Director Zhang seemed to be an upright man, and he didn't even want to get him a drink.

Moreover, the deaf old lady has been in Nanluoguxiang for so many years. In fact, when she first received the bonus of the martyr's family in those few years, many people in the alley asked her to do errands.

There are people in every household who want her to help introduce people to jobs and help them get promoted.

The gifts received by the deaf old lady are not cheap, anyway, no matter how big the event is, the gift is as big as it is, and the price is clearly marked.

But it seems that Director Zhang has never looked for her.

It is said that he was admitted to the position of Director Zhang in an open and honest manner.

This kind of person probably doesn't need to think too much. Bribery is definitely not going to change anything.

Except for places like police stations and detention centers that are almost in the same system as juvenile detention centers.

The deaf old lady pondered for a while, or the street would do it.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the deaf old lady suddenly brightened.

Director Xu from the Sub-district Office had asked her for work two years ago.

The deaf old lady remembered that her daughter-in-law wanted a job.

After the matter was completed, Director Xu brought her a box of clothes.

Cloth tickets were hard to come by at that time, and the deaf old lady still relies on this box of clothes to survive the winter.

"Let's go to the street office and find Director Xu!"

The deaf old lady made a bold suggestion.

Just as Yi Zhonghai was about to help the deaf old lady walk, a question suddenly occurred to him.

The director Zhang they were looking for at the police station just now, maybe he didn't want to accept the gift, but he was in the unit, which is too blatant.

They both forgot all these messy etiquettes in their hurry.

Yi Zhonghai hurriedly said: "Wait a minute, after we get there, don't reveal our purpose first."

"I'll say later that I want to treat her to a light meal."

"We'll talk about this again when we get back to the compound."

When the deaf old lady heard this, she immediately felt that it made sense, and secretly lamented that Yi Zhonghai was quite clever sometimes.

But the old deaf woman wished he wasn't so smart.

People who are too smart are not easy to grasp.

As stupid as Sha Zhu, it is best to listen to what you say.

He will do what he is asked to do, and do as he is told.

In the future, even if she is paralyzed, Silly Zhu can take care of her if she is asked to take care of her in old age.

Unlike Yi Zhonghai, who might have to think about it, maybe he would be thrown out by her if he couldn't serve him!

If the deaf old lady hadn't considered that the two of them were an alliance in this matter, she would have distanced herself from Yi Zhonghai a long time ago.

The two hit it off and ran to the street office and invited Director Xu to come to the courtyard for dinner in the evening.

Isn’t it okay to invite someone to a meal without having food?

You can’t just say that you have people come but you don’t have food to eat, right?

Then who spends money to buy food becomes a new problem.

At this time, Yi Zhonghai's mind was on the rise. He wanted to take advantage of the deaf old lady's favor to handle his own affairs. Of course, he also wanted the deaf old lady to spend money, and he didn't pay a penny.

He smiled and said: "Old lady, I remember you still have a lot of meat tickets left last month, right?"

Of course the deaf old lady knew what Yi Zhonghai was thinking.

If she told Yi Zhonghai directly that she would not give it to him at this time, it would be easy for him to offend him.

When the time comes when the stick is rescued, what if Yi Zhonghai uses any means to make the stick deny her recognition?

If you just say no, then use your housekeeping skills to pretend to be deaf!

"What kind of meat do you eat?"

"Pork is fine, pick the fat!"

"I can eat a pound at a time!"

"Look at it!"


The deaf old lady even pretended to be deaf, but she even learned to change the subject.

It's fine to learn to change the topic, the topic change is impeccable.

Seeing her like that, Yi Zhonghai gritted his teeth with hatred.

Obviously he wanted the deaf old lady to take out some, but it turned out that the deaf old lady marked the price clearly.

This time I put in a pound of fatty pork.

But what can be done?

It really makes no sense not to buy it.

Yi Zhonghai could only go home and take out the pork from the bottom of the box to contribute to saving Bang Gang.


When Zhou Xuejian came back from get off work, he met Director Xu walking into the compound.

He also felt a little puzzled. Recently, he hadn't heard that there was a selection or something happened in the compound that required the director of the subdistrict office to come to the door in person!

Why did Director Xu visit the door for the first time.

Out of curiosity, Zhou Xuejian greeted Director Xu and said, "Director Xu, where are you going?"

When Director Xu saw Zhou Xuejian, a smile immediately appeared on his face.

Zhou Xuejian is now considered a well-known figure in Nanluoguxiang.

At least among young people, he is developing relatively well.

With such a good development at such a young age, he might really be able to stand out in the future.

Make a good relationship with him, maybe you will be useful in the future.

Director Xu replied enthusiastically: "Ah, Yi Zhonghai and the old lady in your yard told me to go and have dinner with them!"

... 0 0

"I don't know why they suddenly came to me for dinner, but they are all old neighbors, so I still came to see them."

When Zhou Xuejian heard such an answer, his heart skipped a beat.

The deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai went to Director Xu for dinner?

What kind of strange combination is this?

The two of them have always been asked to do things by others, and there has never been a time when they asked others to do things.

It's definitely not a trivial matter for them to ask for help.

Both of them can find the head of the director of the street office, it must be a problem that neither of them can solve easily.

Zhou Xuejian pondered for a while, and guessed that it was probably the matter of Bang Geng entering the juvenile detention center or the matter of Sha Zhu entering the detention center.

There are only these two things that they need to ask someone to do.

But Silly Zhu is always getting into trouble lately, and they both obviously want to give up on him.

But the stick is different, Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu are having an affair, Qin Huairu wants to find Yi Zhonghai and sticks to it, how can he have any reason not to save him?

Thinking of this, Zhou Xuejian suddenly became enlightened.

Aren't they digging holes and jumping by themselves?

In the morning, Zhou Xuejian was still thinking about how to expose the identity of the deaf old lady!

Isn't this opportunity coming now?

"Director Xu, I'm afraid what you're eating is a Hongmen feast!"

"Be careful when eating."

Zhou Xuejian said such a sentence out of nowhere, which made Director Xu completely confused.

Chapter 152 Zhou Xuejian raised a fatal question, who can prove that the deaf old lady is a family member of a martyr?

Director Xu didn't understand what Zhou Xuejian meant and looked at him with confusion.

"Xuejian, what do you mean by that? Why did you have a Hongmen Banquet after a meal?"

Zhou Xuejian chuckled and said, "You haven't been to our compound for a while, right?"

"There hasn't been any selection of the Four Best Courtyards recently, and it's nothing big."

"They asked you to come over and didn't say anything."

"Do you think this meal is simple?"

When Director Xu asked Zhou Xuejian to say this, he was even more confused.

Although she is the director of the sub-district office, her scope of management is not particularly large.

Besides, I haven't heard of any difficulties encountered by the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai recently.

They didn't encounter any difficulties and ran over to beg her for what?

There is also a deaf old lady who is an orphan of a martyr, and her status in the alley is much higher than that of the director of the street office.

If something happened to her, she could just shout and someone would come to help her.

There is no need to go out to find her, the director of the sub-district office.

Director Xu thought about this and couldn't help but said: "I want to learn swordsmanship. This old lady is a family member of a martyr. What can she do to me?" 06

"No matter how big it is, she can handle it by herself."

Zhou Xuejian became angry when he heard the words "family members of the martyrs".

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