Holding the necklace tightly in his hand, he picked up the tablet again. After unlocking it, there was only a 5-minute video in it, and the date was seven days before he was taken on the helicopter.

Feeling anxious, Lei Ming clicked the play button.

At the beginning of the video, the familiar figure appeared in front of Lei Ming. She was fiddling with the camera. The background was the living room he was familiar with. The corners of Lei Ming's mouth involuntarily twitched at the thought of "not moving", but quickly calmed down...

"Hi...Xiao Ming!"

The mother in the video finally officially started recording, smiling and waving to Lei Ming in front of the screen...


Lei Ming also subconsciously raised his hand and waved towards the screen, but then realized...he was not in a video call.

"Xiaoming, maybe when you saw this video...I am no longer here, but mom still hopes you can forgive mom, I am sorry I can't tell you...I agree with the 'New Star' project.

You have been so smart since you were a child, and you can't hide anything from you. This time, you finally let your mother win!Ha ha! "

The mother in the video smirked like a child at this moment, making Lei Ming a little dumbfounded.

"Xiao Ming... I'm sorry, the reason why mother didn't tell you is that she hopes to spend the last time with you happily, instead of spending every day in the sadness of being about to part. You are so smart Surely you know what I mean!

Although you have always acted like a little adult, unlike other children who cry, fight or act like a baby, I know that you are actually the most dependent on me, right?I have already seen it!

Sigh... you are a good kid, you are too mature, you know that mother is not easy, you will take the initiative to share the housework, and when the family encountered financial difficulties for a while, you also promised those media to participate in various programs on TV...

Remember the first time you were invited to appear on a show for gifted kids?

You got first!And got a nice bonus...

Mom is really proud of you, but...

I just want to say that these are really not very important to my mother...

I just want you to be happy and have more... smiles on your face.

I also hope... hope... hope that you can be like other children...

In mother's arms... acting like a spoiled child..."

Speaking of this... the person in the video couldn't help crying, choked up and couldn't say a complete sentence, it seemed that the relaxed appearance before was just a disguise...

"Hehe, it's embarrassing for you to see your mother again, tsk tsk tsk, it's so embarrassing..."

In the video, the mother, who had adjusted her condition, laughed and joked again, which made Lei Ming with moist eyes burst into laughter.

"By the way, they said that they can leave one thing for you to take on the spaceship as a souvenir. It can't be too much or too heavy, so I left you the most beloved necklace. It's your father, my husband gave it to me Yes, you must take good care of it, it is very expensive! But if you meet someone you like in the future, give it to her!

At last……

With mom's blessings!live on!I love you, bye..."

The screen freezes, and the video ends here...

"I promise you... I will definitely live..."

Chapter 3 Abnormal Artificial Intelligence

It has been a year since Lei Ming woke up. During this period, people have been awakened from the dormant cabin one after another. They belong to the last batch like Lei Ming, but they wake up at different times. They are also the youngest group on the spaceship.

And most of the people who just woke up and knew the truth have gone through a period of adaptation, some are crying, some are angry, some are taciturn, and become withdrawn...

But in the end they all chose to accept the reality. After all, the adaptability of human beings is also considered to be the best in nature. This is nature.

"Attention! Attention! The spaceship will start a space transition in six to ten minutes. To ensure everyone's personal safety, please return to their respective cabins within the time limit. Thank you for your cooperation..."

The teenagers who were sweating profusely in the gym got up and left the gym one after another after hearing the broadcast, and soon there was only one person left on the treadmill, who never stopped even though he was sweating profusely.

In the past two years, the spacecraft has jumped more than once, and the thunder has become familiar. Today, Gaia is more than hundreds of light years away from where the solar system used to be. If there is no accident, Gaia will be in about 30 years. Then arrive at the galaxy where the target is located, the HD1 galaxy [-] light-years away.

"Hey, you didn't hear the broadcast, if you don't leave later, you won't be thrown to the ceiling and kill you..."

A slender but not weak white arm stretched out in front of Lei Ming's eyes, holding a bottle of drinkable circulating water in his hand.

Hearing this slightly immature voice and savage tone, Lei Ming knew who was coming.

After slowing down, he took a sip from the water bottle and looked at Encore beside him.

Now Lei Ming is ten years old, but only 1.5 meters tall. An Ke, who is three years older than him, is also slim and tall, with shoulder-length hair combed into a ponytail behind his head, and a pure white tight-fitting sportswear will take shape. The good figure can be seen at a glance, and it is a full five centimeters taller than Lei Ming!

One day after Lei Ming woke up, and ran into Lei Ming who was doing recovery training in the gym, Anke often ran to him intentionally or unintentionally. In her words, after all, she was a former opponent and now a friend, so of course they should take care of each other.

In fact, the two of them only participated in the same TV show called Genius Children Competition. At that time, Leiming won the first place and Encore was second. He remembered that when Encore knew that he was No. pouted all the time...

And as for why Encore has been pestering him all this time...

The little girl's mind is very simple, he will not understand it.

It's just... Lei Ming is not interested in little kids, he prefers Qiao Wei's big sister type...

"Hey, did you hear me? Treat me like air!"

Seeing that Lei Ming only cared about drinking water and ignoring himself, Anke put one hand on his hips angrily, and the other hand was about to grab Lei Ming's ear, but Lei Ming waved his hand away before he succeeded...

"Don't make trouble..."

Lei Ming didn't like children very much, let alone a brat who twittered in his ear all day long, his expression looked a little impatient at this time, he was really impatient...

"No conscience! Thanks to me, I brought you water..."

Anke pouted for a moment.

Lei Ming was speechless, thinking that elder sister, you just put me within [-] centimeters away from me... just picked up my own water bottle and handed it to me, how do you say it looks like you came here to deliver water to me?

I don't want to quarrel with Anke, this girl belongs to the kind of girl who gets more and more hot as soon as you answer the conversation, Lei Ming just wants to send her away as soon as possible.

"Stop making trouble, Miss. You should go back quickly. It's not like you don't have a gym in District D, so why do you have to travel so far to District C to torture me?"

"What did you say?!"

Encore exploded in an instant, rolled up his sleeves and punched Lei Ming's back with a few punches, yelling:

"My family! Good intentions! Good intentions! Come to remind! You!"

"You still! Say me! Torture! You!"

"I see! You are! Courting death!"

"Obviously! Smaller than me! What are you pretending to be! My lord!"

"You, die! Shorty!"

Lei Ming stood on the treadmill, enjoying Encore's pink punches and killing chickens, with a look of lovelessness.

"You two... Didn't you hear the broadcast? The spaceship is about to jump."

A female voice suddenly came from the entrance of the gym, and Lei Ming turned his head in an instant. After seeing the owner of the voice clearly, a gentleman's smile appeared on his face.

"Sister Qiao Wei, I'm sorry, I'll be right back!"

While speaking, his legs had already stepped off the treadmill, and he was quickly moving towards the door...

An Ke, who was behind him, saw Lei Ming's obviously unnatural movements, and his heart was full of jealousy. He had a dead face to her, and smiled brighter than a flower to that woman.

Qiao Wei was the first group of members to wake up. She had just turned 20 when she first boarded the spaceship, and she is only 20 years old now, but her figure does not look like [-] years old at all.

Her long black hair was tied into a bundle, casually hanging on her chest, a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on her delicate nose, and a pure white and flawless administrator uniform. She was the dream goddess of many teenagers in District C. , Even members from other districts often come all the way to have a look.

Qiao Wei hugged a tablet, looked at the approaching Lei Ming with a smile that seemed to heal people's hearts, turned her head and frowned at An Ke behind Lei Ming...

"Little sister... I just saw it, are you bullying him?"

"Ah?! I... I didn't... I didn't..."

Encore, who was being slandered but suddenly caught by the cue, was instantly at a loss. Seeing this, Lei Ming immediately smoothed things over and said:

"No, no! Children are ignorant and playing around. We used to be classmates and we all know each other..."


Qiao Wei showed an original expression.

"Then go back quickly, the ship will shake violently when the jump starts, and you may be injured."

"I see, Miss Qiao Wei..."

After watching Qiao Wei leave, Lei Ming also withdrew his gaze and walked towards his room.

"Why are you still following me? Lost? Inside the D area!"

Glancing at Anke behind him, Lei Ming said helplessly pointing in another direction.

Anke whispered coyly:

"I...did I hurt you just now..."

"Oh... just your two moves? I don't even like giving me a massage..."

Lei Ming showed a mocking expression, Anke was about to get angry, but there was a loud voice in front of him, Lei Ming looked back, and found that the cafeteria entrance was crowded with people, and there seemed to be a person standing on the table talking about something emotionally , the two also joined together...

"It's true! What I said is true! Alice is really crazy! It killed my roommate! It threw my roommate into space!"

This was the first sentence Lei Ming heard after squeezing into the crowd.

The teenager standing on the table in the cafeteria was about fourteen or fifteen years old. At this time, he was terrified and told the crowd below what he saw.

"I saw it with my own eyes! My roommate Lan Yu secretly dismantled a cleaning robot just out of curiosity, and was considered violent by Alice! Mental mania! He also said he needed treatment, and then asked the security robot to take him away. I Followed up secretly!

It turned out that they threw the fainted Lan Yu into the escape pod and launched it directly into space! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar, some didn't believe it, some believed it, and most of them were skeptical, but it didn't affect their heated discussion.

Someone in the crowd shouted:

"I've heard similar rumors in area f at the tail of the spaceship before! It is said that someone accidentally broke the opponent's bone in a fight, and then disappeared after being taken away by the security robot! Some people suspected that he was killed by the robot! Unexpectedly it is true!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone fried the pot again.

"I seem to have heard similar rumors..."

"I heard that Area E is closed, and no one can enter or exit. I wonder if something happened to the people inside..."

"My roommate had a high fever and was sent to the medical area. It has been seven days and he hasn't come back. Maybe something happened..."

Everyone said what they said, let's not talk about the truth, but at this moment, everyone's heart was covered with a cloud, including Lei Ming and An Ke...

What are you doing?Omnic Crisis?I think the name Alice is unlucky...

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