Lazy Goat let go of Pleasant Goat, blinked his eyes, and immediately walked into Xianwanglou.

After Pleasant Goat and the others entered, they found that the Xianwang Building was extremely lively, almost overcrowded, and extremely lively.

And these people are all looking at one place.

It was a wooden platform, and on the wooden platform, there were six people standing tall, with various kitchen utensils in front of them.

"Is this cooking?"

When Pleasant Goat saw this scene, he couldn't help being taken aback.

"It smells so good! It smells so good!"

Lazy sheep leaned closer to the wooden platform, watching the delicacies that the six chefs were cooking, and their saliva hung three thousand feet directly.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

Boiling Yangyang, who was acquainted with himself, found someone at random and asked.

The man smiled, as if he was laughing and didn't even know this.

However, fortunately, this person is not an arrogant and domineering person. After a laugh, he opened his mouth to explain to Boiling Yangyang.

"This is the Immortal Food Contest held every three years in Xianwanglou."

"If you see the six people on the stage, they are Gods of Cookery who have been selected through layers of selection. The delicacies made by each of them are hard to find."

"When our geese return to the city, they are the ones who can make the geese return to the city by stomping their feet."

"You are not one of us who go back to the city, are you? It is also a coincidence that you are catching up today. After they have finished the food, the judges on the Internet will taste it first, and then they will taste it for the people present. Catch up with the Food Immortal Contest, how can you?" Big bucks!"

The more the man spoke, the more excited he became, and he swallowed, almost showing an expression of hunger and thirst.

After Boiling Yangyang thanked him, he walked back and told Pleasant Goat and the others the information he had inquired about.

"Food Immortal Contest?"

"Lazy sheep, this is your home game!"

Pleasant Goat frowned, reached out to embrace Lazy Goat, and said with a smile.

Lazy Yangyang wiped her saliva, "Forget it, I'll just eat it."

Then, Lan Yangyang looked at a high platform, where there were three people sitting there, who were the so-called judges.

Among the three judges, one is a rich and handsome middle-aged man with a big belly, the other is an old man with a childlike face and white hair, and the last one is a very stern-looking woman in Tsing Yi.

Lazy Yangyang moved his eyes, and then he took short legs and ran towards the woman in Tsing Yi.

Pleasant Goat and the others were watching the cooking on the stage, so they didn't notice.

Coupled with the constant sound coming from beside them, the Pleasant Goat and the others didn't pay attention to Lazy Goat's movements at all.

"Who do you think can become this year's Food Fairy?"

"Sun Buwei, he is a young genius of the Sun family. The Sun family has always been famous for its food. Eight generations of ancestors have been spiritual cooks. This Sun Buwei was trained by the Sun family since he was a child. "

"I don't think so. After all, Sun Buwei is just a junior. With senior Mo Shan around, he can take second place at most."

"I think that kid is pretty good. The fried rice with eggs that I made before permeates the entire Xianwanglou, and it's even glowing."

"Him? What's his name, Xiao Fugui?"

"This kid doesn't know where the spiritual chef came from. He has never heard of it, but the spiritual food he made in the past is extraordinary."

"That's right, I can't help but drool when I think about the glowing egg fried rice from before!"

All the people present watched the people on the stage cooking, and chatted with each other while looking back and forth.

And Pleasant Goat couldn't help blinking his eyes after hearing the discussion of the crowd, and then turned his eyes directly to a person on the stage.

This person is dressed in white kitchen clothes, with a faint smile on his face, his eyes are as bright as stars, but his face reveals a little immaturity, revealing the young age of the other party.

Moreover, this person's hair is a little weird, the hair is wrapped around the back, and a braid hangs down to the waist, but there is no hair on the forehead, revealing a round and full forehead.

And this person is exactly the little Fugui who everyone is talking about! ……………

Chapter 321 The Lazy Sheep Who Sells 'Hue';

Pleasant Goat noticed Xiao Fugui, not because of his weird appearance, but because of the emerald dragon scales in the bag that reacted to him.

"Could it be that he is the real owner of the emerald dragon scale?"

There was a hint of thought in Pleasant Goat's eyes, but he didn't act rashly.

At least, he will have the chance to get in touch with Xiao Fugui only after the Food Immortal Contest is over.

ding ding dong!

At this time, the bell for timing on the stage rang.

"It's time, please stop the six chefs and prepare to serve!"

The shopkeeper Xianwanglou walked out and spoke with a smile.

The six chefs on the stage were also very cooperative, nodding in unison, and then ordered the dishes to be served.

At this time, the judges on the high platform also smiled, looking forward to it.

But at this time, the Pleasant Goats in the audience suddenly noticed something and were stunned.

Following their line of sight, Lazy Sheep unexpectedly appeared on the high platform at some point, and sat on the lap of the woman in Tsing Yi, her eyes shining brightly, waiting for the food to be served.

"Why is Lazy Sheep there?"

Boiling sheep with her hips on her hips, with a dazed look on her face.

Pleasant Goat had a strange expression on his face, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he immediately thought of the reason.

Obviously, the woman in Tsing Yi was defeated by Lan Yangyang!

Defeated by the cute appearance of Lazy Sheep!

Because this Yanhui City is a human city, Pleasant Goat and the others all disguised themselves and turned into human forms.

In addition, they are not demons themselves, so no one will see it.

As for the appearance of Lazy Yangyang in human form, the main character is a fat little gentleman.

With a cute appearance and watery eyes, she is simply a female killer.

"Lazy sheep, you really can sell your appearance just to eat!"

Pleasant Goat covered her face, completely ashamed to look at it.

On the other hand, Lazy Goat doesn't know what Pleasant Goat is complaining about.

He looked at the six dishes brought to the table, and his saliva was about to dance.

"Little lazy, don't worry."

The woman in Tsing Yi touched Lazy Yangyang's head with her green hand, and said softly.

In front of Lan Yangyang, there is nothing left of her stern look.

The other two judges also noticed the lazy sheep in the arms of the woman in Tsing Yi, and the complexion of the rich middle-aged man couldn't help but change.

"Girl in light clothes, this is..."

The old man stroked his beard and asked Chi Chi.

Mu Qingyi glanced at the old man, and a stern look appeared on his face again.

"Old Yan, you and I don't seem to know each other well."

The cold voice made Mr. Yan embarrassed for a while, but he could only smile awkwardly, turn around and stop talking.

At this time, Mu Qingyi noticed the rich middle-aged man who had been staring at her, and his eyes could not help but be cold.

"Patriarch Sun, do you know what it means to see no evil?"

Hearing this, the rich middle-aged man froze for a moment, then smiled and said, "It's Sun Menglang, but I'm also very curious about who the child in the arms of the girl in Qingyi is."

Hearing this, Mu Qingyi stared coldly.

"What's with you?"

In just four words, patriarch Sun's mouth was blocked.

The corners of his eyes twitched slightly, but in the end he didn't show any anger, he just turned around and remained silent with a sullen face.

There was a hint of disdain in Mu Qingyi's eyes, and when he looked at Lan Yangyang again, he showed a gentle smile.

Lazy Yangyang also saw that something was wrong, but he was only here for dinner, and it was not easy for him to ask about other people's affairs.

At this time, the shopkeeper of Xianwanglou came over and asked the six chefs to introduce their Lingzhen one by one.

First of all, there is Mo Shan, who has the oldest qualifications.

Mo Shan looked senile, but his eyes were extremely bright, and his spirit was extraordinary.

He didn't dawdle, and directly lifted the lid in front of him.

In an instant, there was a scent of fragrance, which shocked the minds of the three judges and Lan Yangyang.


This dish is called "Mountain and Sea Rare Treasures". It is made from the meat of snow jade deer, together with precious ingredients such as millennium sesame and dizang flowers. "

Mo Shan was very confident in his Lingzhen. After opening the lid, he flicked his palm lightly, causing the fragrance to permeate the entire building of Xianwanglou.

When the aroma is inhaled in the nose, there is a feeling of joy.

As soon as "Mountain and Sea Treasures" came out, several spirit chefs sighed, as if they already knew the result.

However, there are two people who are still very confident, and their faces have not changed at all.

One is Sun Buwei, whom everyone is optimistic about. He glanced at Mo Shan's treasures of mountains and seas, and the corner of his mouth curled up, as if he didn't pay attention to the treasures of the other party.

The other one is the sudden emergence of Xiao Fugui.

At this time, the three judges have already begun to taste the rare treasures of mountains and seas.

After one bite, it was like being in a mountain spring and waterfall, and the natural breath was like a breeze, making their bodies and souls happy.

"it is good!"

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