"Is your turn over?"

At this moment, Dark Tapirang suddenly spoke.


The familiar words reminded Lord One Star of the message brought back by Lord Seven Star Xuyan.

The dark duel initiated by the Fierce Hades seems to have the same words...


Ke also thought about it, he looked thoughtful, and then smiled coldly.

"Until you are taken down, the deity's round is not over!"

Ke also squinted his eyes slightly, he would not fight according to An Poliang's words.

When General Chiyue was fighting the Fierce Hades, the Seven Star King Jue Xuyan had been secretly observing and taking pictures, so he also knew some routines of the dark duel.

And the fighting method of this dark tapir is obviously not bad from that of the fierce Hades, so Ke also doesn't intend to be led by the nose by the other party.

"The power to crush everything! Emperor Dragon Mastiff, come out!"

Ke also obviously didn't want to give An Poliang another chance to talk nonsense, so he directly activated the original card slot and summoned the star card.


A dragon's howl resounded through the sea of ​​sand.

I saw a gigantic object gushing out from the sand, directly lifting Ke Ye up.

The golden hair is as gorgeous and majestic as a dragon's mane, and the huge figure is as huge as a mountain range, with a pair of extremely golden eyes. Although it looks like a mastiff, it has two black jade dragon horns on its head.

The Son of Heaven Dragon Mastiff is Ke Ye's strongest star card. It is said that it was shot by his grandfather and was specially found by Ke Ye.

This Tianzi Dragon Mastiff is not simple, the body has the blood of the real dragon and the blood of the god mastiff.

Needless to say, the real dragon, its powerful power is among the best in the heavens and all worlds.

And the divine mastiff is also extraordinary, it is said that it feeds on the stars, the sun and the moon, its size is so big that even a galaxy can hardly accommodate it, and its mouth is like a black hole whirlpool, which can devour and destroy everything.

The Son of Heaven Dragon Mastiff, which was born from the True Dragon and the Divine Mastiff, combined the advantages of the two terrifying creatures, possessing unimaginable power and potential.

It can also be seen from the side how much Ke Ye's grandfather loves him. After all, there are very few dragon mastiffs in the sky, and there are probably more than a hundred in the world.

Ke also stood on the head of Tianzilongmastiff, looking down at him who was dark, with a proud expression, and he didn't take him seriously at all.

"Dark Tapirang, I'll show you the strength of this deity's pet!"

However, Ke also obviously thought too simply.

In front of him, he is a good player who "forces the opponent to accept the end of the round".

Before Ke Ye ordered the Emperor Dragon Mastiff to attack, An Tapirang opened his mouth and said.

"It's my turn!"

Dark Tapirang raised the corner of his mouth, followed by a big wave of his hand, and a stone slab appeared again, with the pattern of dark dolls on it.

"Activate the effect of the dark puppet. After entering the graveyard, you can take control of the monster with the highest attack power on the opponent's field!"

"So, the Emperor Dragon Mastiff...is mine now!"

An Tapirang opened his hands wide, revealing an evil and arrogant smile.

And when he heard An Tapirang's words, Ke Ye immediately felt extremely ridiculous.

However, before he could speak.

From the stone slab, the soul body of the dark puppet floated out and directly entered the body of Tianzi Longmastiff.

The golden eyes of Tianzi Dragon Mastiff instantly turned black, and after making a sound of Dragon Mastiff, he threw Ke Ye out without hesitation, and quickly came to An Poliang's side.

With a smile on his face, Antaoliang flew to the top of Tianzilongmastiff.

"how can that be?"

"Emperor Dragon Mastiff, come back to me!"

Ke, who was thrown out, also stopped his body in the air, his face was gloomy, and he yelled at Tian Zi Long Mastiff.

However, Tian Zi Long Mastiff ignored him at all, and even stared at him coldly.

Seeing this, Ke Ye's heart suddenly sank.

"Don't waste your time."

"After the duel begins, everything must follow the rules of the duel. Since the effect of the dark puppet is effective, it cannot be broken."

"At least, it's not something you can break!"

Dark tapir Liangxie smiled like a devil, and his calm posture made Ke Ye's anger soar.

"you wanna die!"

Ke Ye was furious, and Kunwu sword pierced the sky, attracting sword energy from heaven and earth, killing An Poliang.

However, when these sword qi approached him, they directly passed through the darkness like phantoms.

Ke also froze, "This..."

An Guangliang spread his hands, "In a duel, only the monsters we summon can attack. You don't know this kind of common sense, it's ridiculous!"

Ke Ye's face darkened, and then he asked, "Then why was I able to attack that dark puppet earlier?"

An Tapirang grinned, "Because the duel is only starting now!"

Hearing this, Ke Ye's face suddenly turned ugly.

You said you didn't start without starting, do you really think he is a fool?

The opponent clearly wanted him to kill the dark puppet on purpose!

"When did we start the duel?"

At this moment, King One Star opened his mouth and asked his doubts.

"From the moment you stepped into this world! Under my feet, there are all duel venues!"

An Tapirang smiled, not caring at all that the other party noticed the loopholes in his words.

If it's time for a duel, then Ke shouldn't be able to attack the dark doll.

Obviously, the so-called duel rules, when they entered this world, have become something that the opponent can change as they wish.

"How despicable and shameless!"

Ke was also in a hurry, he didn't expect such an operation to happen.

Whose rules come here casually with a mustache? ! …………

Chapter 318 Great Evil God, Zoke! ; Dark ancestor worship? !

"It's a true god anyway, it's too ignorant to say despicable."

An Tapirang didn't care about Ke Ye's cursing at all, but laughed at Ke Ye's innocence.

"Emperor Dragon Mastiff, unleash the strongest strike, let your master see how powerful you are!"

Afterwards, An Tapirang directly issued an order to the Emperor Dragon Mastiff.


The eyes of the Tianzi Dragon Mastiff flashed black light, and amidst a roar of thunder, the two horns on the top of the head condensed a black light that tore the sky and the earth.

The black light penetrated Changhong, and the terrifying power swept all directions.

Vigorously and mightily, everything is annihilated.

"Get out of the way!"

Ke Ye knew the strength of the Dragon Mastiff the Son of Heaven best, so he didn't dare to resist.

However, black light filled the world, blocking all directions, and there was no place to hide.

"Don't move the Ming bell!"

At the very moment, Yi Shi flew out of the sky, waved his big hand, and a giant clock appeared in front of him.

There was only a muffled sound from the huge bell, forming an invisible barrier in front of Yi Shi and the others.

Boom boom boom!

The black light was blocked by the barrier and spread towards the barrier like a sea of ​​fire.

But the barrier seems infinite, no matter how the black light spreads, no loopholes can be found, and finally unwilling to dissipate.


An Tapirang frowned, then looked at Master Yi.

"You old man is interesting!"

"However, I'm not in the mood to waste time with you!"

Dark tapiron's face turned cold.

"Use the Dragon Mastiff of the Son of Heaven, together with thousands of undead souls, to awaken my remnant spirit..."

"Destroy the light and turn the darkness!"

"Great evil god, Zoc Nelofa, come out!"

An Tapirang put his hand on the head of the Tianzilongmastiff, terrifying power gushed out, and the Tianzilongmastiff shattered into pieces with a howl, and melted into the ground in a stream of light.

At the same time, under the desert, white bone hands stretched out, and like the Tianzi Dragon Mastiff, after being broken into pieces, they turned into streamers and merged into the same place.

"Emperor Dragon Mastiff!"

Seeing this scene, Ke Ye's eyes were tearing apart, and he quickly noticed the [Tianzi Dragon Mastiff] star card in his body, and he was relieved when he found that it was just unable to be used.

But when he looked up again, he found that Wang Jue Yixing and Master Yi beside him had solemn expressions.

"Ke Ye, protect the others."

Ke also nodded, and then gathered the staff and students brought by Master Yi together.

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