"But you have to understand that for me who is not from your world, it was not my duty to help you fight against the end from the very beginning."

"I will let Kevin continue his stigmata plan, not entirely because of the need to observe the future without too much deviation, but because... Even if I don't agree with the stigmata plan, I have to admit If, including me, other people in this world cannot come up with means to fight against the end, then the Stigmata Project is a predetermined plan that must exist under such extreme circumstances."

"After all, no matter how annoying it is, Honkai is something that doesn't have any room for communication from the very beginning."

"And for humans of your generation, the time left...is running out."

"Qiana, are you really ready to face that fateful moment?"

Kiyana was speechless with every word of words.

To be honest, although Li Shubai has always liked Qiyana and the others, and even has a considerable degree of respect and affection for Kevin, the former thirteen heroes of civilization, so he hopes from the bottom of his heart that he can rewrite what happened to these heroes. Tragic, but... Having a good opinion never means that there is no place for dissatisfaction.

Even if it has been deduced from Kevin's character that the stigmata project is not his ultimate goal, it can be roughly guessed that the people who appeared in the civilization era paid something and were able to successfully suppress it with a sacrifice they could barely accept. Honkai, but he has been dissatisfied for a long time about the fact that people on both sides do not speak human words to each other.

In his view, the conflict between Kevin and the current era of civilization is completely avoidable. Kevin has been preaching the horror and difficulty of the collapse and the end, but he has never taken the initiative to expose the collapse of the human civilization in the era of civilization. the truth; people in the current civilization era have been fighting against the stigmata plan that Kevin is carrying out, but at the same time, like Kevin who is completely ignorant, they have never given what they should do. The means and methods to be used to fight against the detailed plan of the end.

Of course, Li Shubai, who knew that Kevin probably didn't want to live for a long time, didn't understand Kevin's single-minded approach. Kevin didn't think about how long he could live. If he knew that his death would make this Generations of human beings can go through the collapse safely, and he probably can wake up with a smile from his dreams, and then lie in the grave with an extremely satisfied attitude.

On the other side, Li Shubai was also able to clearly understand that these Valkyries and Herrschers of the modern civilization era who have already tried their best must come up with a detailed plan to fight against the end in this mere year or so. It is indeed an unreasonable accusation.

But as he said, collapse has never been something that can always be reasoned about. It is neither fair nor reasonable. Many worlds are dying because of collapse.That's why Li Shubai couldn't control his rationality, and subconsciously demanded Qiyana, the Valkyrie, Herrscher, and himself with the same unreasonable high standards.

It is also because of this reason that even if Qiyana, whom he likes very much, makes a request to him, he can still be ruthless and list things one by one with a cold attitude towards Qiyana in this world. pros and cons.

He will not deprive Qiyana of the right to choose, but at the same time, as the price for the right to choose, Kiyana must also bear corresponding responsibilities.

In the final analysis, the time travel that his Hyperion can carry out is still a kind of power of the Second Herrscher, and the prerequisite for using the Second Herrscher to carry out time travel is to find the existence corresponding to this world. anchor.

Otto once used the power of the Second God's Key to anchor Kallen Kaslana's existence on the timeline through the stigmata of the Kaslana family, and to deal with her who should have died. After re-injecting his own water of life into his soul, he successfully rewritten Karen's mortal fate.

However, in this process, what Otto changed was the future for that Karen, not the past of this world.

What he saved was indeed Kallen in the past, but in this world, no matter what he did, the fact that Kallen was dead could not be changed.

As far as Li Shubai is concerned, the reason why he will always try not to let the future deviate too much is also because of this.

If the future of this world deviates too much, then a new possibility will be reborn in the world. At that time, can his Hyperion still observe and anchor this new possibility? , Can he further interfere with this possibility... All these things have become completely unknown numbers.

Of course, if Li Shubai's heart was a little more ruthless, he could simply ignore this world, and he could also ignore the memories of Yingjie who had completely disappeared from this world after experiencing the time of the Herrscher of Corrosion.

For his world that is still in 2014, there is still plenty of time, and he still has a lot of time to use the people of these worlds to conduct experiments against collapse and end, even in these three years Li really can't find a way to fight against the end, and he can also pilot the Hyperion to abandon that world to save himself.Even Li Shubai guessed whether he had done similar things more than once before he lost his memory.

But in the end...he still couldn't stand by and watch everything that happened in the Paradise of the Past, and he couldn't really regard this world as an experimental site that didn't matter even if it failed.

Li Shubai is such a greedy person, he must have every Valkyrie on his ship, and he also wants to save the world that has been invaded by Honkai.

Perhaps after experiencing failure, this kind of thinking will be forced to change under the cruel reality, but at least at this moment, Li Shubai, who stands in front of Qiyana with an indifferent attitude, important people and this world, no matter which side it is , he was unwilling to give up.

Under Li Shubai's pressing questioning, Qiyana was silent for a moment, but still insisted on her choice with an extremely firm attitude.

"Perhaps as you said, we... probably do not have a sure way to win the battle against the end." She said firmly, "But it is also because of this that I cannot forget everything that happened here, and We must not forget the expectations and trust you have placed in us."

"I think you probably made a mistake." Li Shubai's tone sounded quite cold, "If I had placed expectations and trust in you, I would not have appeared here from the beginning."

"Yes, but in my opinion, it's just the opposite. You are standing here because you believe in us, right?" Kiyana smiled gently, "Otherwise, after doing all this, why would you How about forcibly deleting me and Mei's memories?"

"Do you not understand human language?" Li Shubai snorted coldly, "The reason is that I have already said it, of course it is because—"

"I don't want the future to shift too much, so that we can't further observe and interfere with our world..." Qiyana spread her hands and put on a rather subtle expression, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, "But if according to what you said, you are trying to find the best way to fight against Houkai, and you don't expect our generation of humans to survive it—"

"——Why did you let us face the stigmata plan that Kevin is executing in a state of [being completely ignorant of what happened here]?"

Seeing Qiyana's calm expression, Li Shubai, who fell into silence all of a sudden, felt a thump in his heart.

Oops, it seems that because I underestimated Qiyana's IQ, I accidentally revealed too much to her.

He already guessed what Kiyana was going to say next.

"We all know the final result of the stigmata project. In this world, only the awakened stigmata are left, and the collapse will circulate in the body of the stigmata awakened, and coexist with the remaining humans in this world." Qia Na smiled and leaned in front of Li Shubai, "In other words, under the premise that the stigmata project is truly completed, it is impossible for the end of this world to appear, right?"

"..." Li Shubai remained silent, while Kevin glanced at this junior who had always made him feel a little bit ill in IQ.

This little girl, could it be that she keeps showing such... a playful side just to trick them out?

"You are so firmly convinced that we will face the end, it means that Kevin's stigmata plan has not been realized in the end." Wen's character, it is impossible for him to voluntarily give up the stigmata plan, so in this case, there should be only one possibility of the stigmata plan not being realized."

"..." Li Shubai's eyelids twitched.

"...That is, we in this world, in the future, did overthrow the stigmata plan that Kevin was implementing, and after that, we successfully found a way to suppress the Houkai, right?" Kiyana smiled asked.

"...This is just your wishful thinking." Li Shubai turned his head, pretending not to see Qiyana's smiling expression, and said in an extremely blunt tone, "There is neither evidence nor logic at all. .”

"Oh~" Kiyana elongated her tone with a meaningful tone, "Well, the next thing is also my wishful thinking."

It's just her guess, so there's no need to respond by yourself, right?

After understanding Qiyana's metaphor, Li Shubai's expression was as ugly as if he had eaten a cockroach.

"At some point in the future, we successfully defeated...or passed the end, and completely suppressed the collapse, but we also paid a price for it." Qiyana said quietly, "And in this At that time, a certain captain who had been peeping at our world and knew us unilaterally, but we didn’t know him, after predicting all this in a certain way, couldn’t stand what we did when we were fighting against the end and the collapse. sacrifices made."

"On a certain day, the more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he finally couldn't sit still. He tried to use his observation ability to find a better and more acceptable way to help us through the difficulty called the end. During this process, I suddenly saw what happened to Mei."


"Enough..." Li Shubai covered his face with a headache all over his face, "Stop talking."

"Ah, I haven't said who this happened to~" Qiyana looked at Li Shubai who covered her face with a smile.

"..." Li Shubai stopped talking.

"Although it's just an illogical and unsubstantiated guess." Qiyana laughed, "However, this captain—"

"—Could it be possible for you to be a tsundere?"

Chapter 182 The stress test of the final power 4k

Recalling the previous conversation with Li Shubai, Qiyana's expression became subtle.

Specifically, it becomes like this→=ω=

In the eyes of quite a few people, the sense of contrast is a very wonderful, charming and attractive thing, and Kiyana is not immune to this.

In any case, for this little worm, it is only able to make this person appear in this world with an extremely calm attitude. Relying on its special ability and intelligence difference, it has put itself, including Mei and Kevin, on the stage since its appearance. Most of the people including the "Captain" broke the defense with a few words and dragged Kevin on the spot, using the excuse of "leaving this stigmata space for their family for the time being" to escape. Leaving here as if... In addition to feeling a sense of accomplishment, it also gave Qiyana an inexplicable feeling of revenge.

After all... After fully understanding Li Shubai's actions, the head full of bags she encountered on the captain of this different world before this - from the very beginning when they invaded the Hyperion, they led themselves After playing with her nose until she became irritable, and then she was tied up by the key of restraint after chasing out the Hyperion together with Urandale, and finally her intention was completely seen through, and she was induced to use the ability of the Herrscher of the Sky , using the ability of the Herrscher of Knowledge to deceive her perception, so that she ended up wanting to escape but gave the opposite a space door for nothing, and had to hold her nose and follow them to the end... Qia All that Na experienced on Li Shubai turned into grievances with no room for revenge.

She is not the kind of person who will repay kindness and revenge and can't see what others are good for her. Now that she knows that this captain from another world comes with kindness to this world and them, what can she do? What to do?

I can only hold back the grievance I encountered with this captain and hold my nose.

But understanding is understanding, even if she completely gave up the idea of ​​revenge and counterattack, being bullied to that extent still makes Qiyana feel a little bit unwilling.

And now, there is such a reasonable opportunity for the vicious captain who "confidently asserts that Qiyana is fun to bully her" to show such a broken defense, so why should Qiyana not use her face?

Of course, ridicule is ridicule. After successfully avenging her vengeance, when encountering a problem that needs to make her serious, Qiyana will certainly not become ambiguous because of this.

Even if the essence of the captain is successfully discovered, however, what the captain is going to do will not change in any way.

And since Qiyana still insisted on the request to keep her memory, then, as the price for Li Shubai to feel at ease not to send Yu Duchen to her, Qiyana must of course do her part well. matter.

To be more specific—she, who knew part of the truth, could not tell other people in this world about this part of the known facts while maintaining her memory.

Yes, even Siegfried...and Teresa, who she will inevitably face after returning to the Hyperion, are also included.

Of course, Li Shubai and Qiyana are not the kind of people who don't know how to adapt at all.

Although Li Shubai, who left the stigmata space after Qiyana told him about breaking the defense, still said in a blunt manner, "Since you choose to maintain your memory, you should take the responsibility you should do." Such words, but in the final analysis, his ultimate goal is not [to prevent Qiyana from telling others what she knows], but to rely on this kind of behavior to prevent too much deviation from what happens in the future .

On the other hand, if the development of the situation can be guaranteed to continue in the expected direction, it is not completely unacceptable to reveal part of the truth to others within a certain range.

Like - now.

"What! It turns out that you have already reached a consensus!" Hahaha——After listening to Kiyana's explanation, Siegfried, who was successfully revived with full blood, stood up abruptly, with an extremely hearty expression Laughter, "Oh, wouldn't it be good to just say that at the beginning? Look, what worried me, I thought you and your sister were imprisoned by the world snake just like me! Everyone is safe and sound. It's been really good."

After a moment of silence, Siegfried put away the hearty smile on his face, patted Qiyana on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Although your father and I definitely can't approve of Kevin's thoughts, since Qiyana Yana...you are already mentally prepared, so let it go."

After finishing speaking, Siegfried put a smile on his face again, and his mouth was slightly grinning, revealing a mouthful of big white teeth. He raised his hand and pointed at himself with his thumb: "Can Captain Li Shubai trust you?" , your father, of course I can't fall behind! Kiyana, I also believe that you can do it."

"Hmph, of course I can do it!" Kiyana put her hands on her hips, with an extremely confident expression on her face, "You just stay here obediently and recuperate well, then keep your eyes wide open and take care of your daughter How did you get the limelight!"

"Oh! That's the kind of momentum!" Siegfried pointed his thumb towards Qiyana: "Then your dad is here looking forward to your performance!"

After explaining the rest and letting Siegfried stay here to recover from his injuries, Li Shubai and his party left.

After leaving the high tower where Siegfried was imprisoned, under the leadership of Kevin, the few people did not return to the real world immediately, but came to the ice field on the outskirts of this space—that is, they just When you come here, you are the first to arrive at the place.

Siegfried and Bianca, who are the will of the stigmata, have been taken back by Li Shubai to their stigmata space. Now, there are only four people standing on this ice field.

It was at this time that something happened that was completely unexpected by Qiyana and Yolandelle.

"Let's go here." Kevin looked around the spacious ice field, and after confirming whether this area is suitable for a battlefield, he focused his attention on Li Shubai, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"It was already agreed when we helped Siegfried purchase daily necessities together." Li Shubai shrugged, and while speaking this seemingly endless words, he shifted his gaze to some Kevin, who was obviously hesitant, smiled, "Why, if we don't show up, you, who don't even want to meet your comrades for the last time, are you worried that I, the one who met for the first time, will come?"

"Huh?" Hearing Li Shubai's words with a hint of ridicule, Qiyana and Ulandal pricked up their ears at the same time.

They looked at each other, and they both saw a trace of doubt in each other's eyes.

Youlandelle frowned, her intuition sharply sounded a little uneasy warning, although she instinctively felt that something was wrong with the conversation between Kevin and Li Shubai, but she was not informed by Li Shubai of this in advance. I can't figure out what exactly is wrong.

So, after a moment's hesitation, Urandale resolutely uttered the question in her heart, hoping to get an answer from Li Shubai: "Captain, what are you and Kevin talking about?"

Li Shubai turned his head and smiled at Youlandelle: "Don't worry, it's just my unilateral request to Kevin."

"A unilateral request..." Urandale hesitated for a moment, "... Is there anything that only Kevin can do? If not, is there something that needs help from others, why don't you, Captain? Just ask me, or other members of the Hyperion?"

"It's not that Kevin is the only one who can accomplish things, but what is beyond reproach is that Kevin is indeed the best candidate I can think of at this stage." Li Shubai said, "Don't worry, it's just a small experiment. That's all, you and Qiyana will return to the real world first, and Kevin and I will follow right away."

Ulandal, who felt more and more wrong, bluntly expressed her doubts and anxiety: "What kind of experiment is it? Can't Qiyana and I watch it?"

"That's right." Kiyana seconded, "And, if it's just an experiment, Ulandal and I can help you watch some. If there are more people, the experiment you want to carry out can be completed. It will be more efficient."

Li Shubai shook his head resolutely, and said concisely: "If the two of you are here, the accuracy of the experimental results cannot be guaranteed."

"Forget it..." Li Shubai thought for a while, and chose to temporarily block the mouths of Youlandelle and Qiyana in the simplest and rude way: "Kevin, I'm sorry."

"Oh..." Kevin sighed, looked at the two girls who were theoretically his descendants, and shook his head helplessly: "...I'm sorry."

"Hold...?" Hearing Kevin's apology, Ulandal's pupils shrank slightly as her uneasiness reached its peak, and she almost instinctively wanted to stop Kevin's next move, "Wait—what do you want? do what!?"

However, Ulandal did not get an answer from Kevin.

Although she is also Kaslana, in terms of control over this stigmata space, she who has only just awakened the stigmata, of course, can't be compared to the one who was sealed by Su at the bottom of the sea of ​​quantum. Even Kevin, who has been the manager of the stigmata space for a while, personally.

So, following the scene in front of them, Yolandelle and Kiyana, who were forcibly kicked out of the stigmata space by Kevin, could only watch helplessly as they returned to the real world.

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