Like Superman, I get stronger when exposed to the sun Author: Elderly Ghost Fire


He is Earthlings' version of 'Kryptonian'.

The earth is about to be destroyed. As one of the fires of human civilization, Lei Ming was sent to a spaceship to search for a new livable planet in another galaxy. Unexpectedly, he accidentally came to a planet that is highly similar to the earth...

The sun of this planet endowed him with powerful physical strength, awakened superhuman abilities, heat vision, flight, biological force field, freezing breath...

He gets stronger and stronger over time, aging more slowly the older he gets.

Gradually, he discovered that this world did not seem to be as simple as it seemed on the surface, and the dark supernatural power was gradually emerging...

The demon hunting brother who drives a black Chevrolet, the wizard who revived thousands of years ago, the descendant of the prehistoric civilization born in the first solar era, and the evil god parasitizing from different latitudes.

Until one day...the real Superman appeared in front of his eyes...

Lei Ming can only be forced to become the strongest existence in this universe

(Friendly reminder: Non-native people will kill indiscriminately, do not open the harem, please read the message on the title page carefully before reading.)

Chapter 1 The world is about to end

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"Wake up...Xiao Ming! Wake up!"

Lei Ming vaguely felt that someone was shaking him, and he woke up with a female voice calling.

"What's wrong Mom? Am I late for school?"

Looking at his mother's expression that seemed a little out of place, Lei Ming realized that something seemed to be wrong.

"Xiaoming... I'm sorry, mom really loves you, but..."

"Mom... what are you talking about, what's the matter?"

Seeing his mother's tear-stained face hesitated to speak, Lei Ming felt more and more uneasy.

Suddenly there was a noisy movement outside, and with the sound of footsteps approaching, the door of the bedroom was pushed open, and a group of soldiers in pitch-black uniforms and complete combat equipment walked in.

"Ms. Xu, it's time."

A woman's voice came from under the helmet of the first soldier, and the mirror of the black lacquered helmet reflected Thunder's puzzled reflection.

"Mom! What are they talking about, what time is it? What's going on?!"

"sorry Sorry……"

At this time, in Lei Ming's impression, Xu Wenli, the mother who was always optimistic and cheerful, and calm when things happened, was already in tears. She just hugged him tightly and couldn't say a word.

"Ms. Xu...I'm sorry, we are leaving."

Following the signal from the female soldier, two other soldiers beside her immediately stepped forward and pulled Xu Wenli away from Lei Ming.

"What are you doing!? Let me go!"

The soldiers' rough pulling action made Lei Ming's heart tighten, and he couldn't help roaring, but his shoulder was already held by another soldier...

"We have no malicious intentions..."

The female soldier walked towards Lei Ming suddenly, raised her hands and said softly.

Lei Ming glanced at her waist, where a black pistol was stuck.

The next second, he stood up abruptly, and kicked the crotch of the soldier behind him with a back kick. The man instantly bowed into a shrimp, and took his hands away from Lei Ming's shoulders.

And Lei Ming took advantage of the reaction force of the back pedal to rush towards the female soldier in front of him.


The female soldier only felt a flash in front of her eyes, and a short figure flashed in front of her eyes. When she came back to her senses, there was only a black muzzle pointing at her head.

"Let go of her!"

Lei Ming stared at the female soldier and said coldly, while opening the safety of the gun in his hand.

The woman and the soldiers beside her were stunned, including Xu Wenli who was also puzzled at this time, as if she didn't know that her son had such a side.

The female soldier froze in place. Before she came, she never expected this scene to happen.

An eight-year-old kid, in front of a group of well-trained soldiers, broke free and snatched his own gun in just a few seconds?He also threatened himself with a gun!

And you know how to open the insurance?

Who will believe this? !

After everyone reacted, they immediately aimed their weapons at the little boy in front of the female soldier, as if they would shoot at any moment!

"Don't! Don't! You're crazy! He's only eight years old!"

Seeing this scene, Xu Wenli immediately lost control of her emotions, but after a soldier beside her quickly injected something into her neck, she collapsed on the bed and remained motionless.


When Lei Ming saw this, his eyes turned red instantly, and he clenched his hands and was about to shoot!

"Wait! She just fell asleep! She'll wake up in 15 minutes!"

The female soldier immediately said quickly that Lei Ming didn't pull the trigger.

"Who are you?! What do you want to do!?"

Facing Lei Ming's questioning, the female soldier first motioned for the others to put down their guns, and then slowly took off her helmet...

"You are... Teacher Yuan?!"

Looking at the familiar face of the woman in front of him, Lei Ming couldn't help saying unexpectedly, the woman in front of him, covered in combat equipment and fully armed, turned out to be his teacher at school?

what is happening?

"Lei Ming, I know you have many questions, but our target is not your mother...

but you! "


Lei Ming's heart froze when he heard this.

Before Lei Ming could ask, the woman continued:

"Lei Ming, I know you are very smart, you understand that if you shoot the gun, it will only make things worse! Believe me, as long as you do what I say, neither you nor your mother will be harmed. I'll answer them one by one later, but for now...

You have to give me back the gun first..."

Seeing the sincerity in the woman's eyes and the outstretched hand, Lei Ming's eyes switched between the mother and the woman, and finally slowly put down the gun in his hand.


The woman breathed a sigh of relief as she took the gun and inserted it back into her waist, and then ordered to the other soldiers, "Let's go, we don't have much time."

Immediately, two more soldiers carried Lei Ming out of the house, one on the left and the other on the right. This time he didn't resist, but just asked the woman.

"Where are you going?! Where's my mother?"

However, the woman didn't answer him, but said something to the radio on her shoulder, and Lei Ming didn't hear it.

When he was taken outside the house, he couldn't open his eyes with the rumbling sound and the strong wind, only then did he realize that there was a military helicopter parked on the lawn outside his house!

Lei Ming was completely blinded, but it was useless to say anything at this time, because the noise was too loud and no one could hear his voice.

When he was taken by two soldiers to the helicopter and fixed on the seat, he found that there were two children who were also wearing pajamas and were about his own age sitting opposite him, and one of them he knew.

"Encore? Why are you here?"

Although the voice was drowned out by the noise of the helicopter, the little girl named Anke obviously recognized Lei Ming, and was watching him say something loudly, but Lei Ming didn't hear a word clearly, only saw her little face with a smile on her face. There are wet tears hanging, obviously just cried.

With the return of 'Teacher Yuan', the helicopter took off slowly.

Lei Ming looked down at the home that was getting farther and farther away from him, and his eyes were locked on the window of his bedroom, until the dark night completely made him lose his target...

It was cold and windy at high altitude in the dark night, and the three children didn't feel sleepy at all, but shivered a little because they were only wearing thin pajamas.

Seeing this, 'Teacher Yuan' took out some blankets from somewhere and wrapped them around the three children.

Lei Ming didn't speak, but just stared at 'Teacher Yuan', as if to say, "I'm waiting for your explanation."

The woman seemed to be interested too, took out a black tablet, clicked on a video and handed it to him.

Lei Ming took the tablet suspiciously, and clicked play on the video...

The video is very short, only 3 minutes, but the more Lei Ming looked back, his eyes widened, and finally he looked at 'Teacher Yuan' with incredible eyes, as if asking, "Are you sure this is not a joke?"

Returning the tablet to 'Teacher Yuan', Lei Ming closed his eyes, he needs to digest what he just saw...

"This world is about to be destroyed... due to the explosion of a supernova 45 light-years away from the earth, the entire solar system is within its destruction range, and all living things on the earth will not survive at that time.

After a long meeting and discussion of the World Security Council, for the continuation of human civilization, they finally unanimously decided to send a group of teenagers and children with excellent potential to the spaceship developed by the top technicians from all over the world and spend a lot of money to go to Going deep into the universe, looking for another planet suitable for human habitation, where we can continue the fire of human civilization..."

This is roughly what the video is about, and Lei one of the selected teenagers, and he probably understands why he was selected.

He can read and write at the age of one, wash, dress, eat and wipe his ass by himself at the age of two, "self-study" all the courses up to high school at the age of seven, and many first-class universities have offered him olive branches.

Since he was sensible, he has shown a 'super high' IQ and a mature mind.

His former tutor said that Lei Ming was the least childlike child he had ever seen.

But only Lei Ming himself knows that it's not because he was born a child prodigy that he can have such a 'miracle' at such a young age...

It's simply because his soul is a real adult!

At first he thought that the military came to him because his identity as a time traveler was discovered, and he was nervous for a while, but now after watching the video...

more nervous...

According to the convention, he was just an ordinary orphan in his previous life, and he was just an ordinary wage earner after graduating from university. He only realized the taste of family affection after traveling one day. Although he only had one mother, it made him happy.

I don't have any golden fingers, but I think that I can use my adult soul to use this child's body to make some "miraculous" moves to attract the attention of the outside world, and it can also change the family's financial situation and make my mother less tired , did not expect that I would encounter such an outrageous development of the end of the world before I was a teenager...

He knows that the technological level of this world is not much higher than that of the previous life, but let the spaceship manned to find another habitable earth in the universe... Surely this is not a fantasy?

Whether it is successful or not is not mentioned for now, but the human beings who stay on the earth have only one ending, and that is to be destroyed along with the earth...

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