"Wait, wait - it hurts! Stop!" Kiyana laughed uncontrollably while struggling with Yolandelle's movements.

"Laugh! You still laugh!"

"Wait, I was wrong! I was really wrong! Puff haha..."

I don't know why, but in front of Kiana who knew her identity, the maturity and stability that Youlandelle had cultivated in the past seemed to disappear without a trace like being fed to a dog.

At least in Kiyana's view, this elder sister who ravaged her cheek is more like the [Bianca] who is following Captain Li Shubai than [Youlandelle].

1 Chapter 4 Siegfried: ??? [-]k

"That is to say, in addition to solving the matter of the Herrscher of Corrosion, during these two days, have you and Mr. Siegfried... that is, our father also met?" Ulandal asked .

After a short and pleasant play, Qiyana lay on the iron bed in the room with her upper body lying on her back, while Ulandal sat beside her in a precarious manner.

Qiyana, who was half paralyzed on the bed, hummed to show her agreement with this sentence, then turned her head and looked at the serious Ulandle with a slightly weird expression: "Compared to the stupid dad, you Doesn't seem to care at all about the other two 'yourselves'?"

"...It can't be said that I don't care." As soon as Kiyana mentioned this, Yolandelle's expression became a little tangled after a long absence, "But, according to what you said, they should also With the departure of that Captain Li Shubai, it disappeared, right?"

"Aren't you curious about the relationship between the other two selves and that boy?" Kiyana asked.

"No... To be honest, I'm very curious." Ulandal shook her head, "From the appearance, Ulandelle who appeared in this world following that boy should be from three years ago." I'. However, you should also know that not long ago, when I was exiled to the Stigmata space by Bishop Otto, by chance...or, with the help and calculation of Rita and Bishop Otto, Only then can the awakening of Kaslana's stigmata be completed."

"And that Ulandal over there has already completed the awakening of the stigmata three years ago?" Kiyana asked.

"If I'm not mistaken, it's true." Ulandal nodded, "You also said that among the four intruders, my real identity doesn't seem to be a secret, and she ...It also does not mean to conceal her origin. In this case, she is not a "Valkyrie of Destiny" but a "crew under the captain's name". From this point of view, the greatest possibility The truth is, in their timeline, I, who followed the captain, probably chose to leave the destiny of my own will after receiving his help."

If you want to ask Urandale if she regrets what she has done to St. Freya Academy and Kiana because of Bishop Otto's order, it is probably difficult for her to nod frankly.

After all, even if she lost her memory, she did accept Bishop Otto's instructions and orders on her own will during the previous period.Therefore, although Urandale felt sorry and regretful about the suffering that the destiny brought to Kiyana, and her attitude of watching what happened to Kiyana during that period of time, she has never felt sorry for her until now. feel sorry.

However, if there is a possibility now that Ulandal can get another chance to choose what happened in the past, knowing her true identity, it will probably be difficult for her to use the same attitude again. Let's face Bishop Otto's order.

Even if she has a righteous name and a legitimate reason to [bear some mistakes] in order to save more people, Ulandal is not the kind of person who can suffer for her relatives and important people. people who turn a blind eye to their suffering.

She was not such a rational person in the first place, but from a certain point of view, Ulandal was quite a selfish person from the beginning.She could understand from a very young age that if she couldn't become stronger, then she was nothing as an orphan.Therefore, even from the point of view of actual actions, she has always been the one who has put in all the efforts she can to fight against the collapse, but in the final analysis, all that Yolandal has done so far is not enough. It's all just to realize her own personal value.

Although it is a hypothesis that is meaningless and impossible to happen in reality, if the subject of Bishop Otto's experiment is changed from the former Kiana to Rita, then of course Ulandal will never Allow yourself to watch your best friend step into the abyss like this.Although if the matter really develops to that point, Bishop Otto's shrewdness should have predicted Ulandale's attitude and resistance, but even so, Bishop Otto has absolutely no way to distort Ulandale's attitude. personal will.

No one can face everyone with an attitude of absolute equality, which is unavoidable even for the strongest Valkyrie who claims to be a just and selfless destiny.

That's why Ulandal felt a little envious of the other self who followed that boy.

Compared to myself, three years earlier... at a time when many things hadn't happened, she had already completed what she could do, as she fully awakened Kaslana's stigmata, and There are more choices that can be made.

However, compared to these considerations held by Urandale, what Qiyana pays more attention to and is interested in is obviously another thing——

"Is that so?" She teased, "But I clearly feel that the other two 'Yourlandelle' or 'Bianca', they will choose to follow that boy, obviously because I like him."

"..." Ulandal's brain froze.

After being silent for a long while, she uttered a tone of incomparable astonishment: "Huh?"

What does it mean?

"It's also my fault that I didn't explain everything to you clearly." Kiyana showed an expression on her face as if she was recalling something, "That Urandelle over there and Bianca and Old Smelly When Dad met—"

—About half a day ago.

"Strictly speaking, right now, there are three 'Urandale' existing in this world."

The deepest part of Kaslana's stigmata space.

After hearing Ulandal's assertion in a calm tone, Siegfried and Kiana choked up.

Siegfried looked at his other self with a strange face, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Even with his rough nerves inherited from Kaslana's blood, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unreal magic after understanding the reality that happened in front of him.

The real identity of Ulandal is his and Cecilia's biological daughter. In Siegfried's view, this incident was already enough to cause his heart to stop. As a result, not only his own biological daughter is still alive , and even changed from the original only child to triplets... Although the actual situation is far from triplets, judging from Siegfried's theoretical idiot brain, perhaps this word is the fastest The speed allows him to understand the status quo.

Of course, it’s hard to understand if it’s hard to understand. It’s a good thing that his own daughter is still alive, so after struggling for a moment, Siegfried put on an obviously embarrassed smile again.

...Obviously, he was involved in something that made him happy, but because this thing was really too magical, it made it difficult for Siegfried to express his feelings frankly for a while.

But just as Siegfried packed up his mood and was about to ask in detail what Yolandal and Kiyana had experienced over the years, and why they suddenly appeared in the deepest part of this stigmata space——

"Huh? You haven't finished talking yet?"

The sudden appearance of two people in a kind of spatial fluctuation made Siegfried's expression freeze for an instant.

His pupils shrank sharply, his body flashed, and he came to the front of Qiyana and Youlandelle in an instant, bowed his waist slightly, and assumed a posture as if he was facing an enemy, his head was sweating coldly, full of blood. The hostile voice revealed a bone-chilling coldness: "Kevin Kaslana, you—"

Before the question was spoken, after seeing the culprit who locked himself here, Siegfried's words suddenly got stuck, and the words he wanted to say changed from the original hostile question to a sentence with Some speechless complaints.

"—What is your posture?"

Suddenly appearing in front of Siegfried, Kevin, who was covered with bags and bags all over his body including his hands, looked at his offspring coldly, and Furui Wubo's tone was not mixed with any emotion: "As you As you can see, I brought you some living supplies."

"Give...living supplies?" Siegfried thought he heard it wrong. He glanced at the small packing bag covered with Kevin's body, feeling like he was dreaming, "Are you sure you're right? These are living supplies? Instead of some instrument of torture to torture me?"

Although from a certain point of view, Kevin is indeed his elder with a blood relationship, but no matter how he looks at it, Wu Siegfried feels that this ice-like Kaslana wants to torture Only then is it more in line with the actual situation.

After hearing this somewhat nonsensical question, in front of Siegfried's eyes, Kevin's face, like an eternal ice cube, changed for the first time.

He first carefully looked at Siegfried with a weird expression, and after a long silence, he finally nodded: "If you have similar hobbies, I can prepare them for you."

"Bah, bah, bah! You have similar hobbies! Your whole family has similar hobbies!" Siegfried's face darkened on the spot, but soon, he suddenly realized what was wrong, and shook him hard. Shaking his head, "No, compared to that kind of thing, did you bastard imprison Qiyana and Ulandal here?"

"Huh?" Kiyana was taken aback, "...Wait, Dad."

"Needless to say, Kiyana." Siegfried interrupted Kiyana's words in a tone full of determination. He turned his head and showed a gentle smile to Kiyana: "Even if you risk your life, I won't let you and Ulandal be imprisoned here by this bastard either!"

"... Calm down." Kevin's expression was as calm as ever, "The two of them were not brought here by force by me."

"Huh?" Siegfried turned his face back, looked straight at Kevin's plain face, and sneered, "Who else could bring them into this extremely cold hell besides you? Do you think I don't know about the shitty things your world snakes do?"

"..." Kevin, who felt himself getting darker and darker, turned his head silently, looked at Li Shubai who casually asked after coming here, "Haven't you guys finished chatting yet?" The meaning is self-evident.

Hey, explain, this guy doesn't listen.

Li Shubai, who was covered with bags like Kevin, coughed and snorted: "Mr. Yue, please calm down first."

"Huh?" Siegfried frowned, and then turned his gaze to this strange boy. He looked Li Shubai's body up and down, and said in a low voice, "Are you also a cadre of the World Snake?"

Li Shubai was speechless: "...how do I look like the cadre of the world snake?"

"Not a cadre of the World Snake, what are you doing with this bastard?" Siegfried said in a natural tone.

"It's the truth...that's the truth." Li Shubai thought for a while, then threw the bag he was carrying on the ground and shrugged: "But unfortunately, I'm neither Kevin's subordinate nor World Snake's. cadre."

"..." Siegfried didn't speak, but looked at Li Shubai coldly with an expression of "Are you kidding me?"

Looking at Siegfried's expression, Li Shubai, who knew that in this state he should most likely not listen to people, didn't bother to explain.

Then, without looking at Siegfried, he waved to Kiyana and Urandelle: "Let's go, Kiyana, Urandelle, and the two of you."

"Huh?" Siegfried was taken aback.

Although his purpose was indeed for Kevin to release Kiyana and Ulandelle from the space of stigmata, but after hearing Li Shubai's plain greeting, Siegfried immediately had some kind of A feeling similar to disdain.

Who are you kid?How could Qiyana, Yolandelle and another self and his daughter obey you as soon as you called them?

However, such self-confidence was instantly wiped out after hearing a stern response.

"Yes." Ulandal's voice was as calm and powerful as ever, and she responded concisely.

"Huh?" Siegfried was stunned.

"Okay, okay, I'll come over." [Stigmata Will] Siegfried spread his hands helplessly.

"Oh???" Siegfried was stunned.

"Come on, come on!" Bianca ran over bouncing.

"Oh????" Siegfried was dumbfounded.

Full of disbelief, Siegfried's neck looked like a It turned like a rusty robot, and looked at the only Qiyana who was still behind him with a blank gaze, and his voice was full of disillusionment: "You...you."

"Hold...Sorry, stinky dad!" Kiyana was a little afraid to look at Siegfried's face, but after struggling for a moment and recalling the original agreement, she finally stuck out her tongue and said apologetically. Siegfried clasped his hands together: "We will come to see you again in the future! So... I have to go first!"

Siegfried, can't get up again.

Chapter 181 Those who break the defense of others will eventually be broken 4K

On the ice field, the cold wind full of desolation brushed over the grayed figure of the man, and Siegfried, whose whole body was petrified, could only feel his own beating heart being blown cold by the biting cold wind. cold.

He squatted down his body, turning his fingertips around on the hard ice layer, drawing a pink and white circular pattern, and his whole body was shrouded in a kind of unlovely cloud, The mouth that keeps opening and closing is constantly chanting something, such as the girl is not allowed to stay, anyway, no one cares about the father, please be busy, please be busy... etc. The confusion is so frustrating that it is incomprehensible discourse.

On the ice, Siegfried crouched down and shrunk into a ball from his back, looking extremely bleak.

Fortunately, even though he called Youlandal and the others to his side, Li Shubai was not so inappropriate that he turned around and left on the spot.

He looked at Siegfried's back full of desolation and loneliness, laughed and shook his head angrily, thinking that Kaslana's family really seemed to be carved out of the same mold, Kevin was like this, Siegfried was In this way, even Qiyana and Urandale have a similar tendency. If the reality of what has happened is not thrown in their faces, each of them will be so stubborn that they will not listen to others at all.

Thinking of these things, Li Shubai turned his face to the side, and glanced at Qiyana who was looking at Siegfried with a troubled face, but felt extremely embarrassed standing beside him because of the need to abide by the agreement with him, Immediately, I became a little angry.

She is obviously a very clever girl, how could she become so rigid at this time?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help stretching out his hand, patted Kiyana on the back, and pushed her slightly in the direction of Siegfried.

Qiyana, whose back was suddenly attacked, took a staggering step forward, turned her head a little puzzled, and happened to see Li Shubai's angry expression facing her in the direction of Siegfried, her lips opened and closed. .

We haven't left yet, hurry up and explain to your dad.

After reading Li Shubai's lips, Qiyana breathed a sigh of relief.

Although they knew that Li Shubai and Kevin had already made sense, the reason why they chose to keep Siegfried here was not because they really wanted to imprison him, but to try to make the next situation continue to move towards what he could. The foreseeable future develops the past.

But to be honest, seeing that Siegfried was the only one left in the deepest part of this stigmata space, even if he had brought enough living supplies for him to live a fairly nourished life, as a person who was in collusion with Li Shubai and the others As an accomplice, Qiyana still felt a little unnatural.

However, Qiyana didn't really dare to tear up her agreement with Li Shubai. It's not that she didn't know how to be flexible. After all, during the confrontation with Otto and the World Snake, Qiyana had already Learned to perform small deceptions on enemies that were clearly incomprehensible without any psychological burden.

But first of all, Li Shubai and Kevin who reached a consensus with Li Shubai are no longer the kind of enemies who can't understand or communicate at all.

Secondly, with Qiyana's character, it is impossible for her to casually put the matter of "Let Li Shubai, who can interfere with time, find the best way to fight against the finality" on the gamble of breaking the agreement.

Long before that, when Siegfried's will of the stigmata helped Siegfried recover his personal consciousness scattered in this space of stigmata, Qiyana asked Li Shubai not to use Yu Duchen to delete her memory. This matter was discussed with him for a long time.

As for Qiyana's request, Li Shubai also gave an affirmative answer after weighing the pros and cons—

"I don't need to delete Raiden Mei, and I don't need to delete your memory during this time."

At that time, he said so to himself.

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