Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady had raised them since they were young, and He Yuyu kept these kindnesses in his heart.

But why did Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady raise them? The reason behind this was that He Yushui was shocked when he found out about it.

But after the shock passed, He Yuyu gradually figured out a lot.

As the saying goes, if you don't have any profit, you can't afford it early. People die and wealth dies, and birds die for food.

Life is all about profit.

Happy because of profit, but also sad because of profit.

Without this word, people cannot be called human beings, but they must be called gods.

And Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady are just two ordinary people in the market.

They are certainly not gods, and they cannot do what gods can do.

But there is one thing they did wrong, that is, the two ordinary people want to use the identity of gods to manage other ordinary people.

In the compound, the rules are set by them.

People in the compound still have to abide by their rules.


Not only are the two of them not gods, but they may also be inferior to ordinary mortals.

They have no kindness, and there is only one word "li" in their heads.

Because of this benefit 300, they can do bad things, deny their relatives, and benefit themselves at the expense of others.

People like them can still achieve such a high status in the compound, using their power to rule others to achieve their own interests.


And they still came to bully her and her silly brother because of this good word.

The more He Yushui thought about it, the more angry she became. She didn't want her stupid brother to be controlled by these two people for the rest of his life.

Her stupid brother should have his own life, not a life controlled by others.

"As you said, you have come to save my brother a long time ago."

"You just said that because we happened to meet each other today, right?"

He Yushui didn't want to give Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady any face at all, and his tone of speech was not polite at all.

Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady were stung by He Yushui, and their faces turned black immediately.

Yi Zhonghai looked at the little girl in front of him, he had never realized that this little girl had grown up.

It's hard not to control it anymore, and even learned to take the blame.

He went through all kinds of painstaking efforts to brainwash the two Silly Zhu brothers, but why did one of them wake up after being brainwashed?

Yi Zhonghai absolutely does not allow such a thing to happen.

He looked at He Yushui very (agah) seriously and said, "Why do you have no sympathy at all?"

"The deaf old lady and I are not the kind of people who can cover the sky with one hand in Forty-Nine City!"

"If we want to be saved, we have to save them one by one, right?"

"The stick is still so small, what's wrong with saving the stick first?"

Yi Zhonghai used his housekeeping skill again, the technique of moral kidnapping.

He Yushui was already immune, she snorted coldly and was about to refute.

But he was interrupted by the silly Zhu next to him who had already been brainwashed.

"Yu Shui, quickly apologize to the uncle and the deaf old lady!"

I don't know how Sha Zhu came up with this magical brain circuit.

He even asked He Yushui to apologize to them both.

He Yuyu stared at Silly Zhu with a serious face in disbelief.

From Shazhu's eyes, He Yushui judged that Shazhu was not joking.

He really wanted her to apologize.

But what did He Yushui do wrong, did he say something wrong?

She was right in everything, and she still interceded for Shazhu.

In the end, Sha Zhu asked her to apologize to them both?

He Yuyu's bone grew again, and she said to Silly Zhu: "Did I hear you right? You actually asked me to apologize to them?"

He Yushui wanted to confirm, at least it would be better to say it from Sha Zhu himself.

"Yeah, how do you talk to people?"

"The uncle and the old lady are old people after all, how could they be so rude to them."

"Look, I'm so angry!"

"Hurry up and apologize to the uncle and the old lady!"

When Silly Zhu said these words, he had a tone that could not be rejected.

He Yushui stared at his eyes, already teary.

She had never been wronged so much in her life.

Even being ridiculed for rags at school has never been so wronged as it is now.

In order to stand up for her stupid brother, her stupid brother actually helped others to bully her.

Who does Shazhu regard as his relatives?

You must know that He Daqing has no news at all, and He Yushui is Sha Zhu's only relative.

Silly Zhu doesn’t care about brotherhood and family love so much?

Co-authoring for so many years, He Yushui really misunderstood Silly Zhu.

I thought he was her good brother before!

Now He Yushui can be seen clearly.

"I don't apologize, I have to apologize and you apologize!"

"I don't care about your affairs, but I advise you not to let the two of them sell it to you in the future, and you still help others find money!"

With that said, He Yushui hurried out of the detention center.

Silly Zhu was thrown into the prison by He Yushui, and he was dumbfounded.

How did his always gentle and lovely sister suddenly become like a shrew.

I really don't know what I learned in school.

If I had known earlier, I would not have let her read so many books. After reading, not only did she not understand reason, but she also read herself as a shrew.

It also wastes money and delays marriage.

A girl her age who has never been educated has already been married.

There are several dolls with fast movements.

Fortunately, she is still spending money to study here as a loser.

If her book can be read in such a way, then simply don't let her read it.

Silly Zhu thought viciously, and then turned his attention to Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady.

He Yushui contradicted his grandma and father, of course he couldn't just sit idly by.

Sha Zhu apologized to Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady, "Master, old lady, don't take offense."

"He Yushui's temper just makes me spoiled, like everyone else!"

"I'll definitely teach her a lesson when I get out!"

Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady glanced at each other.

They usually know that Shazhu is stupid, but they never knew that Shazhu would be so stupid.

They obviously had no reason for this matter, but with a little trickery, Sha Zhu could continue to obey them.

Yi Zhonghai was even more convinced that Shazhu would take care of him for the elderly.

Even if Shazhu will focus on this foolishness when he has no money in the future, he is still a good material to serve others.

Now that you have made a decision, you can no longer be half-hearted.

So as not to beat the odds when the time comes.

Yi Zhonghai said: "Silly Zhu, it's okay, the family doesn't talk about these things."

"Forget it, I have something to do with the old lady, so I'll leave first."

"I'll come see you again in two days."

After saying that, he gave the deaf old lady a look and hurriedly pulled the deaf old lady away.

The two of them thought it would be impolite to stay in the police station any longer.

Besides, Director Zhang is also good enough to help them save the stick.

Chapter 151 Director Xu Comes to Dinner, Deaf Grandpa Invites!

Silly Zhu was once again thrown into the detention center by Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady.

He pulled the fence at the top of his voice and shouted: "Grandpa, old lady, don't forget to save me after you save the stick!"

But his shouting was in vain. Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady didn't even hear what he shouted.

The two of them started discussing as soon as they left the gate of the police station.

"I feel that Director Zhang is enough to take care of this matter!"

Yi Zhonghai's face was full of sadness, and he changed his mind as soon as he came out.

After clicking her mouth twice, the deaf old lady felt that what Yi Zhonghai said made sense.

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