Thinking of his mother's warm smile and the little things we had experienced together in the past eight years, Lei Ming couldn't help the corners of his eyes getting wet.

'Teacher Yuan' noticed Lei Ming's state, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, even if he was a child prodigy, he was only an eight-year-old child...

But in the next second, the silent thunder suddenly exploded, and rushed towards the soldier opposite, grabbing the gun on his waist with both hands, but due to the seat belt, his movements were much slower, and the soldier had long been aware of Lei Ming. Defensively, he grabbed his wrist.

But he didn't give up, he raised his leg and kicked the soldier's crotch again...

But at the moment before the leg kicked out, a dark object appeared in front of Lei Ming.

He turned his head, and it was 'Teacher Yuan' who handed her the gun. Lei Ming didn't think too much, and quickly grabbed the gun.

This scene stunned the two children, a boy and a girl, not knowing what happened.

But the soldier was about to make a move but was stopped by 'Teacher Yuan', and even took an earphone and handed it to Lei Ming, as if he had something to say to him.

Putting on the earphones, the noisy propeller noise stopped abruptly, and it seemed that the whole world was quiet, only the voice of 'Teacher Yuan' rang in my ears.

"Now that you have a gun, what are you going to do?"

Hearing this, Lei Ming slowly raised the gun in his hand again and aimed it at 'Teacher Yuan' and opened the safety.

"Let me go back!"

"And then? Waiting for the earth to explode with your mother? If you come with us, at least you have a chance to survive. Your mother also hopes so, otherwise she would not sign the agreement."

Being pointed at with a gun by an eight-year-old child, Teacher Yuan looked extremely calm, and in his words, he seemed to treat Lei Ming opposite him as his peers.

Lei Ming shook his head, "The World Security Council's 'New Star' project is bullshit! Nonsense! It is nonsense to want to manned long-distance navigation in the universe with the current level of technology! Let alone find a planet suitable for human habitation! Let me go back ! I would rather die on Earth! At least I can be with my loved ones!"

Although the voice was immature, it did not affect the determination in his words at all.

'Teacher Yuan' laughed after hearing these words, which made Lei Ming a little puzzled. After laughing, she went on to say:

"When I was an observer at school, you made me always pay attention to how you grew up as an eight-year-old child. Every time I talked to you, I felt like I was talking to my peers..."

Lei Ming said sharply:

"Don't change the subject! I'll say it again, let me go back! There are hundreds of thousands of people selected! What if I'm missing one person?!"

'Teacher Yuan' put away his smile when he heard the words, and replied with a serious expression:

"Sorry, I can't do it, this is Guo Jia's order, I have no right to make decisions."

"You... aren't you afraid of death?!"

Lei Ming tightened the gun in his hand to her, implying that he would really shoot.

Unexpectedly, 'Teacher Yuan' remained unmoved, but said indifferently, "I really didn't expect that you can use a gun, but it seems that you only 'know how to shoot'.


Lei Ming realized that there was something in her words, and quickly looked at the handle of the gun in his hand, only to find that the magazine was empty...

"Depend on!…"

Before he could swear, he felt an itchy neck, as if he had been bitten by a mosquito, and then he felt a strong sense of sleepiness...

"I haven't... said goodbye to her..."

This is the last sentence that 'Teacher Yuan' heard in the earphone.

Chapter 2 Deep in the Starry Sky

When he opened his eyes again, Lei Ming felt as if he was wrapped in an egg, with a sticky sensation all over his body, and a foreign body sensation in his mouth and nose, and he couldn't see anything with his eyes.

Just when Lei Ming was a little panicked and didn't know what happened, his field of vision suddenly became brighter, and the 'lid' above his head rose automatically like a hatch.

Immediately afterwards, he felt someone help him up, and a dazzling white light came in front of his eyes.

"Pupillary constriction is normal...respiratory system is normal...response to external stimuli is normal...physiological state is normal..."

Looking at the white coat in front of him carrying out various inspections on himself with a miniature flashlight and instruments, Lei Ming's vague consciousness gradually became clear.

Just when he was about to speak, he found that his mouth and nose were covered with a hard thing, which made him unable to speak. He tore it off, and a large amount of air was sucked into his lungs, causing him to cough violently...

This feeling made him very uncomfortable, like a fish living in the water suddenly landed on the shore...

"Don't worry, your body will be a little weak due to the long-term deep sleep. This is a normal phenomenon. You have just woken up, and you need time to adapt to the environment here."

The young girl in a white jumpsuit took a towel and draped it over Lei Ming's body while talking softly.

"A long...sleep..."

Lei Ming looked at the hibernation cabin that looked like a giant egg under him, and couldn't help wondering, is the technology in this world not as simple as he thought?Even things that can only be found in this kind of science fiction film have been created.

He asked again:

"How long have I been asleep..."

The woman replied while operating on the machine: "You are the third batch to wake up, and also the last batch. It has been ten months since you fell into a deep sleep..."

"What did you say? Ten months!?"

Lei Ming almost fell out of the cabin when he heard the words, but fortunately the woman had sharp eyes and quickly grabbed him.

"Be careful! It will take at least two weeks for your body to return to its previous state, and you will have to carry out continuous recovery training during the period..."

Lei Ming turned a deaf ear to the woman's words, grabbed her by the corner of her clothes, and asked eagerly: "Then what happened to the earth? Where's my mother?!"

The woman's expression darkened when she heard the words, and she said slowly:

"Earth... a month after we left the solar system... has completely ceased to exist...

Your family should also..."

She didn't continue to say the following words, but Lei Ming was stunned as if he had been frozen, and the hand that was holding the corner of her clothes slipped down...

Afterwards, Lei Ming never asked any questions or spoke again, and let the woman wash him and put on a white jumpsuit, and finally helped him walk through the corridors full of sci-fi style, and came to a In front of the door engraved with the number C-101.

The cabin door opened automatically, and the woman led him into the room. There were two beds inside. Although the area was only about ten square meters, it had everything that should be there.

"This is where you will live in the future. The identity bracelet and your personal belongings are in the locker. Take a rest first. I will take you to dinner in three or 10 minutes, then rest for the night and resume training tomorrow. "

The woman was about to leave after a brief explanation, but the thunder that had been silent all the way stopped her at this moment.

"and many more……"

"Do you have any other questions?"

"Your name...what's your name?"

Lei Ming said slowly, now he just feels like his lungs are on fire, and he dare not speak too hard.

"My name is Qiao Wei, and I'm in charge of managing Area C. If you have any questions in the future, you can contact me directly."


After speaking, Lei Ming fell into silence again.

"Should be."

After Qiao Wei left, the door closed automatically, and the room where only Lei Ming was left was silent.

After sitting by the bed for a while, he walked to the window with difficulty holding onto the wall. Although he was in a low mood at the moment, he couldn't help but be shocked by the scenery outside.

In the vast starry sky, in the dark depths of the universe, there are only a few stars flickering, and nothing else can be seen, except for a huge spaceship moving forward in the universe alone.

"Welcome, Thunder!"


Suddenly a mechatronic sound sounded behind him, startling him.

"I am the artificial intelligence AI on the 'Gaia' spacecraft, you can call me Alice."

There was a sudden change of light in the room, and a blonde woman in business attire appeared in front of him.

"Artificial Intelligence...Stereoscopic Projection..."

Lei Ming looked curiously at the extremely realistic AI projection in front of him, and asked:

"Alice, what can you do?"

"My duty is to let all the members of the Gaia reach their destination safely. The HD1 galaxy is about [-] light-years away from the earth. According to the predictions of the earth's astronomical observers, there are likely to be places suitable for human habitation." planet..."

"In addition, I am also in charge of the spacecraft's power energy system, external defense system, oxygen circulation supply system, food regeneration and generation system, hull maintenance and overhaul, and..."

Alice reported a long list of nouns, which made Thunder's scalp tingle.

"Wait... so you're in control of the entire spaceship?! There's no captain, commander or anything like that?"

"Yes, except for a small number of relatively older human members who hold necessary positions, all other things are controlled by me.

The only thing I can't change in the entire spacecraft is the command that the destination of the spacecraft must be the HD1 galaxy. "

"In addition, among the 250 members on the Gaia, none of them are adults above the age of 15 to 80.00, and more than [-]% of the members are in the age group of [-] to [-]."

"5 people?"

Lei Ming was a little puzzled and said:

"I saw in the data that 30 people were selected to participate in the 'Nova' project, and there are only 5 people on this ship. Does that mean there are other 'Gaias'?"

"That's right, there are a total of six Gaia spacecraft of the same size, and they set off to six different galaxies. We are on the 'Gaia III'."

Through Alice's explanation, Lei Ming also learned many things that he didn't know or misunderstood before. For example, the technological level of this earth reached a very high level as early as more than ten years ago. Deliberately controlling the level of folk technology, so that many ordinary people like Lei Ming have no access to real information...

And there was one thing that made Lei Ming a little concerned.

The day when astronomers on Earth discovered that a supernova would explode and destroy the Earth happened to be the day Lei Ming was born eight years ago, or the day he crossed over...

"It should be just a coincidence..."

Lei Ming thought to himself, he doesn't think he has such a great ability, it's a supernova explosion, how can he affect the changes in the universe tens of light years away...

After chatting with Alice for a while, Lei Ming opened the locker that must pass the biological gene authentication. According to Alice, everyone's locker has souvenirs left by their family members, as well as a video with sound.

The locker is not big, it can only hold about the capacity of a computer case, and inside it lies a black bracelet, a tablet, and...

A women's necklace…

When Lei Ming saw the lady's necklace, Lei Ming couldn't help feeling a little sour.

It was the necklace that his mother always wore and almost never left. He once heard from his mother that this necklace was given to her by his husband, Lei Ming's father, on the day she was pregnant with Lei Ming. Although Lei Ming disappeared not long after he was born, Lei Ming also has no feelings for this father.

After all, his soul is an adult, and apart from a mother who is really good to him, the existence of his father is dispensable to him.

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