The street office also gives welfare to the deaf old lady every month, such as food stamps, vegetable stamps, and meat stamps, and also pays her money every month.

The deaf old lady has lived to such an old age only after receiving this welfare for so many years.

Not only these, but because she is a family member of a martyr, everyone respects her and worships her like an ancestor.

As the ancestor of the entire Nanluoguxiang, the deaf old lady is living a prosperous life.

This is better than when she was a whore!

In the past, everyone shouted beating and cheap, but now everyone loves and praises her.

The deaf old lady was so immersed in everyone's admiration for her that she couldn't extricate herself, and even she had to forget who she was before.

A lie needs to be filled with more lies.

... 0 0

A lie told over time becomes the truth, as was the case with the deaf old lady.

After Zhou Xuejian read the life experience of the deaf old lady, his whole eyeballs were about to widen.

He knew that each of these beasts had secrets, but he never expected that the deaf old lady, the biggest boss in the courtyard, would have such a big melon on her body!

If this thing is exposed, it will shock the entire Nanluoguxiang, not to mention the Siheyuan!

He used to only know that the deaf old lady was not a good person, but he really didn't expect that she would tell such a big lie for his own well-being.

And he told this big lie so smoothly that he deceived so many people!

The deaf old lady is really good!

Zhou Xuejian felt that maybe even the grandpa didn’t know about this!

I don’t know what kind of reaction the uncle would have if he knew that he had been manipulated by such an old lady all his life.

If the neighbors in the courtyard knew that the deaf old lady had been deceiving them for so many years, they didn't know how they would react.

Thinking of this, Zhou Xuejian was a little excited.

It would be a pity if such a big melon was not exposed to the deaf old lady!

How can this kind of person eat the welfare of the state for so many years and still live to be so old and eighty!

The more Zhou Xuejian thought about it, the more angry he became, and he felt that the deaf old lady should be exposed directly!

But after he calmed down, he felt that the deaf old lady would not admit it, and the neighbors would not believe it if it was directly exposed at this time.

We still have to wait for a good opportunity.

Chapter 147 Yi Zhonghai Can Make a Deaf Granny Lame!

Zhou Xuejian walked into the compound, and as soon as he entered the backyard, he saw Yi Zhonghai sneaking into the door of the deaf old lady.

Usually, when Yi Zhonghai looked for the deaf old lady, he would hold his head up high, as if he was walking into his own home.

The way he bent his head and bowed his head today is a bit abnormal.

Zhou Xuejian guessed that it must be a bad thing for him to find the deaf old lady this time.

Guaranteed to plot something bad with the deaf old lady.

But what Zhou Xuejian wanted was what they were plotting, as long as they had a wrong idea and started making trouble in the courtyard.

Then he can find an opportunity to directly expose all the fact that the deaf old lady is not the orphan of a martyr.

What an opportunity that comes to your doorstep!

Zhou Xuejian couldn't help showing a smug smile.


This compound is guaranteed to be turned upside down!


Yi Zhonghai walked into the door of the deaf old lady and yelled politely at the door twice.

 "Three zero zero" "Old lady, old lady."

When the deaf old lady heard Yi Zhonghai's voice, she turned over on the kang and looked back at him.

This Yi Zhonghai is strange today, he has never been so polite when he enters her house, and now he is still learning to be polite.

The deaf old lady said: "What's the matter, didn't you see that I was sleeping?"

She has never been very polite to Yi Zhonghai.

In the past, when Yi Zhonghai was the uncle in the courtyard, the deaf old lady had to handle him wherever he was useful.

Having a good attitude will make the other person feel that you are easy to talk to.

Yi Zhonghai would trouble her with many problems.

How could Yi Zhonghai bother her when she was the only deaf old lady to bother Yi Zhonghai?

But now that Yi Zhonghai was no longer the uncle in the courtyard, there were many things that the deaf old lady couldn't handle even if he wanted him to deal with them.

People who can't be used like this are trash in the eyes of the deaf old lady.

A useless person, let alone a deaf old lady.

Yi Zhonghai noticed that the deaf old lady's attitude was not very good, and his heart suddenly tightened.

After all, he wants the deaf old lady to help him now!

But the deaf old lady's attitude of not loving him means she thinks he is useless. Can this still help?

Yi Zhonghai wanted to shrink back a bit, he was no longer the uncle in the courtyard, and he had to rely on the deaf old lady for many things.

If he offends the deaf old lady, he will really lose his status in the compound. I am afraid that surviving in the compound will become a big problem in the future.

But then he thought of Qin Huairu's promise to him just now.

The look was bold and courageous, Yi Zhonghai gritted his teeth and still felt that he should go.

He looked into the eyes of the deaf old lady and said, "Old lady, I didn't pay attention when I first came in."

"How about I come in again?"

He deliberately put himself in a very humble place by not talking about the business first, just to make the deaf old lady proud for a while.

He has been with the deaf old lady for so many years, and he still knows something about the deaf old lady.

Once the deaf old lady is proud, she will let down her vigilance.

People, when they are happy, they can't care about anything.

As expected, the deaf old lady couldn't help but smile when she saw Yi Zhonghai being so humble.

The attitude is also much more relaxed than before.

"Let's talk about the business, don't fix these falsehoods."

Yi Zhonghai saw that the deaf old lady asked so bluntly, it would be bad if he pretended again.

Quickly took advantage of the heat and said: "Old lady, I have something to ask for your help."

"Banggen was almost beaten to death in the juvenile detention center."

"After all, he is a child who grew up in a compound. We can't bear to have anything happen to him in prison, right?"

"Do I want us to find a way to bring him back?"

After speaking, Yi Zhonghai carefully glanced at the reaction of the deaf old lady.

The deaf old lady's triangular eyes were widened to their maximum size.

How could she, an old man, not understand what Yi Zhonghai meant?

What good would it do him to save the stick, that he would run over and beg her regardless of face?

Eighty percent of it was that vixen Qin Huairu’s idea again!

Stick is her son, of course she is reluctant to keep him in prison for so long.

But now that Yi Zhonghai came to her to make jokes, wouldn't he have to use her connections?

Once her relationship is used, the stick might really be released!

Once the stick is released like this, wouldn't Yi Zhonghai be able to give all the benefits without any loss?

Thinking of this, the deaf old lady couldn't help but snorted, and said contemptuously: "Yi Zhonghai, you are really good at calculating!"

"You let me save the stick, the benefits are all your efforts are mine!"

"No matter how you calculate it, you get the best deal, but what benefit can I get?"

"I have no benefit, why should I help you do this?"

Yi Zhonghai made the deaf old lady a little nervous when she said this.

Isn't this old lady too smart?

I can guess his little thoughts all at once...

But Yi Zhonghai is not a vegetarian either, he has been the uncle in the compound for so many years not only because of the deaf old lady covering him.

Of course, he himself has his own mind, and he also has his own policy for managing the compound.

Of course, he also knows how to handle human nature very well.

Even those neighbors who didn't get along day and night, he knew how to manage them uniformly.

Not to mention the deaf old lady who is already an old acquaintance.

Yi Zhonghai immediately said at this time: "Can I come to you for something that is not beneficial?"

He immediately changed into a ghostly spirit and almost stuck to the ear of the deaf old lady and said, "It's true that the stick is Qin Huairu's son, but his prerequisite is that he is a son!"

"What is a son with a handle!"

"What does it mean to have a handle?"

"It means old age!"

"You see that your body is so strong now. I'm not saying it as a compliment. You will definitely not be a problem in another five or sixty years!"

"You look for that silly Zhu to take care of the elderly, and silly Zhu is still in prison!"

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