And the three of Mu Qingyi didn't hold back, and tasted it one after another.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Fugui showed a smile.

"This dish is called "Longfeng Chengxiang", are the judges satisfied?"

“Satisfied satisfied!”

It was Old Yan who spoke. At this time, he had already forgotten Sun He's explanation, and he only cared about eating, and ignored other things.

Even Sun He couldn't stop, tears streaming down his cheeks, and he sighed in his heart, "It's a terrible loss."

He knew that with Xiao Fugui's "dragon and phoenix bringing prosperity", his son Sun Buwei would never become a food fairy.

After a while,

Mu Qingyi put down the bowl and chopsticks with a blushing face.

"Why do I look so indecent..."

However, after seeing Yan Lao and Sun He who were fighting for food like old pigs, she immediately felt relieved.

Compared with them, I am still very elegant.

"However, Longfeng Chengxiang... If this group of guys know this name, this guy will probably be in trouble."

Mu Qingyi raised his eyes, looked at Xiao Fugui with a faint smile on his face, and couldn't help thinking.

"Cough cough!"

"Judges, I think it should be obvious who is number one."

At this time, the shopkeeper Xianwanglou opened his mouth, and as he spoke, he did not forget to wipe the corner of his mouth with a little bit of soup with his hand.

"Of course!"

Mu Qingyi smiled and directly gave ten points.

Seeing this scene, Sun Buwei's face turned blue.

He turned his eyes to his father for help.

Sun He raised his head, suddenly feeling troubled.

He glanced at his bare bowl, and the corner of his eye twitched.

I eat so cleanly, if I get a low score, my food looks really ugly...


"It doesn't matter the name of Food Immortal, but the Sacred Artifact must not fall into the hands of this kid!"

There was a trace of coldness in Sun He's eyes.

In addition to the name of the Immortal Food, the most important thing in the Immortal Food Contest is the "equipment" of the immortal.

This thing will only be held in the hands of the food fairy, and it is a very special artifact.

The Ghou Artifact has two abilities, one is to make Lingzhen more delicious; the other is to refine it!

This refining ability can not only refine spirit treasures and extract 100% of the energy contained in spirit treasures, but also refine spirit objects, allowing the holder to absorb 100% of the energy of spirit objects.

Using the ghoul artifact to cultivate, one month can be equivalent to several years of penance.

Sun He used the Ghoul Artifact before, so he didn't want to let it go!

He thought that with Sun Buwei's ability, it would be more than enough to win the title of Food Immortal, so he didn't participate, wanting to give his son a chance to become famous.

However, he didn't expect that Wu Song would come out halfway, and a tiger would come to snatch food from him, crushing Sun Buwei to death.

It doesn't matter the name of Ke Shixian, but he is absolutely unwilling to let go of the artifact.

Moreover, his family's ancestor is reaching a critical period, and the artifact cannot be lost...

Thinking of this, countless thoughts flooded into Sun He's mind.

"Hahaha! A hero is born in a young age, and the auspiciousness of the dragon and the phoenix is ​​unforgettable, which is very special!"

Sun He raised his head, the coldness in his eyes disappeared, he looked at Xiao Fugui and laughed, and said in admiration at the same time.

Xiao Fugui scratched his nose with his fingers, and smiled slightly, "Patriarch Sun praised it absurdly."


Sun Buwei's face changed when he heard Sun He's words, and he wanted to speak, but was frightened back by Sun He's look, and he didn't dare to speak again.

Seeing that Sun He gave ten points, Old Yan naturally gave ten points honestly.

With this, the Contest of Food Immortals came to an end.

But Xiao Fugui, the dark horse, unexpectedly became the youngest food fairy in Yanhui City.

"Brother, congratulations!"

"By the way, my name is Lazy Yangyang. Little brother, your cooking is so delicious, do you want to be my royal chef? I am very rich!"

Lazy Yangyang looked at Xiao Fugui, and directly thought of poaching Xiao Fugui away.

There is no way, the food made by Xiao Fugui is too delicious.

For a foodie like him, this was simply irresistible.

Xiao Fugui laughed.

Looking at the little lazy sheep, he shook his head.

"I am inspired to travel all over the world and learn to cook all kinds of delicacies, so I appreciate your kindness."

Seeing Xiao Fugui's refusal, Lanyangyang could only nod his head, then snuggled into Mu Qingyi's arms, and continued to eat happily.

Xiao Fugui looked at the shopkeeper of Xianwanglou, and said, "Since I am already a food fairy, I should give me the artifact if I think about it, right?"

"I've heard about the magic of the Ghoul Artifact, that's why I came here to participate in the Food Immortal Contest."

Naturally, Xiao Fugui didn't just come here for a false name.

His real purpose is to come here for the Godly Artifact known as Immortal Food Equipment.

However, he didn't want to use it for cooking because he thought it was a good set of kitchen utensils, not because of its refining ability.

Moreover, what he likes most is to collect all kinds of kitchen utensils, and this artifact is naturally indispensable.

After hearing Xiao Fugui's words, Sun He's heart suddenly sank.

He originally wanted to discuss getting Xiao Fugui to exchange for a reward, but the other party obviously came here for the Godly Artifact, so I'm afraid it's impossible to persuade...

"Of course!"

"Patriarch Sun, now that the new Food Immortal has appeared, please bring out the Sacred Artifact."

Shopkeeper Xianwanglou nodded with a smile, then looked at Sun He.

Sun He pulled out a smile, and said, "Naturally, there is no problem, but now the artifact is still in my Sun's house, can you let little friend Fu go get it with me?"

Hearing Sun He's words, the shopkeeper of Xianwanglou frowned.

Sun He's move is definitely against the rules, and the artifact should be brought to the scene before the start of the Food Immortal Contest.

"It seems that Sun He didn't expect Sun Buwei to lose, so he didn't bring the Ghou Artifact at all."

The shopkeeper Xianwanglou thought about it, and then he knew the end.

"No problem, let's go now!"

Just when the shopkeeper of Xianwanglou wanted to suggest that Sun He send someone to pick it up, Xiao Fugui agreed without hesitation.

"it is good!"

"Little friend, please!"

A gleam of joy flashed in Sun He's eyes, then he got up and said to Xiao Fugui.

After Xiao Fugui bowed his hands to the shopkeeper of Xianwanglou and the others, he followed Sun He and left.

Seeing this, the shopkeeper of Xianwanglou didn't say anything more.

"Sun He should not do stupid things..."

Looking at Sun He's back, the shopkeeper Xianwanglou was not worried.

In Yanhui City, the Sun family was dominant, but they couldn't cover the sky with one hand.

The Immortal Food Contest was decided by the Sun family and Xian Wanglou together, and the artifact was also obtained by chance by him and Sun He.

In order to reflect fairness, Sun He proposed to hold a food immortal competition to determine the food immortal, so as to determine the ownership of the food immortal.

Based on the power of the Sun family, the shopkeeper of Xianwanglou agreed, but he demanded that the Food Immortal Contest be held every three years, and Sun He had no objection.

First of all, people from Immortal Wanglou can also gain the title of Food Immortal and control the artifact.

But in recent years, his Xianwanglou has lost a spiritual chef who can do it.

In this way, the title of Food Immortal was either taken by an undisciplined person like Mo Shan, or monopolized by the Sun family. Anyway, he hasn't had any soup in Xianwanglou in recent years.

"Hey, Feng Shui turns around, why can't it turn around my Xianwanglou?"

The shopkeeper of Xianwanglou shook his head, very helpless.

Seeing Xiao Fugui leave, Pleasant Goat below immediately followed.

Lazy Goat on the stage noticed Pleasant Goat and the others' movements, and after saying goodbye to Mu Qingyi, he quickly chased after them with short legs.

"Little lazy... seems to have a lot of secrets!"

Mu Qingyi's bright eyes flickered slightly, showing a hint of interest.

The stone lion town mansion, the gold and jade plaques all show the dignity of the mansion here.

And this is the mansion of the Sun family.

Sun He welcomed Xiao Fugui into the Sun Mansion, and Sun Buwei who followed behind stared at Xiao Fugui resentfully.

If eyes can kill, Xiao Fugui has already been delayed by him three thousand times!

After all three entered the mansion, the gate was quietly closed.

At this time, the five little sheep also showed their figures.

"Go in, Pleasant Goat, shall we follow in?"

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