Mu Qingyi was also taken aback.

But as if thinking of something, he couldn't help but smiled, and said to Lanyangyang, "Little lazy, you don't have to think about your sister, just grade it fairly."

Mu Qingyi thought that Lazy Yangyang saw that he hated Sun Buwei, so he deliberately suppressed points.

But Lan Yangyang was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.


Mu Qingyi was stunned.

Lazy Yangyang said seriously, "Although this dish looks good, it is flashy. This is a food fairy competition, not a sample exhibition!"

"Look at his food, there's only a little food that can be eaten. You can't even eat the green vegetables that are blooming. The flowers are good to see but not delicious. This is to say that this little bird looks gaudy and doesn't sing well. It sounds good, just like a crow. Although the soup base tastes good, it's just average, not as good as my grass cake."

The more Lazy Yangyang talked, the more disgusted she became, and then she took out two pieces of grass cake and handed one to Mu Qingyi.

Mu Qingyi put the lazy sheep and sheep's watery big eyes on top, couldn't hold back, and immediately took a bite of the cake.

As soon as he put it into his mouth, Mu Qingyi's eyes lit up.

It seems... Indeed, Sun Buwei's Lingzhen is delicious!

Then, Lan Yangyang broke the cake in his hand a little bit to Sun He and Yan Lao.

The two held the cake, frowning slightly.


"Aren't you deliberately finding fault, kid? My Lingzhen is extremely precious. The essence is in quality, not in quantity. It's so delicious. What kind of thing is your so-called grass cake? It should be compared with my Lingzhen ?”

After Lan Yangyang's words, Sun Buwei was already furious, flicked his sleeves, and yelled at Lan Yangyang.

"Sun Buwei, you should be more polite!"

Mu Qingyi's face was cold, and his eyes were so cold that it made Sun Buwei's heart tremble.

His face was livid, and he said gloomyly, "Girl in Qingyi, you can't listen to the nonsense of a child, can you?"

Mu Qingyi said lightly, "Nonsense? I think what he said is quite right, 7 points, no need to say more."

Hearing this, Sun Buwei's face completely darkened.

However, he was not alarmed.

Even with only 7 points, plus the points given by his father and Mr. Yan, he is still number one!

The Food Immortal this time is none other than him!

"Treasurer, announce the result!"

After reading this, Sun Buwei regained a smile on his face, proudly raised his head, and said to the shopkeeper of Xianwanglou.

The shopkeeper frowned slightly, showing dissatisfaction with Sun Buwei's behavior.

Although the Sun family is strong, but as the treasurer of Xianwanglou, even if Sun He speaks, he is treated with courtesy.

And with Sun Buwei's attitude, he completely regarded him as a servant of his own family, and his arrogance and domineering spirit were fully revealed.

Crazy people must perish!

The shopkeeper of Xianwanglou shook his head slightly, Sun Buwei had a bad reputation in Yanhui City.

He has always looked down on this man, he has no other skills except cooking two dishes.

It's fine in normal times, the Sun family dominates the Yanhui city, no matter how crazy Sun Buwei is, it doesn't matter.

But now that the wild goose has come back to the city, a Mu Qingyi, Sun Buwei is likely to pay the price for his madness...

The shopkeeper of Xianwanglou has a vicious vision, he has already seen that Sun Buwei has bad intentions for Mu Qingyi.

With Sun Buwei's style of doing things, it will only be a matter of time to anger the other party...

"Wait and see!"

The shopkeeper of Xianwanglou sneered in his heart, but looked at Sun Buwei without changing his face.

"Don't panic, Mr. Sun, there is still a Lingzhen who is a chef and has not been rated yet."

Hearing this, Sun Buwei remembered that there was another person beside him.

He turned his head to look, only to find that the other party's eyes were closed, as if resting his mind.

Sun Buwei frowned, showing displeasure.

"This guy closes his eyes and rests his mind. He looks calm and calm. Does he still think that his Lingzhen can beat me?"

Sun Buwei narrowed his eyes slightly, and glanced at the Lingzhen placed in front of the other party.

"My son, it's your turn."

The shopkeeper Xianwanglou also looked at the other party, smiled slightly, and reminded him kindly.

"it is good!"

Xiao Fugui opened his eyes, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

With a relaxed expression, it seems that he has not been affected by Sun Buwei's Lingzhen.


Sun Buwei sneered in his heart, disdainful of Xiao Fugui's appearance.

Xiao Fugui didn't look sideways, as if Sun Buwei didn't exist.

He didn't have any ink stains, so he lifted the lid directly to reveal the Lingzhen in the plate.

On the plate was a slightly burnt chicken.


"The pheasant on the plate, can this also be called Lingzhen?"

Sun Buwei laughed immediately, looking at the rustic crispy chicken on the plate, he showed contempt for Xiao Fugui.

Even shopkeeper Xian Wang Lou and others were stunned.

"What's going on here? Didn't this little Fugui perform very well before, why did he only make a roast chicken after making it to the finals?"

"I don't know, and... Sucking~, it seems that there is no smell coming out."

"Hey, I think this guy just has a swollen face to make himself fat, and he can't do anything except fried rice with eggs."

The audience below also saw Xiao Fugui's Lingzhen, and there was a lot of discussion, and there were not a few who sneered.

"Don't worry, my dishes are not finished yet."

As for the ridicule around him, Xiao Fugui just smiled back and explained.

"Not finished?"

Mu Qingyi showed a bit of surprise, looking at the calm and calm Xiao Fugui, he couldn't help but feel a little interest in his heart.

"It smells so good...inside..."

Suddenly, Lan Yangyang moved his nose, as if smelling something, both eyes lit up.


Xiao Fugui showed a look of surprise.

Lazy Yangyang looked up at Xiao Fugui, and hurriedly said, "Brother, you are not simple!"

Xiao Fugui was even more surprised, then smiled slightly, then walked to the competition stage, and brought out a bowl of soup from his own pot.

Under everyone's suspicious eyes, Xiao Fugui came back and poured the soup directly on the roast chicken.

The sound of the phoenix is ​​heard, and the golden light is bright.

In an instant, the roast chicken bloomed with dazzling and bright golden light.

Immediately afterwards, the skin of the roast chicken was loosened inch by inch, like a butterfly breaking out of a cocoon, and a golden-winged phoenix emerged from it.

The wings waved, causing the golden light to dance.

The intoxicating fragrance filled the air, and everyone heard another dragon chant.

I saw the golden phoenix spreading its wings, and a golden dragon hovering up.

The sound of the phoenix and the dragon dance are shocking.


At this moment, everyone's eyes widened, watching this scene in shock.

They never thought that a dish could attract such a vision, let alone that Lingzhen could do this!

"Impossible... This is impossible!"

Sun Buwei's expression was dull.


Chapter 323 "Dragon and Phoenix Bring Prosperity", Xiao Fugui's purpose; the five little sheep who followed

Sun Buwei's face was gloomy, and the corners of his eyes kept twitching.

The scene of the phoenix singing and the dragon dancing in front of him broke his mentality directly.

Seeing the height at a glance, in comparison, his Lingzhen is a pheasant, there is no comparison at all.

As for the taste, although he is arrogant and domineering, he is born with extraordinary spiritual sense, and he can know what Lingzhen's taste is through smelling it.

And the moment the roast chicken turned into a phoenix, an extreme fragrance rushed into his nostrils.

The fragrance was even more delicious than the legendary dragon liver and phoenix gall, it was a peerless smell that he had never smelled before.

Not only Sun Buwei was like this, but Sun He was also not much better.

As a top spiritual chef, Sun He couldn't believe that such an incomparable and impeccable spiritual treasure would come from the hands of a young boy.

"Sure enough! I really didn't ask the wrong question!"

Lazy Yangyang's eyes were shining, and he was drooling, so he picked up the chopsticks and tasted Xiao Fugui's Lingzhen.

After tasting, Lanyangyang was even more out of control. He quickly filled a bowl and started to eat it.

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