color of the world stirred up the situation, making everyone present tremble.

"is it?"

"If you were in that phantom, we would not be opponents. But do you really have the strength to defeat us now?"

The one-star prince was not frightened.

He was still very calm, and he could see through the current state of An Poliang at a glance.

There is no entity, and you can't even detect the fluctuation of the soul, just like a dead thing.

In such a state, the one-star prince concluded that the opponent would definitely not be able to exert immortal power.

Since it is not immortal, why should he be afraid!

"Oh, it turned out to be a wisp of remnant soul! It really is a fox pretending to be a tiger!"

Ke also understood and couldn't help sneering.

"Remnant soul... maybe he is not even a remnant soul."

Lord One Star shook his head slightly, guessing in his heart that this dark tapir might be a corpse born from a corpse.

Corpse spirits are neither dead nor alive, not in the Yin-Yang and Five Elements, and it is normal to have no physical body and spirit fluctuations.

"Danny Liang, you'd better be aware of current affairs and come with us. We will let you go after we figure out some things!"

Ke Ye pointed at An Poliang with his sword, and warned in a cold voice.

Even though he said so, Ke Ye didn't really intend to let An Kaliang go.

Corpse spirits are generally not kind.

Even if that "Taliang" is not a great demon, the corpse spirit born from his corpse is not necessarily so.

Chaos does not distinguish, good and evil are unclear, and killing is free, these are the characteristics of corpse spirits.

Therefore, as the guardians of the main world of the eleventh district, Ke Ye and the others will never let the unstable factor of dark tapirang go away safely.

Hearing what Ke Ye and the others said, An Poliang also knew that it was impossible to rely on fooling around.

"Hey, what a hassle!"

An Tapirang showed a look of helplessness, but the darkness in his eyes became more and more terrifying.

"In that case, then there is only..."

"Come out, dark doll—Nicolephia!"

An Tapirang waved his hand, pre-empting the attack, since he can't make sense, then do it directly!

After a violent shout, a stone slab suddenly stood up on the ground in front of him.

On the slate, there is a blue demon with a bald head.

I saw black light on the stone slab, and the demon in the slate appeared out of thin air.

At the same time, the devil also showed its own attributes, "Attack 2200/Defense 2800".

The corners of Dark Tapirang's mouth curled up slightly, black light flashed across his eyes, and he directed the Dark Puppet to attack.

"Hey! Such a weak demigod can be wiped out with a single sword strike!"

Ke didn't bother, he waved the Kunwu sword in his hand, and a terrifying sword energy, like the Milky Way, slammed into the dark puppet.

However, An Tapirang didn't panic at all, and even showed a smile.

Seeing this scene, One Star King immediately sensed something was wrong.

However, Ke Ye's sword energy has covered the dark puppet.

The sword energy was so strong that it pierced through the body of the dark puppet in an instant.


With a crackling sound, the dark puppet was wiped out immediately.


Prince One Star loosened his frown slightly.

"It's a strange way of summoning, and the star card creature was summoned without relying on the original card slot."

Yi Shi's tone revealed a touch of surprise, and his eyes were full of novelty.

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