However, Yi Zhonghai still had some rationality, as Qin Huairu said, it was indeed very dangerous in broad daylight.

Not to mention that the aunt suddenly came in and saw it, in case any neighbor who doesn't have eyesight saw it.

He was already ashamed, so wouldn't it be even more embarrassing to adults!

Yi Zhonghai resisted his impulse and asked patiently, "This is what you said, and you can't change your mind when the time comes."

"Tell me what you want me to do, and I will try my best to do it for you."

Qin Huairu took the bait as soon as he saw the fish, and his eyes were full of smiles.

She looked at Yi Zhonghai and said, "I won't play tricks with you anymore, I came to you just for the sake of our family."

"I went to see him today, he was almost beaten to death in the juvenile prison!"

"How can I, a mother, have the heart to see him suffer so much?"

"So I wonder if you can find a relationship to help me rescue the stick."

After finishing speaking, Qin Huairu looked at Yi Zhonghai with a very expectant look.

Yi Zhonghai's face became gloomy from the self-confidence just now.

The incident of the pig's tail being stolen by the stick has a big impact whether it is in the rolling mill, the (agah) street office, or even the police station.

Even he has been set up as a negative model.

If you really want to save him, it's not a matter of using relationships at every turn.

Even if he goes to ask for help, they may not be able to come forward because of such a thief.

On the contrary, if he used his relationship to save a little thief.

Maybe people still think that Yi Zhonghai is helping the evildoers!

Yi Zhonghai's status in the courtyard is already gone. If he loses his status in the steel rolling mill and the street office, his life will not be so easy.

Considering his own interests, Yi Zhonghai was hesitant to do anything.

Qin Huairu could also see his hesitation, it seemed that if he really didn't pay something, he couldn't catch the big fish Yi Zhonghai.

Qin Huairu gritted her teeth, and tickled Yi Zhonghai's chin with her finger.

She felt that with such a hook, Yi Zhonghai's soul would be taken away by her.

"As long as you are willing to help me, I will never treat you badly."

"When did I, Qin Huairu, lie to you?"

Yi Zhonghai swallowed nervously, staring straight at Qin Huairu, his pupils were about to dilate.

Which man can resist Qin Huairu's temptation!

Now, not to mention saving the stick, he dared to go to Yi Zhonghai, Daoshan, and the frying pan!

"Okay, I'll find a way for you!"

"You are not allowed to lie to me!"

When Qin Huairu heard that Yi Zhonghai agreed, he was secretly happy.

"Don't worry, it's up to you next time!"

She has always been impeccable in her speech, and she never breaks her back.

At this time, I can't say too much, because Qin Huairu still has some concerns in essence.

What if what she said was too deadly and Yi Zhonghai really came to find her?

It has become a dog skin plaster, and this matter is not easy to handle.

Qin Huairu made things clear and left directly.

She can't stay in the room alone with Yi Zhonghai for too long, if the sweetness is too much, then this matter will be difficult to handle.

As soon as Qin Huairu left, Yi Zhonghai looked at the empty home and still felt empty in his heart.

He thought of Qin Huairu's every frown and smile just now, and his heart itched.

But who can I ask for help with this matter?

If he can't use his own relationship, whose relationship can he use to save him?

Yi Zhonghai pondered for a long time and suddenly thought of the deaf old lady.

He thinks he's so smart!

It would be best to find the deaf old lady to save the stick. The deaf old lady is the orphan of a martyr who has a high status in the street police station, and no one dares to mess with her.

The second is that if she uses her relationship to save BangGong, wouldn't that be taking advantage of other people's favors to do her own business?

Yi Zhonghai will not suffer a loss whether it is successful or not.

Thinking of this, Yi Zhonghai couldn't let go for a minute, and went directly to the deaf old lady's house.

Chapter 146 The deaf old lady's identity as a martyr's orphan turned out to be fake?

【Ding!The system task is completed, and the rewards will begin below! 】

Zhou Xuejian was just walking back to the compound when the system sounded.

[Successful completion of the task, stick stem has been successfully imprisoned! 】

[Reward host Sumeru's small world area doubles, land temple area doubles, five catties of beef, six catties of pork, 15000 pieces of Great Unity! 】

[Special reward: a secret revealing talisman! 】


The reward this time is quite generous!

Zhou Xuejian couldn't help sighing, the area of ​​Xumi Small World and Earth Temple has doubled, so wouldn't the functionality also be doubled!

The vegetables grown in Sumeru Small World can't be eaten up now, and now that it has doubled in size, wouldn't it be endless to eat these vegetables.

In the past two days, Zhou Xuejian will go to the vegetable market to purchase some supplies. Now that he has beef and pork, he doesn't need to go to the vegetable market.

With the system, life becomes much more convenient.

What Great Unity gave was really generous and gave 15000 tickets at once!

According to the purchasing power of this era, Zhou Xuejian directly became a millionaire.

Save the money and invest it directly when you can start a business.

But what is this revealing talisman?

Out of curiosity, Zhou Xuejian activated the decryption talisman with a thought.

【Ding! 】

The system sound sounded again, and a huge screen appeared in front of Zhou Xuejian.

There are 3D photos of the deaf old lady and a detailed introduction of her life.

Of course, Zhou Xuejian didn't bother to read so many texts, so he started the voice broadcast directly.

[Introduction to the life of the deaf old lady...]

The deaf old lady was born in 18888. Her father was the largest local drug lord in Sijiu City, and her mother was a maid serving the family at that time.

At that time, a woman with a bad background really gave birth to a son, so that the mother could succeed in the position of the son.

So the deaf old lady's mother unfortunately became an abandoned woman after giving birth to her.

However, after the deaf old lady grew up, the Chinese warlords fought in chaos, and she was unwilling to succumb to fate after learning of her life experience.

She often went to various high society receptions and dances, and met her first husband, a notorious warlord.

With her outstanding figure and appearance, she successfully rose to the top and became the warlord's ninth concubine.

Originally, the deaf old lady could live a luxurious life in the warlord's house.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, the situation in China was grim, and the warlord died unfortunately in a scuffle.

Because of the warlord's bad reputation, the whole family was directly affected. The deaf old lady and eight other concubines were expelled after being abused.

The deaf old lady is illiterate and has no ability to survive, and she is used to the life of the rich.

At this time, letting her live a life as a commoner would kill her.

Women like her in that era would choose another way of survival - to work as a prostitute in a brothel.

The deaf old lady was very successful in this line of work, and even became the head of the largest brothel in a small southern town for a time.

Then when the situation was chaotic, the brothel faced the problem of survival again.

The deaf old lady sneaked out of the brothel, but still couldn't find a job, and because her reputation as a prostitute was well known by most people, she couldn't live a normal life at all.

She had no choice but to beg all the way to Sijiu City.

At that time, it was time for the People's Liberation Army to enter the Forty-Nine City.

The deaf old lady is a ghost and a ghost, and she can understand the policy.

She knew she couldn't rely on anyone at that time, but relying on the People's Liberation Army was definitely the right choice.

At that time, she was already a sixtieth old lady, not to mention that the deaf old lady had a charming face when she was young, but when she was old, she looked very amiable.

Coupled with her life experience, she is particularly good at acting.

The deaf old lady cheated the People's Liberation Army into trusting her. She even made a few pairs of straw sandals for the People's Liberation Army.

When the People's Liberation Army was going to register everyone, she also made up a very authentic identity for herself.

The deaf old lady made up that all her children went to war and died heroically.

Because of her superb acting skills, when she met the People's Liberation Army, she asked them pitifully if they had seen her children.

The more this lie is told, the more true it becomes.

The more true it is, the more people will help her promote it, and the more people promote it, the more evil it will become.

In the end, the deaf old lady became a family member of a martyr, and the street office even gave her a sign full of heroes.

The deaf old lady received a lot of benefits according to this false identity.


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