Not to mention saving BangGeng out, she couldn't even save BangGeng from suffering a little bit inside.

In this year, money may not be everything, but it does matter wherever you go.

Qin Huairu has neither money nor background, how can she really save her son from the fire and water.

Although Bangge is small, he is much smarter than the average child.

He may not be able to tell whether Qin Huairu is painting cakes or not.

But he knew that Qin Huairu might not be able to really rescue him if he didn't give a specific time.

The humble look in his begging Qin Huairu just now turned cold.

Banggeng said slightly threateningly: "Qin Huairu, you don't have to fool me here, you just can't save me!"

"You can't save me, why do you still come to see me?"

"See how I was killed?"

"I think you might as well just let me die!"

"My own mother doesn't care, what am I doing alive?"


The more he talked, the more excited he became, and he even wanted to pull out the needle in his hand.

His lively appearance really made it impossible to tell that this was a child who had just been seriously injured.

Qin Huairu was frightened when she saw Banggeng trying to pull out the hanging needle in his hand, and quickly pressed Banggong to prevent him from moving.

"Son, don't be like this, don't be like this!"

This time it was replaced by Qin Huairu's humble prayer.

Her tears fell cracklingly to the hospital bed, and the tears were so big that they hit the quilt so dank.

"Mom will find a way for you right away. I will rescue you no matter what the cost!"

"Mom said do it, I will definitely rescue you!"

Bangge was reluctantly satisfied after hearing such an answer.

After all, this answer is what he almost paid for with his life.

As for what Qin Huairu will use in exchange for his chance to go out, Bang Geng doesn't care.

Don't look at Qin Huairu as the mother of the stick, even if she dies, she must first create value for the stick before she can die.

Banggen's heart is made of stone, Qin Huairu's hot tears can't warm this cold stone.

"Then why are you still standing there?"

Seeing that Qin Huairu was still crying here, and didn't make any moves to leave, Bang Jian urged him immediately.

"Hurry up and find a way for me. Do you think I'll be killed here?"

When Qin Huairu heard the words that the stick will die, she was so frightened that she immediately wiped away her tears.

She stood up in a hurry, and before leaving, she still assured Banggen: "Banggen, you wait for Mom!"

"Mom will come to rescue you soon."

With that said, Qin Huairu quickly ran out of the juvenile detention center.

The sound of the iron door closing behind her awakened her irrational heart.

How to save stick stem?

Qin Huairu naturally doesn't have the ability to save BangGong, and now she has to think hard about who among the people she knows can have such a high ability to pull BangGiao out of the juvenile detention center.

And this person can really help her.

Qin Huairu's world is very small, except for the rolling mill, it is a courtyard house.

The workers in the rolling mill are always playing tricks on the spot, so it's okay to let them take advantage of it and exchange it for white flour steamed buns.

It is definitely not possible to really ask them to do serious business like this, or to do serious business that is dangerous.

In that courtyard, only Sha Zhu was the most obedient to Qin Huairu.

But silly Zhu is now a mud bodhisattva, and he can't protect himself when crossing the river!

Thinking of Sha Zhu, Qin Huairu couldn't help thinking of Yi Zhonghai.

Qin Huairu doesn't know whether Yi Zhonghai is capable or not, but if he is really busy with this kind of work, he might be able to do it well.

It's just that asking Yi Zhonghai for help still requires some sacrifices.

Qin Huairu actually doesn't care too much about this kind of sacrifice. After all, she has to exchange for what she wants, and this is her only capital.

As long as Yi Zhonghai can be rescued by BangGong, sacrificing this is really nothing.

Besides, Yi Zhonghai had just been diagnosed with infertility, so she had nothing to worry about.

Thinking of this, Qin Huairu suddenly strengthened her determination and hurried towards the courtyard.

Yi Zhonghai had just come back from the hospital, and when he entered the hospital, his head almost fell to the ground.

He has already suffered all the white eyes and ridicule from his neighbors. It would be a shame to expose such a thing directly.

Of course, such a face-saving person like Yi Zhonghai couldn't stand it.

Even if he is no longer the uncle of the courtyard, it is still related to the dignity of a man!

After Auntie came back, she ignored him. The unexplained grievances she had suffered for so many years had made her collapse.

And the person who made her wronged, the big mother actually showed a trace of hatred.

She saw Yi Zhonghai was about to enter the house, so she went to the yard to enjoy the shade.

She didn't want to stay in this house for a minute, and she didn't want to take a second look at this person.

Now that Yi Zhonghai was wronged, he didn't dare to continue to criticize the big mother like before, so he could only sit in the room silently, frowning and smoking a big cigarette.

Amidst the clouds and mist, Qin Huairu's figure suddenly appeared in front of Yi Zhonghai.


Qin Huairu smiled coquettishly at Yi Zhonghai, that smile was like a girl seeing her little lover.

Chapter 145 Qin Huairu Goes All Out

Yi Zhonghai saw clearly through the smoke that it was Qin Huairu who was speaking, and showed a very wretched smile.

"Why do you want to come here?"

Yi Zhonghai didn't move and kept clicking his pipe.

Qin Huairu took the initiative and walked towards Yi Zhonghai directly, her charming posture almost sat on Yi Zhonghai's lap.

Yi Zhonghai was so frightened that he quickly looked into the yard to make sure that Da Ma didn't look into the house, and quickly closed the door.

"Pay attention to the impact!"

Yi Zhonghai said to Qin Huairu in a slightly reproachful tone.

Qin Huairu didn't take it seriously, she stared at Yi Zhonghai eagerly.

She was already willing to take the risk, but the old man seemed a little reluctant to take the risk.

But it just so happened that Yi Zhonghai couldn't afford it, so she could sacrifice less.

Wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone if you could get what you want with less sacrifice?

"What are you afraid of?"

"I'm not looking for you for anything else!"

Qin Huairu's tone was still full of charm, which made Yi Zhonghai feel numb all over.

Who said he wasn't a real man?

Regarding his reaction to Qin Huairu, he is also a man who has learned a lot!

And he is still a man who is far stronger than his 300-year-old counterparts!

How could a man like him not be able to have children?

The hospital must have made a mistake for him!

Not only did he make a mistake, he also slapped a shit basin on his own head.

When Yi Zhonghai thought of this, his desire to win also came up. He wanted to prove that what the hospital said was wrong and that it was all lies.

Taking advantage of Qin Huairu's enthusiasm for her, she joined in.

Qin Huairu was good at holding his hands against him to prevent him from approaching.

"What are you in a hurry for?"

Qin Huairu just lured Yi Zhong into taking the bait. If something really happened, she was not willing to do it!

Yi Zhonghai is an old man no matter what, and sometimes the old man's smell makes people uncomfortable when he gets close.

What's more, what is really going on with him!

Yi Zhonghai's face darkened when he saw that Qin Huairu was so proactive just now and now stopped letting him get close.

"Are you kidding me?"

Qin Huairu saw that Yi Zhonghai lost face a little, and his heart tightened immediately.

If you want to use it, you have to give him some sweetness no matter what. If you really offend her, I'm afraid she won't be able to do what she wants.

Qin Huairu laughed dryly twice and said, "It's broad daylight, you're not afraid that Big Mom will come in suddenly."

"When everyone in the courtyard is asleep, shouldn't we be safer!"

"Besides, I'm not following you for nothing."

"I have something else to ask of you!"

"If you do this well, I will definitely reward you well."

Qin Huairu spoke like Sister Yao, but Yi Zhonghai was quite applicable.

He stared straight at Qin Huairu with both eyes, it was really suitable for the right time, place and people, he must swallow her alive right now.

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