Old Yan opened his eyes, shouted loudly, nodded again and again, his eyes were full of amazement.

"Old Mo is worthy of being a chef with the reputation of a food fairy. The taste of this "Mountain and Sea Rare" is incomparably delicious, as if you are in the mountains and seas, making you linger and forget to return. It is really wonderful!"

Then, the head of the Sun family also nodded, and praised without hesitation.

Hearing this, Mo Shan couldn't help smiling.

"Patriarch Sun praised you, compared to you, I am still not as good as an old man!"

Patriarch Sun shook his head slightly, acting very modest.

However, the arrogance in his eyes made it appear that the modesty was not true.

Mo Shan's mountain and sea rare treasures are indeed extraordinary. After the previous Immortal Food Competition, his Lingzhen has made great progress this time.

But compared with the Lingzhen made by myself, there is still a gap.

Mo Shan lost to him in the last Immortal Food Contest.

And this time...

Patriarch Sun turned his head to look at Sun Buwei, and when he saw the other party's calm expression, he suddenly felt confident.

"Judges, please score!"

The shopkeeper Xianwanglou opened his mouth and smiled at the three patriarchs, Sun.

Patriarch Sun thought for a while and gave a score of 9.

And Yan Lao gave an 8 points after glancing at patriarch Sun vaguely.

Seeing this, Mo Shan seemed to have a little less smile on his face, but he didn't show it.

"Girl in Qingyi, please rate me."

The shopkeeper of Xianwanglou looked at Mu Qingyi, bowed slightly, and reminded Mu Qingyi very politely.

Mu Qingyi nodded, and when he was about to score, he thought of the lazy sheep in his arms, and couldn't help thinking.

"Lazy sheep, how much do you think is appropriate?"

Everyone was taken aback, they didn't expect the other party to ask a child.

However, children are often innocent, and their opinions may be more reflective of public opinions.

In addition, Mu Qingyi's status was special, so the shopkeeper of Xianwanglou didn't stop him.

Lazy Yangyang raised his head in confusion, wiped the food residue from the corner of his mouth, scratched his head again, and showed a serious expression again, as if he was thinking deeply.

Looking at Lan Yangyang's expression, Mu Qingyi's heart was full of joy, his eyes lighted up slightly, and he just felt that this place is cute, which is not what it should be in the world.

Just when she was about to reach out and touch the ice cream-like fluffy hair on Lan Yangyang's head, Lan Yangyang spoke.

He looked at the mountain and sea rare treasures on the table with a serious expression, "The soup is delicious and delicate, and it seems to make people travel between mountains and seas. But it's a pity that they pay too much attention to the ingredients, but they don't have a perfect grasp of the heat, and the taste is a little bit It is thin, and the meat of Xueyu deer is loose, which shows that it is overcooked. Taken together, it can be top grade."

"Therefore, I think it should be given 8 points!"

After finishing speaking, Lazy Yangyang looked at Mu Qingyi, "Sister Qingyi, I'm done."

"oh oh…"

Hearing Lazy Sheep's eloquent evaluation, Mu Qingyi couldn't help being a little dazed.

She leaned on Lan Yangyang, her eyes were strange, she never expected that Lan Yangyang could give such a professional evaluation.

"I think what you said, Lanyangyang, is right. I will give it 8 points."

Then, Mu Qingyi raised his head and said to the shopkeeper Xianwanglou.

Shopkeeper Xianwanglou looked at Lan Yangyang in surprise, then nodded and smiled.

"Old Mo scored a total of 25 points."

Afterwards, the treasurer of Xianwanglou announced Mo Shan's score.

Mo Shan frowned, and looked at Lan Yangyang, with a trace of displeasure in his eyes.

But when he saw Mu Qingyi, he could only hold back.

Obviously, he was very dissatisfied with Lan Yangyang's evaluation.

At the same time, he was also very dissatisfied with Mu Qingyi's obedience to Lan Yangyang's words and giving points.

But Mu Qingyi's background is mysterious, and he is still the VIP of the Sun family, so he is not something he can offend.

"Hey, Lazy Sheep's occupational disease has come out!"

Below, Lazy Goat and Boiling Goat grinned and said to Pleasant Goat and the others while watching the comments.

"Lazy Yangyang always wanted to be a gourmet connoisseur, and now he has realized it."

Pleasant Goat smiled slightly, looking at Lazy Goat's eyes, revealing a trace of relief.


Chapter 322 Grass cake is not delicious yet! ; Roast chicken?Phoenix? !

At this time, Lan Yangyang and others tasted the three soul treasures one after another.

Although the spirit treasures made by other people are not bad, they are still not as good as Mo Shan's "Mountain and Sea Treasures". The highest score given by the judges is only 8 points, and there are even 7 points.

As usual, Mu Qingyi asked Lazy Yangyang to give her opinions before grading.

Lan Yangyang also lived up to Mu Qingyi's expectations, and Mu Qingyi was very convinced by the soundness of his comments, and gave the same score as Lan Yangyang without hesitation.

At this time, only Sun Buwei and Xiao Fugui's treasures have not been tasted.

"Grandson grandson."

The shopkeeper of Xianwanglou looked at Sun Buwei.

Sun Buwei nodded, and then lifted the cover in front of him.


Suddenly, a bird chirped.

The moment Sun couldn't help lifting the cover, a ray of sunlight bloomed from the plate in front of him.

Mu Qingyi's eyes moved slightly.

When the rays of the sun dissipated, the plate appeared like a green field.

The root ingredients stand like trees, exuding a primitive atmosphere.

At the same time, in the middle of the plate, there was a green bird spreading its wings, exuding bursts of fragrance, which made people salivate.

"My Lingzhen is named "Qingyihuakai"!"

The corner of Sun Buwei's mouth raised slightly, and then a wave of spiritual power poured into it.

In an instant, another bird chirped.

Immediately afterwards, the lush and green food ingredients spread their wings like elves, and delicate flowers bloomed, and the fragrance of Lingzhen permeated, attracting butterflies to coil around.

"Please taste."

Sun Buwei smiled complacently, and then looked at Mu Qingyi courteously.

Mu Qingyi met the other party's fiery gaze, frowned slightly, and a look of disgust flashed in his eyes.

At this time, Patriarch Sun and Elder Yan had already tasted the "blossom of green meaning" and praised it one after another.

Patriarch Sun looked at Sun Buwei, nodded with great satisfaction, and after a compliment, he directly gave ten points.

On the other side, Elder Yan also praised again and again, and finally gave it ten points.

When the two tenths come out, there is a burst of exclamation from the next party, and at the same time they think that the victory has been divided.

Mu Qingyi also tasted it.

To be honest, although she really hates Sun Buwei, a guy who likes to be courteous and feels good about himself, but this "green flower blooming" is indeed top-notch among Lingzhen.

But looking at the ten points given by Patriarch Sun and Elder Yan, she couldn't help but frown.

Although it is top grade, but she has eaten a lot of Lingzhen, she insisted on giving points, and 9 points is the limit, but Sun Patriarch and Yan Lao both gave Sun Buwei [-] points, directly making the result a certainty.

However, Mu Qingyi was not surprised.

Needless to say, the head of the Sun family, originally named Sun He, the head of the Sun family, is also Sun Buwei's father, and it is normal to give Sun Buwei a high score.

And that old Yan, it is said that he has been a judge of many food immortal competitions and is very prestigious in Yanhui City.

However, although Mu Qingyi came back to Yanyan not long ago, he still knew that Elder Yan and Sun He had a good relationship, and it could even be said that he was secretly attached to Sun He, and that Sun He was his leader.

In Mu Qingyi's view, it was unfair to let Sun He and Yan Lao be the judges.

In particular, there is Sun He's son among the contestants, so don't get too tricky about it.

But Mu Qingyi is not an ignorant person. Although she hates Sun Buwei, she can't give him a low score...

Mu Qingyi lowered his head, and his eyes lit up after noticing the slightly frowning lazy sheep.

"Little lazy, how much do you think the score should be?"

Seeing Mu Qingyi asking Lan Yangyang again, Sun Buwei's face changed slightly.

He looked at Lan Yangyang with a trace of jealousy in his eyes.

However, he didn't panic, he was very confident in his Lingzhen, he didn't believe that this little thing dared to give him a low score!

Lazy Yangyang squeezed her chin with her small hands, frowning in thought, causing Mu Qingyi to reach out and pinch the other's chubby face.

After being pinched like this, Lazy Yangyang finally regained consciousness.

With a calm face, he said, "For this dish, I give... 7 points!"


As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

Sun Buwei even thought he heard it wrong, and his eyes gradually darkened when he looked at Lan Yangyang.

"Boy, points... that's not how you fight!"

The corners of Sun Buwei's eyes twitched slightly, and his tone was a little cold.

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