"I don't want to go, it's none of my business, why do you arrest me, you bad guys." Sticky cursed and struggled, but he was small and couldn't get out of the police's grasp.

Qin Huai Ru Ru Jia Zhang was very anxious but had no choice but to watch helplessly.

Seeing that Banggeng was about to be pulled away, he shouted loudly: "I didn't hide it, my milk asked me to hide it. It's none of my business. I'm still young and I don't understand anything. You can't arrest me. You should grab my breasts if you want to..."

Banggeng's words made the two policemen stop in their tracks, "Jia Zhang hid the stolen goods and took them away together."

"Ms. Jia Zhang has always been lazy, so it's normal to be greedy for this pig's tail. A child like Bangjiao must not have imagined such thoroughness. She must be involved."

"She's not here, no way."

"We can't watch her all the time, how do you know she hasn't seen a stick recently."

The neighbors talked a lot, and they all felt that Jia Zhang must have participated.

"But the stick is too cruel. It's fine to suffer alone. You have to bring Jia Zhang with you. Jia Zhang is not young, so you don't have to peel off your skin when you go in."

"Bang Giao was originally an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. It was reflected in us before, and now it's time for them to repay the world."

Mrs. Jia Zhang was confused. She just wanted her grandson to come back to celebrate his birthday. Why was she harboring him?

"No, Comrade Police, I didn't." Jia Zhang explained while waving her hands repeatedly, not wanting the police to catch her.

"I just came back today. I don't know anything? You can't listen to a child's nonsense!"

"When you get to the police station, you can explain in detail." The policeman said, no matter how much Jia Zhang tried to quibble, he still asked her to restrain her.

Qin Huairu stared dumbfounded, that Bang Geng treats him like this.

She can see clearly how much she pretends to be pampering you and loving BangGiao, now that BangGiao's performance made her feel chills and fell into self-shock.

By the time she recovered, Jia Zhang and Bang Gang had been taken out of the middle courtyard.

"Master, what should I do?" Qin Huairu looked at Yi Zhonghai anxiously.

All she could ask for in the audience was Yi Zhonghai. After all, the two of them still had a deal, and they were also having an affair, so she was sure of asking for it.

Although what Banggen did just now was a bit chilling, but it was her son after all, and she didn't want Banggen to be ruined by this matter, besides, the child is still young, so after being rescued, he should teach him well, Qin Huairu believes It can still be taught.


"Master, help me find a way to see if I can save the two of them." Qin Huairu begged.

"Qin Huairu, please ask me, and I can help." Xu Damao came to him laughing and laughing, not at all out of shape.

"Xu Damao, you are very brave today! You dare to openly make fun of me. Did Lou Xiao'e go back to her mother's house again?" someone teased.

"Am I, Xu Damao, the kind of person who is afraid of his wife?" Xu Damao raised his head slightly, with his nostrils facing the sky.

"Just brag about it, who in the whole hospital doesn't know that you, Xu Damao, are afraid of your wife? Now you're getting strong, be careful, Lou Xiao'e will know when she comes back, and let you kneel on the washboard."



There was laughter all around.

This person really got it right. Lou Xiao'e and Xu Damao's marriage was an arranged marriage. Lou Xiao'e didn't like Xu Damao. She felt that he had too much of a market spirit and was very soft, so she always ran to her parents' home when she had nothing to do. .

Today was no exception, she returned to her natal family again, that's why Xu Damao dared to be so rampant.

"Xu Damao, what's the matter? You're taking advantage of the opportunity to try to trick me. You should step aside as soon as possible and don't think about who you are.

Bah, if you dare to tease me, believe it or not, you will scratch your face! "Qin Huairu glared at Xu Damao and cursed angrily.

Xu Damao's role is not great, she still wants to step on it and give back her previous image to the tree.

Moreover, Xu Damao still made fun of her at this time, he didn't know what it meant, and he deserved being scolded.

"Xu Damao, how can you openly molest a good woman? Have you forgotten the call and thoughts of our country? We must respect and care for female comrades, and we must not insult or molest each other. Look at you, what are you saying!" Yi Zhonghai spoke righteously. criticized.

"Yi Zhonghai, don't tell me these big things here, who can't see your dirty thoughts?

Are the state officials allowed to set fires and the people not allowed to light lamps?

Besides, you are no longer a state official. The title of Grand Master is already embarrassing. What qualifications do you have to teach me a lesson? What are you trying to do here? "Xu Damao replied unconvinced.

In the past, he was really afraid of Yi Zhonghai, but now he is not afraid, the title of Mr. Yi Zhonghai is gone, and the silly Zhu who has been threatening him with his fist is gone, so there is nothing to be afraid of!seven.

Chapter 142 Ultimate Exposure!Is Yi Zhonghai also infertile?

Yi Zhonghai is so angry.

The matter of being masturbated by the title of uncle has been a taboo in his heart recently, and just now he managed to regain a little sense of superiority, and Xu Damao poked and missed nothing left.

Forget it, Xu Damao, who never dared to speak up in front of him and could only be reprimanded, dared to challenge him openly. This was simply blatant contempt.

Yi Zhonghai opened his eyes with a ferocious beard and scolded him coldly.

"Xu Damao, although I have lost the title of Grand Master for the time being, I have been in charge of this compound for so many years, and everyone has great trust in me. Director Xu was angry for a while, but he recovered soon.

But you are full of bad things, you are disgusted by others, and you are still a dead family. These are the facts that will never be changed. It makes you crazy now, and you can pay back some in the future. "

What Yi Zhonghai said, Xu Damao didn't take it to heart, but the words "deadly family" pierced into his heart, and it hurt very much.

I used to be able to complain about "[-]" because Lou Xiao'e couldn't have a baby. The big deal is to find someone else to have a baby in the future. Now I know it's my fault. It's a lie to say that I don't feel uncomfortable.

Xu Damao was very depressed.

Seeing that Xu Damao didn't respond, Zhou Xuejian knew that this guy had fallen into the circle of thinking that he couldn't live again, so he interjected:

"Yi Zhonghai, anyone in this courtyard can say that there is no household, but you can't."

This reminded Xu Damao, his eyes lit up, and he cursed: "That's right, Yi Zhonghai, how dare you call me extinct, you have been extinct for decades, you are the dead quatrain, old exorcist."

"Hmph, we're not the same!" Yi Zhonghai snorted coldly, "You can't do it yourself, even if your wife is not Lou Xiao'e, but Ma Xiao'e or Zhang Xiao'e, you still can't have children.

My eldest mother is in poor health. "

The implication is that if he hadn't been with his aunt all the time, how could Yi Zhonghai have become homeless.

Xu Damao was stunned by the question.

What Yi Zhonghai said was the truth.

Everyone in the compound knows that a eldest mother cannot give birth.

Over the years, part of Yi Zhonghai's reputation still comes from his unwavering dedication to Da Ma.

There are no DINKs in this era, so there are three types of unfilial piety. Having no children is the worst. If you don’t have children, all your ancestors will have to look for you. If you don’t have children, you will be despised and looked down upon. If there are not many strong men in the family, you will be bullied more easily.

If Yi Zhonghai hadn't been an eighth-level fitter in the rolling mill, he would have been bullied long ago if he had accumulated a good prestige.

But even so, it was unavoidable that someone secretly called him dead behind his back.

The first mother was also a little stunned. She didn't feel anything when Yi Zhonghai said this before, because it was a fact that she had accepted for many years.

It's just different today, she kept thinking about what Zhou Xuejian said that day.

If it was really Lao Yi's problem, would she be able to get rid of such endless guilt and self-torture.

Because of the problem of being unable to have children these years, she has been extremely forbearing and accommodating everywhere, but there seems to be a fire in her heart, which cannot be extinguished no matter what.

She loves children very much, but it's a pity that she never has children of her own in this life.

Countless times in her dreams at midnight, she secretly regretted why her body had problems, depriving her of her child.

can if

The aunt squeezed her hands, her palms were sweaty, her body was tense and trembling slightly.

"I think the eldest mother is in very good health. She looks like she is a good childbearer. She doesn't look like an infertile patient. It doesn't necessarily mean that Yi Zhonghai is infertile." Zhou Xuejian said seriously, touching his chin.

"How is that possible? What you are saying is nonsense. Who in the entire compound doesn't know that the reason why the first man's family has no children is because the first mother cannot give birth to a child? What you say makes no sense."

"You can't talk to death." Immediately, someone retorted: "You forgot, Zhou Xuejian could tell that the chief leader was sick with the naked eye, and after a while he was rescued with acupuncture, maybe he saw something. "

Originally, many people thought that they would not be able to give birth if they stood alone, but now they are confused.

Both sides are right, so which side should I believe?

"Isn't it all a woman's problem to not be able to conceive? How could it be a man."

"Isn't Xu Damao?"

"It was an accident. It's not like he was born so he wouldn't be born, and the uncle didn't bump into each other. It can't be such a coincidence in our compound, the two are connected."

People these days don't understand the medical causes of infertility. Anyway, if they can't conceive, it must be a woman's problem, and men have no problem, so they think Zhou Xuejian's statement is a bit absurd

Especially the men in the compound.

"Zhou Xuejian, this matter is an ironclad fact. It's useless even if you say it to the ground. Being openly slandered because of some personal grudges is what you said...crime." Yi Zhonghai snorted disdainfully. He shouted, as if he heard a joke.

He and Zhou Xuejian have dealt with the law in the end, and he wanted to learn and use it, but he didn't remember the name.

"Then go check it out!" Before Zhou Xuejian could speak, Xu Damao jumped out.  …

Because of what happened recently, Xu Damao has a lot of trust and admiration for Zhou Xuejian.

If this word came from someone else, Xu Damao would take it as a joke, but today it was said from Zhou Xuejian's mouth, he believed in his heart that it must be Yi Zhonghai who couldn't give birth.

And if Yi Zhonghai really couldn't give birth, then someone would keep him company.

"If you say check, check it. What are you?" Yi Zhonghai scolded.

Check your fart, don't lose face.

"Yi Zhonghai, could it be that you didn't dare to go because you knew you couldn't give birth?" Zhou Xuejian asked back.

"I think it's like you're proclaiming that a big mother can't give birth every day, but you don't dare to go for a check-up. You're guilty of guilt." Xu Damao agreed.

The two sang together, Yi Zhonghai raised his eyebrows when he heard it.

"That's right, sir, it's okay to check it out, and you can feel more at ease after the checkup."

"That is, when the time comes, not only our compound and the rolling mill, but also other people near the compound will admire your kindness to Da Ma."


People in the compound coaxed.

Yi Zhonghai was directly stood up. It was neither a consent nor a refusal. In the end, he threatened Zhou Xuejian and Xu Damao with a fierce face and said: "It's okay to go, but you can't go in vain. If it wasn't my problem, you have to give me a One hundred dollars."

One hundred for each person, the total is two hundred.

"Yi Zhonghai, don't say I'm stingy, five hundred! If it's not your problem, Damao and I will give you five hundred each; if it's your problem, you will give us five hundred each." Zhou Xuejian said boldly.

 0.7 "Yes!" Xu Damao gritted his teeth and agreed. Although five hundred is a bit much, he believed in Zhou Xuejian.

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