The fresh water storage devices on the ship were all moved to the cabin near the steam boiler, otherwise they would all be frozen and cracked.

Due to the high salinity and the flow of the sea, the sea has not yet frozen, which will not affect navigation.

There are fewer and fewer living creatures in the sea. Before, I often saw fish jumping out of the water, but now I rarely see them.

Occasionally, I saw a few fish, half dead, floating in the water.

The Possang encountered a settlement on this day.

Obviously, the size of this settlement is no less than 3 people, which can be regarded as a large city-state, but at this moment, no one is seen.

It's weird here, but ships must anchor here to replenish energy and fresh water.

This is the last replenishment, and the next week will go straight to Sklint.

So once the ship docked at the docks, the crew disembarked to explore the city-state.

"Those bugs have been here." Kafka shined the ultraviolet flashlight on the ground, and saw dense fluorescent lights on the ground, which were the slime left by the worms after crawling!

"The people on this island have all been eaten by bugs?" Asda felt her scalp tingling.

"The point is not here, but the clues it revealed." Kafka shook her head, "That giant snake is on the same route as us, and those worms are multiplying at an accelerated rate."

She paused and continued:

"I have a hunch that something bad will happen to the settlements ahead."

"What about Sklint? That snake went that way!" Estella murmured, "What will we do if Sklint falls?"

"The company has a lot of experience in pest disasters, I don't think we need to worry about it." Kafka shrugged, not taking it seriously.

As a star core hunter wanted by the Interstellar Peace Corporation, at this moment, her confidence in the company is even greater than that of Esta, who came from the background of the company.

At this time, Chu Mu said:

"There are still living creatures here, and I hear voices."

"No way, the swarm will still miss it?" Kafka asked in surprise.

"I can't hear you wrong." Chu Mu took Kafka's hand and walked towards a place.

It was a water area separated by a giant net, and a gray whale about 50 meters long was swimming in it.

This whale has a strange shape, wide and flat from head to back.

After Kafka described what he saw to Chu Mu, he immediately came to a conclusion:

"This should be the cub of a giant whale."

Soon, the sailors on the ship rushed over. They had experienced the era before the Betrayal Era and had seen a real giant whale.

They affirmed Chu Mu's judgment.

"What are these people doing here tying up the giant whale cub?" Asda looked at the captive giant whale with pity, and couldn't help asking.

"Who knows, maybe I want to train it to grow up and return to the appearance before the betrayal of the era, living on the back of a giant whale, or maybe." Chu Mu paused.

He continued:

"The mother of the giant whale can be lured by the sound made by the cub. The local people may want to use this method to summon the adult giant whale."

During this time, Chu Mu learned a lot about Deep Blue Star from Lu Wan.

He knew that giant whales have a long lifespan and grow slowly.

This 50-meter-long calf has lived for at least 50 years, and I am afraid that ten of them have been kept in captivity.

For some reason, the calf's mother never showed up.

Adult giant whales are invincible to the indigenous people!

This giant whale can easily live to be thousands of years old and can be thousands of meters long!

According to legend, the leader of the giant whale that turned into the city of bones is hundreds of thousands of meters long.

If the legend is true, isn't the giant whale head living for tens of thousands of years?

How long ago was that? At that time, many of today's star gods probably hadn't been born.

Chu Mu didn't understand why the locals wanted to imprison this baby whale.

If it is cultivated, it will take too long to wait.

If they are waiting for the baby whale mother, they will not be able to control the adult giant whale at all!

But unfortunately, no one in this empty city can answer his question.

Until the inhabitants were devoured by the worms, the mother of the calf did not appear.

Speaking of which, why didn't the worm eat the calf?

Is it missing, or something else?


After collecting the supplies, the Possang set off again.

The baby whale has been released, but it did not dive into the deep sea as everyone thought, but accompanied the Possang.

After Lu Wan understood the ins and outs of the matter, he said to Chu Mu with emotion:

"I understand what they did. They summoned the giant whale to come, perhaps just to ask a question, which is also a question that troubles countless dark blue people. Why did you betray us?"

He paused and continued:

"You may not be able to understand why these people are willing to take the risk of offending the giant whale and risking their lives to summon it. But I can understand, and all of us deep blue people can understand.

"We wanted the answers so badly that we were willing to die!

"At the beginning, the sudden betrayal of the giant whale caused many people to be ruined and displaced? What did we do wrong? Let the giant whale treat us like this?

"5000 years ago, in order to protect the giant whale, we fought a battle with the company, and the entire civilization regressed to the age of cold weapons.

"Before we started the war, we knew that it was a hopeless war, but for the giant whale, we could say we did everything we could.

"If the giant whale blamed us for not protecting it well, why did it keep silent for 5000 years, and then suddenly dive into the deep sea when everyone was unprepared?

"As long as it tells us the reason and gives us time to prepare, we won't die so many people! Just ask these dark blue people, who didn't lose their relatives in that catastrophe?"

Lu Wan's voice became more and more excited as he spoke, and finally he couldn't help coughing.

His wind-cold has continued until now, and it hasn't gotten better, but it's getting worse.

"Cough, cough, cough!" After a violent cough, Lu Wan glanced at the handkerchief, and the scarlet was a bit dazzling.

He silently put away the handkerchief, and said hoarsely:

"How long until Scriint?"

"Seven days, if there are no accidents." Chu Mu said softly.

"Seven days." Lu Wan lay on the bed, closed his eyes silently, and muttered, "There are still seven days."


Chapter 77 In the Lightless Sea

Possang sailed No.20 for four days, and the outdoor temperature was minus three degrees. When it arrived at the new settlement, it had been visited by insects and was empty.

Possang sailed No.20 for five days, the outdoor temperature was minus four degrees, and crystal ice began to precipitate on the sea surface. Although it will not affect the navigation, it is always a bad omen.

In the evening of this day, I encountered a settlement again, which was still empty.

The atmosphere on the ship became more and more tense. The sailors from Garbage City all had fear on their faces.

For several days after that, new settlements could be encountered every day.

This place is already very close to Sklint, the capital of the dark blue star, so the settlements are extremely dense.

But there are no people in these settlements.

Under the command of the captain Sambo, the Possang continued to advance along the route without any hesitation.

The sailors on the ship always gather together secretly, as if they are plotting something.

Possang sailed No.20 for nine days, and the outdoor temperature was eight degrees below zero.

In the sky ahead, opaque dark clouds appeared.

The dark clouds that originally enveloped the southern hemisphere have now eroded to the northern hemisphere.

Sklint, the capital on the equator, is now also shrouded in dark clouds.

Sangbo turned to the dark clouds and gave instructions to move forward.


"I can't bear it any longer!" A sailor in the cabin exclaimed angrily, "The captain has gone crazy, and he even gave up his life for the entrustment of some foreigners!"

In Sambo's explanation to the crew, he sent some foreigners to the capital to earn a lot of commission.

And he promised to give these crew members enough remuneration after the completion of the promise, so that everyone could work for the ship with peace of mind.

However, they work hard to make money, and they don't want to waste money!

There is no doubt that the group of bugs that set off from the garbage city are right ahead of the route at this moment!

Going forward, you will definitely meet!

What's more, under the dark clouds, who knows what evil things will be there?

These sailors who have experienced the incident of the Black Sun Sect have now begun to believe in the teachings of the Black Sun Sect.

After all, what the Black Sun Sect preached back then is now truly realized!

However, to believe is to believe.Reminiscent of the appearance of the Black Sun cultists, no one would believe in the Black Sun no matter what!

Even wishing to be as far away as possible!

"We must tell the captain to withdraw his dangerous order!" cried a sailor.

"Hehe, he has been blinded by money. If you talk to him in a low voice, you will only be kicked by his boot!" A sailor sneered, "Only this can teach him to see the facts clearly!"

The sailor patted the machete on his waist.

"But, he is the captain after all, and he hired us." A sailor said worriedly, "If it wasn't for him, we might have died long ago if we stayed in Garbage City."

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