Yi Zhonghai hesitated.

Five hundred per person means you can earn a lot, but you can also lose a lot. What if...

"There's nothing wrong with it, these two boys are here to give me money." Yi Zhonghai cheered silently in his heart.

Immediately nodded in agreement.

"Okay, then let's go to the hospital now." Xu Damao shouted.

"Go and go!"

So a group of people went straight to the People's Hospital in a mighty way. The hospital is big enough to have the equipment and manpower to check these things.

Along the way, Yi Zhonghai was full of confidence and a happy face, and the thought of getting 1000 yuan into the account made him feel even more elated.

When you arrive at the hospital, you can complete registration, consultation, and sampling in one go.

Soon, the inspection report was taken out by the nurse.

"Yi Zhonghai...".

Chapter 143 The stick is injured, Yi Zhonghai collapses

In the anticipation of everyone, Yi Zhonghai cheerfully took the checklist from the nurse, looked up confidently,

The words congenital azoospermia and infertility hurt my eyes.

Yi Zhonghai rubbed his eyes in disbelief, thinking that his old eyesight had made a mistake, so he read it again.

Still those few words.

"How are you doing, sir?" Xu Damao leaned his head forward, stretched his neck and looked inside.

Then happily pulled the checklist over, spread it out for everyone to see: "It's the old man who can't give birth, everyone can see clearly, it has nothing to do with the big mother."

Zhou Xuejian knew it well, so naturally there was nothing to be surprised about. He stood beside him calmly, like a fairy out of the dust.

But the people in the compound are not so calm.

"For so many years, we always thought that the aunt had a physical problem and couldn't give birth, but it turned out not to be the case. The aunt hid it too well."

"No, the poor old lady could have become a mother. Not only did she not become a mother after being delayed by the old lady, but she also carried the guilt of not being able to give birth to 06 every day. Tsk tsk tsk... I have been wronged for most of my life."

"If anything happens in the future, I will come to the hospital for check-ups. The hospital is the real thing."

"Zhou Xuejian is so powerful, he can be seen at just one glance."

Everyone was talking.

Yi Zhonghai's face was ashen, and he still didn't believe himself. He quickly grabbed the nurse who was about to leave, "Nurse, did you get the wrong inspection report? Did you take the wrong test?"

"Master, our hospital is the most authoritative, and it is impossible to make a mistake for you. Is this name yours? It must be on your list." The nurse explained patiently.

She has seen many patients like this, and she couldn't accept it at first, and she was fine after crying for a while.

"Nurse, it's impossible! Absolutely impossible. You must have made a mistake. I ask for a retest." Yi Zhonghai shouted.

He doesn't believe it's his fault anyway.

Seeing him repeatedly stressing that the hospital made a mistake, the nurse also turned cold. "As long as you pay, it doesn't matter how many times you take the test. Just don't test it out and say the hospital made a mistake. We are very strict about our work."

Yi Zhonghai's mind was full of mistakes, and he didn't even realize that he had offended the nurse without any objection.

Pay again for sampling and testing.

It was still the same nurse who sent the inspection form, she coldly handed the inspection form to Yi Zhonghai, turned around and left.

The result remains the same.

"Hahaha, Grandpa, congratulations, you will be like me from now on, we really can't scold anyone about this matter." Xu Damao laughed loudly, regardless of whether his words hurt the enemy a thousand times or hurt himself eight times. Hundred.

Yi Zhonghai felt numb on his side.

How could he be congenitally infertile?It's not the big mother who can't bear children, it's him!

This is impossible.

It is absolutely impossible.

Yi Zhonghai couldn't accept it, and frantically denied it in his heart.

When he looked at Qin Huairu, he decided to give it a try. He was sure there would be no problem.

"Oh, poor aunt has been taking the blame for most of her life in the compound. She has been doing things like cows and horses. She is often scolded and dare not speak out. She feels that she has failed the old Yi family. Now she doesn't have to worry about it anymore. ." Zhou Xuejian sighed lightly.

What he said was unintentional (intentional), but the listener meant it.

The first mother's eyes were moist, and she covered her mouth with her hands to prevent herself from crying.

She has suffered all these years.

Since marrying Yi Zhonghai for so many years, except for the first few years when the two really fell in love with each other for a while, life in the future has not been easy.

In the first few years without children, Yi Zhonghai was quite restrained, but later on he became more irritable at home, often making sarcastic remarks or scolding and roaring.

Normally, she doesn't have too much communication with her at all, and she doesn't let her take care of other things, and most of the money is in Yi Zhonghai's hands, so she has to ask Yi Zhonghai for anything she needs to buy for her family.

It's a complete aggrieved life.

Especially recently, Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu were fighting openly, not even giving her the last decency. She had already imagined her misery in the future.

As a result, I didn't expect that there would be another spring.

It's not her problem.

The aunt felt a mixture of sadness and joy at the moment, and she felt a lot more relaxed.

From then on, the reputation of not being able to give birth no longer belongs to me, and I no longer have to be judged by others.

Qin Huairu was also very happy.

Yi Zhonghai was infertile, so even if he had a relationship with him, he didn't have to worry about getting pregnant.

You know, being forced by Yi Zhonghai to remove the ring, she has always been disgusted and avoided all of this.

She was prone to pregnancy, and she didn't know it at first. She and Jia Dongxu were having babies one after another, so she just thought she was lucky. Who would have thought that she and the little bastard would also become pregnant all of a sudden. Only then did she learn from the doctor that she was pregnant. Pregnant physique.

After Jia Dongxu left, she was unwilling to study hard, but life at home was difficult, so she had to take advantage of her body.

She went to Shanghuan because she was worried that she would be pregnant.

Jia Dongxu is gone, if she becomes pregnant again, she will really have no way to live in the compound.

She had also thought about it, even if she remarried, she could not have another child. If she did, the man would definitely treat Banggeng badly, and Banggong would feel uncomfortable.

In short, the loss outweighs the gain, and Sheung Wan is the best.

Really, some are happy and some are sad.

"My lord, I'd like to bet, give me the money." Xu Damao approached Yi Zhonghai with a smirk on his face, and said treacherously.

It does the smoothest job of sprinkling salt on the wound.

 297 Yi Zhonghai wanted to blame him, but he couldn't do such a thing in front of everyone in the compound, he roared angrily, "I didn't bring any money with me."

"That's okay, I'll just remind you a few words." Xu Damao snorted, still mean.

Yi Zhonghai wished he could knock him out with a fist so that this kid would never be able to bully him in front of him again.

Back in the compound, Yi Zhonghai's team was very annoying to Xu Damao, took the money back to the house, gave it to him and Zhou Xuejian, and then slammed the door.

After finishing washing and getting the money, Zhou Xuejian was about to go back to the backyard, when someone did rush in and shouted, "Which one is Qin Huairu? Your son is injured, and the juvenile management office asked you to go."

"What? What's the matter with the stick?" Qin Huairu hadn't been happy for two seconds, when he heard the sad news, he was shocked.

"I don't know the specific situation, you go to the juvenile management office to see it yourself." The man ran away in a hurry after speaking.

Qin Huairu also rushed to the Juvenile Management Office without stopping.

The stick is her life, so don't worry about it.

Qin Huairu soon arrived at the Juvenile Detention Center, and was taken to a separate small room by the guards. Bang Geng was lying on the bed, half of his head was wrapped in bandages, and was still stained with blood. The bright red looked scary, and his face was pale. , saw Qin Huai Ru wow and cried.

"Mom, it's terrible here, save me quickly, I can't stay here any longer."


Chapter 144 The stick begs, Qin Huairu seduces Yi Zhonghai

Qin Huairu looked at the wounds all over Banggen's body, and the redness on the blood-oozing arm almost hurt her eyes deeply.

She suddenly felt her eyes wet, and the sticks in front of her eyes became foggy.

Stick sticks to Qin Huairu's arm and doesn't let go.

He was beaten badly in the juvenile detention center.

He was almost beaten just now, apart from the feeling of dying, Stick even felt that he would never see the sun of tomorrow again.

But fortunately, I can still see Qin Huairu when I open my eyes.

Being able to see Qin Huairu means that he is still alive, as long as he is still alive, he has a chance to run out.

He didn't know how long he would be imprisoned for stealing a pig's tail.

All he knew was that he couldn't stay in this place for a day.

"Mom, talk, when will you save me out!"

Banggan had never been so humble in front of Qin Huairu. He prayed to Qin Huairu and expected Qin Huairu to give him a satisfactory answer.

The more the stick is like this, the more Qin Huairu feels distressed. She wiped her tears and said: "My eldest son, mom knows you have suffered here."

"Mom is really distressed, give Mom a little more time."

"Mom, think of a way, okay?"

Qin Huairu coaxed the stick with a soft voice, but she knew in her heart that this was just making fun of the stick.

What stick stems stole is the pig tail from such a big pig in the factory!

This pig tail is worth a lot, not to mention priceless.

Just talking about this price issue is enough to judge the stick for a long time.

Of course she couldn't bear to be bullied like this in the juvenile detention center, but what could she do?

She doesn't have the ability to help BangGou get through the relationship between top and bottom.

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