Director Zhang gave the order, and several police officers rushed forward and put the silver bracelet on the deaf old lady.

The deaf old lady felt the cold touch of the silver bracelet for the first time, and she was about to have a heart attack.

Before she died, she wanted to struggle again, she looked at the uncle hiding in the crowd.

She shouted: "Yi Zhonghai, you still have to save me after we have cooperated for 0.7 years!"

"I'm so old, I can't be locked up for that long!"

"I don't want to die yet!"

The deaf old lady was taken away by the police before she finished speaking.

Yi Zhonghai, who had been asked for help by her, was left with a look of embarrassment.

The neighbors all stared at him in unison.

They looked at him as if he were an accomplice.

It seems that the old man pretending to be a martyr's family member knew about it from beginning to end, but he also enjoyed the dividends and deliberately hid it from others.

The uncle lowered his head, he hated the deaf old lady in his heart now.

Even if they were all taken away, he had to be offered together. After so many years of cooperation as a partner, there was no friendship at all.

Zhou Xuejian saw through his thoughts and said loudly: "Master, you don't know about the deaf old lady all the time, do you?".

Chapter 167: Big Melon Explodes!Yi Zhonghai's keen donation is profitable!

Zhou Xuejian asked the neighbors a question they couldn't ask, and this question woke them up.

The neighbors also started talking.

"Yi Zhonghai, why did the deaf old lady call you to save her when she left?"

"You two didn't plan it together to deceive people into saying she is a family member of a martyr, right?"

"Let me just say, how could the deaf old lady hide such a big matter for so many years?"

"No one will believe you if you say there is no credit for your work here!"

"Yi Zhonghai, tell me, how did you conspire with the deaf old lady?"

"You have lied to us all for so many years, you must have an explanation!"

"Besides, who in our compound doesn't know that Yi Zhonghai's position was also obtained by relying on the deaf old lady!"

"Although there is no more now, there were times when I was counting on this to take advantage!"

"Since you lied to everyone, you have to spit out as much as you lied to!"


Yi Zhonghai panicked, he really didn't know that the deaf old lady was not a family member of a martyr!

Neighbors can't question the deaf old lady just because of the words he yelled before leaving!

Besides, after so many years in the compound, he was in charge of the affairs of the compound, not only with merit but also with hard work.

How many things he has done for the compound, these people don't care how much he has done, and they will come and put shit on his head when something happens.

How can there be such a thing?

Yi Zhonghai quickly defended himself: "I really don't know that the deaf old lady is not a family member of a martyr!"

"If I knew, I would not report her according to my character!"

"How could I get along with her?"

"Ha ha!"

Zhou Xuejian sneered in the crowd and attracted everyone's attention.

When Yi Zhonghai saw him smiling, his face immediately turned dark.

"Zhou Xuejian, what are you laughing at?"

Zhou Xuejian said: "Yi Zhonghai, what you said is the opposite, right?"

"Who in our compound doesn't know what kind of person you are!"

"If you had known for a long time that the deaf old lady was not a family member of a martyr, how could you possibly have reported her if you were just going along with her?"

"And think about it, what good will it do you if you report that the deaf old lady is not a family member of a martyr?"

"The deaf old lady is no longer a family member of a martyr, so the status of a master in your courtyard will also disappear."

"You can't get any money out of your neighbors either!"

Make money?

The neighbors looked at each other when they heard this, did Yi Zhonghai make money?

How did he make money?

"How did Yi Zhonghai make money in the courtyard?"

"Learning swordsmanship, please explain clearly."

"Today's news is simply too explosive. The deaf old lady is not a family member of a martyr, and Yi Zhonghai still wants to make money!"

"What's this all about!"

"He didn't get paid when he was a master in the courtyard!"

"How can you still make money!"


Yi Zhonghai also felt that Zhou Xuejian was just talking nonsense to throw dirt on himself.

He has been in the courtyard for so many years and no one has paid him a salary, saying that he is in charge of the courtyard, and he has never asked the neighbors for money!

He was full of confidence at this time, and he felt that Zhou Xuejian would never be able to find any mistakes in things he hadn't done.

Yi Zhonghai also shouted very righteously: "Zhou Xuejian, don't talk nonsense about things without evidence!"

"Be careful, I will accuse you of false accusation!"

Of course Zhou Xuejian doesn't fight an unprepared battle, and making money when he talks about it is certainly not something as simple as what salary the neighbors or the street office gave Yi Zhonghai when he was a master.

It's the things he does in the compound.

Zhou Xuejian walked towards Yi Zhonghai step by step, pressing every step of the way as if he was going to push him to the cliff.

Zhou Xuejian said word by word: "Yi Zhonghai, do you dare to say that you didn't make any money?"

"Over the years, how many donations have been organized in the compound."

"If the neighbors donate ten yuan, you will give five yuan to the person who has been donated."

"You can even take out half of it yourself."

"Let's not talk about other neighbors, just the Jia family, how many donations do you organize a month?"

"Let's do the math like this. You organize five times a month, and you get five yuan once."

"That's 25 yuan!"

25 yuan!

The neighbors were amazed!

What was even more surprising was the third uncle in the crowd who had been watching the fun.

25 yuan is the entire monthly ration for their family of seven.

In his frugal and frugal housekeeping, the next month's 25 yuan will still have five yuan left over!

If five yuan is saved, it can be used as his pension money.

And Yi Zhonghai actually made so much money when he was a master!

When the uncle earns so much money, he should have tried his best to win the position of the uncle when Yi Zhonghai stepped down!

It's a good thing now, this opportunity has been missed.

The third uncle couldn't make any money, but he couldn't bear to see the money fall into other people's pockets.

Yi Zhonghai should spit out how he made money back then.

Although the third master didn't know that Yi Zhonghai had made money by being a master, he should splash dirty water vigorously at this time.

The third uncle said: "Zhou Xuejian is right, I just asked why Yi Zhonghai is so happy after every donation meeting!"

"So he took the money!"

"Yi Zhonghai, you are too shameless, how can you take advantage of it like this!"

"Our neighbors donate to them because of the pity of the Jia family, not because of your pity, Yi Zhonghai, to donate to you!"

"You should spit out the money you shouldn't have taken!"

"How much money have you earned in 310 over the years, spit it out!"

The neighbors made the third uncle live in such a rhythm and became very excited.

"The third master is right, Yi Zhonghai, you should spit out all the money!"

"I let you be a master to manage the affairs of the courtyard, not to make money!"

"Can you feel at ease when you treat our neighbors like this?"

"It's just smelly, shameless and not a person!"

"Hurry up and spit out the money and return it to us big guys!"

"Is it easy for us to make money?"

"Usually we can't get enough to eat, and you still treat us like this!"

"No wonder I wanted to be the master of the courtyard when I was so busy."

“Co-authorship is profitable!”

"Yi Zhonghai, you have really disappointed us all!"


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