As soon as the words came out, there was a voice of rebuttal in an instant:

"How do you know that we will die if we stay there? You don't understand the status quo of Garbage City, so why make random definitions? I only know that we will die if we enter that dark cloud!"

"That makes sense, so what about the action plan?" A voice asked.

"I already have a plan." The sailor sneered, "Our troops divided into two groups, one to block the captain's cabin, and the captain was done first. The other is to block the passages of the cabin and the deck, and take the hostages inside. I saw in the past few days, there is only one patient, a few children, and a woman, and we can easily handle it."

When the sailor was boasting, he didn't pay attention to the terrified expressions of the other sailors in front of him.

"Good plan!" A hand patted the sailor's shoulder, "My old Sambo supports you unconditionally! When shall we do it?"

The sailor instantly stiffened and looked to the side.

I saw the captain Sangbo staring at him with a smile.

"Brother, brothers! Copy the guy and fight him!" The sailor shouted excitedly.

But the other sailors who conspired with him had already been scared out of their wits, and they tried their best to stay away from him at this moment.

"Captain, it's none of our business! It's all this guy's idea!"

"Yeah, we were all deceived by him!"

"How could we really betray the captain! We are undercover collecting evidence."

"Yes, yes, we are undercover agents!"

A group of sailors betrayed the outstanding sailor in a few words.

Sambo couldn't help laughing and said:

"Interesting, in such a short period of time, betrayal happened twice."

He looked at the sailor's face with different expressions, and seemed quite satisfied.

Immediately, he lost interest.

"Let's all go back to their respective posts." Sangbo left after saying this.

In the cabin, the sailors looked at each other and couldn't help but say:

"He just let us go like this?"

"Is there some kind of conspiracy?"

"What kind of conspiracy can there be!" The sailor who was in his early years immediately called out loudly, "There is no doubt that Captain Sambo is a benevolent man with lofty morals! I will follow this man to the death!"

After experiencing life and death, the backbone of this rebellion has become the most loyal at this moment.

The flower of betrayal bears the fruit of loyalty.

Seeing this, the other sailors couldn't help being dumbfounded.

A mutiny was silently resolved.


Possang sailed for No. 30 days, and the outdoor temperature was minus fifteen degrees.

The ship has entered under the dark clouds, and the temperature here has dropped sharply.

On the surface of the water, a lot of ice floes can already be seen.

Fortunately, the ice floes here have not yet formed a huge ice sheet, otherwise it would be really difficult to move forward.

At this moment, the deeper you go into the dark clouds, the dimmer the light becomes.

Going forward, there is darkness, like a giant mouth that chooses to eat people.

This area has already entered the sea area of ​​the capital, Sklint. Due to the company's territorial water security regulations, this area does not allow indigenous people to open up settlements.

Therefore, the Possan sailed for a day without seeing any settlements.

There are many wrecks from the space star port floating on the sea, and there is even a space elevator hundreds of meters long, which rises and falls in the waves.

This caused some obstacles to navigation.

Seeing this scene, Esther couldn't stop feeling sad.

A month ago, when she left here for the garbage city, her mother was still staying at the space starport.

Now that the star port has collapsed, the mother's life and death are uncertain.

Esther held the phone, there had been no signal for a long time.

Since the mutation occurred, Deep Blue Star has been unable to communicate with the outside world.

This makes Silver Wolf extremely unhappy, many games cannot be played without being connected to the Internet!

Possang sailed No.30 for two days, and the outdoor temperature was minus [-] degrees.

A large iceberg had already appeared on the surface of the sea, and the Possang could only drive slowly with its searchlights on.

It has been three days since he entered the company's waters, but not a single patrol ship can be seen.

Crushed ice and wreckage floated on the surface of the sea, dead silent.

The Bossan was sailing in this lightless sea, and the sound of the ship's bow crushing the ice floes could be heard endlessly.

Possang sailed No.30 for three days, and the outdoor temperature was minus 22 degrees.

It is hard to imagine such an extremely cold climate near the equator.

The calf accompanying the Possang has rarely surfaced.

At noon on this day, the outline of the land appeared in the telescope——

City of Bones, Scriint.


Chapter 78 The Key to Truth

The 33-day voyage and the experience along the way made all the crew members of the Possang feel exhausted.

At this moment, on the dark sea, the bright city appeared in front of them, like a ray of hope for salvation, shining on the hearts of these crew members!

There are no more icebergs in the sea ahead, and the Possang is driving towards the destination with full power!

After 5000 years of occupation by the Interstellar Peace Corporation, there is no trace of the original in this City of Bones.

From the outside, it looks like a steel fortress built on the sea!

As the capital of Deep Blue Star, Sklint is in the shape of a disc as a whole, with a diameter of hundreds of thousands of meters.

On the edge of the city, there is a huge steel wall 1000 meters above the sea, which is breathtaking.

Undoubtedly, this type of defense was carried out in a paramilitary direction.

But why would the company expend so many resources building a military fort here?

Is it because of the belief in protecting the fortification? Or is there an enemy that requires the company to be so prepared?

The technological level of the aborigines cannot break through this steel line of defense.You know, when the company started building Sklint, the natives here had already been beaten into a civilization of cold weapons.

And those deep-sea giants on the deep blue star rarely enter human territory.Only giant whales are an exception, actively integrating into human civilization.

However, these creatures are not a threat to the company, but the company is a threat to them.

The Interstellar Peace Company hunts a large amount of biological resources on the deep blue star every year, causing the vicinity of the capital, Sklint, to become a forbidden area for marine life.

Therefore, when Chu Mu learned of Sklint's appearance from Kafka, he felt very puzzled.

The uneasiness in his heart increased.


Under the guarantee of Esther, the waterway gate of Sklint was slowly opened, and the Possang was able to sail into the inner harbor. The baby whale had disappeared and seemed to be left outside.

As soon as they entered the city, what everyone saw was not prosperity, but devastation.

The space elevator located in the center of the city has collapsed, so that the high wall in the west of the city was smashed, a large amount of seawater poured in, and some low-lying areas were submerged by seawater.

It stands to reason that in urban construction, this situation should be taken into account.

But in the company's plan, it seems that the possibility of an enemy attacking from outer space has never been considered.

The air area of ​​the entire city is completely undefended.So much so that the collapse of the space elevator directly destroyed half of the city.

Sklint at this moment can be said to be the most dilapidated moment since the city was founded.

But on the Possang, the crew from Garbage City were still shocked and speechless when they saw the city.

As the natives of Deep Blue Star, they entered here for the first time!

This city-state that once belonged to their ancestors has now been completely transformed into a company.

They are all on the same planet, but the scenery here seems to be on an alien planet.

There are many tall buildings, and the light and shadow are chaotic.

The gate of the water channel was slowly closed, and on the high wall, several searchlights were already shining on the Possang.

Compared with other ships in the port, this steamer was simply out of place.

Esta has disembarked, and she needs to meet with the governor here to get a pass for the crew of the Possan.

Without this document, they can only stay on the ship and go nowhere.

Of course, as insurance, Kafka also said that he would accompany her.

It seems to be companionship, but it is actually surveillance.

Esta knew that this was a sign that she was not fully trusted, but she didn't say anything, but felt a little aggrieved.

After more than a month of getting along day and night, can't you still be your companion?

Therefore, when she heard Chu Mu persuade Kafka not to go, she couldn't help but feel a little sweet joy in her heart.

It turns out that you are not really that indifferent to me, but you still trust me in your heart.

What Esta didn't know was that the reason why Chu Mu dissuaded Kafka was because he felt that Kafka, a wanted criminal of the company, would be somewhat dangerous to wander around the other party's territory.

Kafka understood what Chu Mu meant, and couldn't help feeling relieved.

My Amu is still very considerate of me!

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