She glanced at Zhou Xuejian and said, "What's the matter, why don't you wait for the name to be finished?"

"Have you any manners?"

Zhou Xuejian burst out laughing, and said, "Deaf old lady, are you confused? The name you said doesn't match the one just now!"

"If you want to say that you are real, no one will believe you now, right?"

"The family members of the martyrs don't know the name of their own martyrs!"

... 0th

"I doubt whether you have children or not!"

The deaf old lady was stunned for a while, and she was thinking about betting just now, but she still didn't make the right bet.

After all, I got the name wrong!

The deaf old lady was about to die of anxiety, what should she do now!

Isn't she purely revealing her secrets?

Looking at the anxious expression of the deaf old lady, Director Zhang probably guessed that it was almost the same.

"Deaf old lady, if you really did something illegal, it doesn't mean that you are so strict every time."

"There is a saying that is frank and lenient while resisting strictness."

"If you admit it generously, we can still consider dealing with you as appropriate."

"If you keep refusing to answer anything, I'm afraid we will be rude."

The deaf old lady knew that she wouldn't be able to run away today, so she asked anxiously: "What kind of leniency is there for people like me?"

"What's the rudeness?"

"Ten years to start! The highest death penalty!"

Each of the eight words Director Zhang said is very powerful.

It hit the deaf old lady's heart like a big rock.

The deaf old lady was almost out of breath from being hit by this big rock.

She slumped on the ground and began to meditate further.

death penalty!

If she doesn't say it, is it the death penalty?

If she said it would be ten years at most, if she lived a long time, she might be able to get out of prison!

Thinking of this, the deaf old lady hurriedly said, "I confess, I confess!" Seven.

Chapter 166 The first master was betrayed, Zhou Xuejian passed on the conflict!

All eyes were on the deaf old lady.

The eyes of the neighbors have begun to flicker with great excitement.

Their hearts were pounding to eat melons.

What the deaf old lady wanted to confess was definitely a very big melon. Once she said it, the yard would explode.

The deaf old lady had been thinking about it for a long time, and she didn't know where to start.

Did she start explaining it when she became the concubine of a warlord, or did she start pretending to be a family member of a martyr after knitting straw sandals for the People's Liberation Army?

The deaf old lady finally gritted her teeth and said, "I lied to the people and the government. I am not a family member of a martyr."

"I've never even had a baby in my life."

"Why I say I am a family member of a martyr is because I have selfish motives."

"I hope someone will sympathize with me and give me subsidies because I am too selfish."

"Now I have to explain to myself that "[-]" came out, I hope it can be dealt with lightly, I was also confused for a while!

"I am guilty. I have been the concubine of the capital, I have been a prostitute, I have been everything, and I have never been a family member of a martyr."

"It's all my confusion, I am willing to pay for my sins!"


Sure enough, as soon as the deaf old lady confessed and confessed, the whole yard exploded.

Neighbors looked at the deaf old lady who was kneeling on the ground begging Director Zhang, and talked about it one after another.

"I never expected that a deaf old lady would be such a person!"

"It's fine if she's not a family member of a martyr, but she even worked as a concubine and a prostitute."

"We have actually respected a prostitute and a capital concubine for so many years?"

"Deaf old lady, you have deceived us so hard!"

"The poor and lower-middle peasants have been harmed by capital so badly!"

"In the end, you lied to us for many years!"

"No wonder it's the capitalist's concubine, who was born to hate you!"


The more the neighbors talked, the more excited they were. They were all people who came here after suffering, if the People's Liberation Army hadn't liberated Huaxia.

They were allotted a small house in a courtyard. I'm afraid they wouldn't even have a place to live.

They have been indoctrinated from birth with the idea that capital is evil and is meant to bully the poor and the common people.

The deaf old lady is the representative of capital, and she is even a liar capitalist.

All these years the deaf old lady has been domineering in the yard, her mouth is greedy, whoever has something delicious, as long as she smells it, she is guaranteed to go with him.

Relying on the fact that she is a family member of a martyr, she ate a lot of delicious food from the neighbors in the courtyard.

In this era when there is not enough food to eat, the neighbors thought that they could use the remaining grain to make delicious food and even fed an old capitalist lady!

Who can accept this!

The neighbors angrily picked up the small stones on the ground and threw them at the deaf old lady.

This attitude is very different from the deaf old lady I met before.

"Smash her, hit her hard!"

"Let her lie!"

"She's a big liar who's going to kill us all!"

"It's hard for us to lie to us!"

"It won't relieve her anger if you kill her!"

"Yes! Killing her will make her cheaper!"


The deaf old lady screamed and screamed after being beaten, but now that her identity was exposed, she had no time to care about the neighbors' abuse of her.

The most important thing for her now is to know Director Zhang's attitude.

The deaf old lady was able to confess just now because Director Zhang said that she would give her a lighter sentence if she confessed. She needs to know whether she can get a lighter sentence after confessing.

The deaf old lady begged Director Zhang and said, "I have confessed everything to the police comrades, you won't let me be sentenced to death now, will you?"

"I've told you the truth!"

"I've said everything I can say, I've left nothing behind, I've left nothing behind!"

Director Zhang looked at the deaf old lady, and then carefully recalled what she said just now, his whole face darkened.

This old lady had previously used her status as a martyr's family member to go to the police station to rescue Bangge from prison.

It can be seen how many privileges she has gained in addition to the bonuses given by the country over the years.

The old lady will now be given a lighter punishment.

Did she think she would be fine if she confessed everything?

It's simply too naive!

If these crimes of hers were taken to court one by one, any one of them would be enough for her to be imprisoned for the rest of her life!

However, Director Zhang is only responsible for law enforcement and not for trial.

What sounds like one system turns out to be two systems.

Director Zhang can't decide whether the deaf old lady will be sentenced to death. Anyway, the evidence is solid and he can just arrest her now.

"Since you have confessed everything, you still have to go to the bureau with us."

"As for how to sentence, this is a matter for the court. Let's talk about it after you go to court!"

The deaf old lady froze in place when she heard it.  …

She thought she could get an affirmative answer from Director Zhang as long as she said it.

Not to mention that she will be sentenced to several years, Director Zhang may really not know.

But can't Director Zhang tell her whether he will be sentenced to death or not?

Could it be that she has no chance, Director Zhang is unwilling to tell the truth?

When the deaf old lady thought of this, her whole body was in a bad state. She said with a trembling voice, "Director Zhang, didn't you say that I would deal with it leniently after I confessed it?"

"Why is there no more confirmation now!"

"Director Zhang!"

Director Zhang looked at the deaf old lady coldly and said, "When did I say that as long as I confess, I will deal with it lightly?"

"I'm just telling you, be frank and lenient and resist strict."

"I'm just a policeman and I'm not a judge. How to sentence you is what the judge should do, not me as a policeman."

"You follow us into the police station honestly, and when you enter the court, you will know how long you will be sentenced!"

"Hurry up and take her away, don't waste any more time!"

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