At most, it will affect his character...

Well, it seems that it doesn't matter how much it affects Yi Anjialiang's bad character.

All in all, the endless dark power is poison to other people, but to An Liang, it is the best food!

"My lord, Pleasant Goat and the others have come out of the famine."

When Jiang Qiyu's thoughts were flying wildly, Xiaoqing walked in and spoke to Jiang Qiyu.

Jiang Qiyu came back to her senses, and was not surprised to hear this.

Shenhuang has been integrated into the Three Thousand Star Field, and when someone enters, someone will leave.

These days, many people in Shenhuang have walked out of Shenhuang.

Even in a short period of time, some people left quite a reputation in the Three Thousand Star Field.

The five little sheep are not idle sheep, and Jiang Qiyu expected them to walk out of the wilderness.

"My lord, there have been rumors about Yin Huiyou's death at the hands of Pleasant Goat recently. If Pleasant Goat and the others go out at this juncture, they may be ambushed by An Dongyin's family."

Xiaoqing's beautiful eyes twinkled slightly, and her cold voice came to Jiang Qiyu's ears.

Jiang Qiyu calmly tapped the armrest of the seat with her fingers, neither surprised nor happy, very calm.


"There are many forces in Shenhuang, and if you want to stand firm, you always need a chance to stand up."

"I have given each faction the greatest background, and I believe they can handle other things well."

"Okay, you can just pay attention to Shenhuangnei at any time, and don't worry about other things."

After speaking, Jiang Qiyu waved his hand.

Xiaoqing lowered her body slightly, then backed out.

Jiang Qiyu closed her eyes, feeling very comfortable.


Rhythmic percussion sounds like an unknown piece of music.

"An Dongyin's family, Tianmo Temple..."

"I gave you a chance, don't miss it!"

Jiang Qiyu murmured, the corners of her mouth curled up involuntarily, and there was a hint of expectation in her voice.

He likes to do things the most, and he also likes others to do things.

Because he is a chess player.

Everything, but the current situation.

In such a situation, he just sits and watches the situation and doesn't think it's a big deal~~


Chapter 320 The five lambs go out; !

Yannan domain.

It is located in the south of the Cangyuan Domain, separated from the Cangyuan Domain by only a piece of sea.

Although its domain is not as vast as the Cangyuan domain, it is still a large domain, and there is a quasi-superior force named Guiyan Jianzhong.

Although it is a quasi-superior force, in terms of its strength, Guiyan Sword Tomb is stronger than Zhongmiao Court of Zhongmiao Immortal Venerables.

It can only be said that although the frog at the bottom of the well and the dragon in the mire are both animals lying on the ground, their size and strength are not the same.

"Pleasant Goat, why are we here?"

In the coastal area of ​​Yannan Region, the five little sheep landed.

Lazy Yangyang held a bag of potato chips and asked Pleasant Goat beside him while eating.

Pleasant Goat's eyes are bright, and he took out a piece of emerald green scale.

"Return the Emerald Dragon Scale!"

"I borrowed this thing from Big Big Wolf. After comprehending the meaning of it with the help of the emerald dragon scale, I planned to return it to Big Big Wolf. But Big Big Wolf didn't want it, only saying that it was useless to him."

"After returning to Yangcun, I suddenly felt a pulling force from the emerald dragon scale. I think it was the breath from the real master of the opponent, which made the emerald dragon scale aware."

"And the aura of the emerald dragon scale is pointing to Yannanyu, and everyone wants to come out to play, so I thought of going directly to Yannanyu."

Hearing this, Lazy Yangyang and the other three lambs nodded.

Returning things to their original owners is a good virtue of their Yangcun.

Therefore, it is normal for Pleasant Goat to do this.

"Oh, it's a pity that Miss Xiaoqing won't come."

Lan Yangyang shook his head, showing a hint of regret.

Pleasant Goat laughed, "Do you think Miss Xiaoqing is like you, except she eats and sleeps?"

"Sister Xiaoqing is aiming at the real Xingtian Armor, so naturally she must seize every minute."

"There is a big city ahead, and the guidance of the emerald dragon scale is also pointing there. I think the owner of the emerald dragon scale is probably in that city, so let's go!!"

Pleasant Goat raised his head, looked at the looming city in front of his eyes, and then put away the emerald dragon scales.

The five little goats were blown by the wind, and soon they came to a city.

"This place doesn't seem to be any different from ours!"

Walking into the city, Boiling Yangyang looked at the scene on both sides of the street, scratched his head, and said.

Suddenly, Lazy Goat beside him seemed to see something, and ran out without waiting for Pleasant Goat and the others to react.

"This guy…"

Pleasant Yangyang and others looked at it, only to find that Lazy Yangyang ran to a biscuit stand and bought ten biscuits directly.

Boiling Yangyang rubbed his forehead, feeling a little helpless.

"Lazy sheep is still as gluttonous as ever."

Nuan Yangyang smiled, but there was no surprise.

At this time, Lazy Goat came over and gave Pleasant Goat and the others a biscuit, and he took six biscuits and ate them.

"Eat six at a time, it will kill you!"

Boiling Yangyang looked at the six-faced pancake in Lanyangyang's hand, grinned, and joked.

"With the guts of a lazy sheep, let alone six pancakes, it would be sixty pancakes, which is just the size of a tooth-making sacrifice."

Pleasant Goat laughed, knowing the belly of Lazy Goat very well.

Hearing this, the other sheep all laughed.

Lazy Yangyang didn't care, and even smiled smugly.

It is a blessing to be able to eat!

He, Lazy Yangyang, is a man of great fortune!

"By the way, Pleasant Goat, have you found the owner of the Emerald Dragon Scale?"

Boiling Yangyang asked curiously about Pleasant Goat after two or three mouthfuls of sesame seed cakes.

Pleasant Goat said, "It should be in this city, take your time! Although we are looking for someone, we still have to be careful of An Dongyin's family."

Obviously, Pleasant Goat also knew that if they came out now, they would be targeted by An Dongyin's family.

However, none of them are shy people.

It is impossible to hide in the gods all the time because of the convenience of the other party. If this is the case, most of their cultivation bases will be useless.

"Speaking of this, I will be angry!"

Boiling Yangyang showed anger on his face, "That Yin Huiyou Mingming has already escaped from Pleasant Goat, and you didn't go after him."

"But after that guy died, rumors spread everywhere that you killed that guy! It's ridiculous!"

"Framing and framing, such an obvious thing, can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye, but An Dongyin's family has declared that they will make you pay in blood."

"I think they are aliens with genetic mutations. Apart from mutations, they are ugly! Anyway, they have no brains!"

Pleasant Goat listened to Boiling Yangyang's words, shook his head slightly and smiled, "There are indeed many strange things about this matter, but An Dongyin's family didn't intend to investigate it carefully. It seems that the people who really attacked and killed Yin Huiyou were An Dongyin's family." People who can't afford to offend."

"And I, no matter what, have become the punching bag of An Dongyin's family. Even if it's for the sake of face, they can't let me go."

Having said that, Pleasant Goat is not nervous or afraid at all.

After all, if he was afraid, he would not have come out with Boiling Yangyang and the others.

"Hmph, if they dare to come! See if I smash them with one punch!"

Boiling Yangyang snorted coldly, the cold light in his eyes was sharp.

"Lazy sheep, what are you doing?"

As soon as Boiling Yangyang finished speaking, he saw Lazy Yangyang sniffing around with his eyes closed.

Lazy Yangyang opened his eyes, but the corners of his mouth were already drooling.

His eyes lit up, and he said, "It's delicious! And it's delicious!"

After finishing speaking, Lazy Goat pulled Pleasant Goat and ran forward.

Seeing this scene, Boiling Yangyang, Nuan Yangyang and Mei Yangyang hurriedly followed.

Wu Xiaoyang turned left and right on the street, and arrived in front of Yidong Gumu Accord a few minutes later.

On the attic, there are three vigorous and powerful characters on the plaque.

Xian Wanglou!

"That's it!"

"It smells so good~~"

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