The neighbors surrounded Yi Zhonghai excitedly, making him in a dilemma.

Yi Zhonghai never thought that Zhou Xuejian would have such a trick, he really didn't expect it!

He thought that his stealing of the donation money was done so seamlessly that even the Jia family might not know about it.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Xuejian was so smart that he could even guess this.

This is bad. It means that he has no status or prestige. These can be built up slowly in the future.

But asking him to take out all his previous money all at once would cost him his life! .

Chapter 168

Yi Zhonghai was forced into a corner by his neighbors, and there was no way out at all.

But if he spit out the money, he really couldn't get it out.

He has already lost a lot of money during this period, and there is no way he can spend any more money to compensate everyone.

If he loses any more, he will go bankrupt.

All Yi Zhonghai's money is reserved for his own retirement.

If Silly Zhu had not gone to jail, he would have lost his pension money, but now that Silly Zhu has gone in, so has the deaf old lady.

He is no longer a big man in the courtyard, and he has no guarantee for his future life.

If he puts in the pension money again, what will he live for when he gets old?

Is it possible to count on the meager pension?

His current salary is 99 yuan a month, and his pension is definitely not as high as his salary. He has no savings, and his life is definitely not as good as it is now.

Yi Zhonghai felt extremely nervous when he thought that his quality of life would decline in the future.

His head was covered with sweat as he watched Zhou Xuejian look at the neighbors.

"Don't talk nonsense, when did I withhold the donation money?"

"The donations in our compound are all open and transparent, how can I deduct them?"

"And how can I donate so much five times a month!"

"If you donate too much, you can't do it!"

Yi Zhonghai has been working hard to find excuses for himself.

But these reasons and excuses, not to mention the neighbors, even Qin Huairu may not believe it.

She had stood here and listened for a long time, and she was shocked.

If something happened to their family before, Yi Zhonghai would organize donations to help them whenever they wanted.

Qin Huairu thought it was quite an advantage before, as long as she cried a few times at the donation meeting, she could get the money without her having to bother.

Why not do such a good job?

But people are like this, it is obvious that Yi Zhonghai won the money for her.

Now she finds out that she could get 50.00% of the money but only got [-]%.

The feeling of loss in my heart is something that I can't fill up my dissatisfaction with no matter what.

When Qin Huairu saw that the neighbors wanted Yi Zhonghai to spit out the money, of course she wanted the money too.

Even if Yi Zhonghai spits out the money in the end and the neighbors in the courtyard share it equally, she can still get a little bit of it, right?

Thinking like this, Qin Huairu directly demolished Yi Zhonghai's platform.

"Yi Zhonghai, why are you so open and transparent?"

"Every time after the donation is over, you count the money yourself. The third master is the best at settling accounts. You won't let him touch it!"

"I ask you every time I get the money, did the neighbors donate this?"

"You always say, just get the money, then why are you asking so much!"

"I've been wondering, this is obviously money given to us, why can't we know about it!"

"Co-authoring this money, you have always been hydrated!"

"Yi Zhonghai, your conscience is simply too bad!"

Yi Zhonghai was stunned when he heard Qin Huairu bite him back.

What kind of medicine did Qin Huairu take wrongly?

When she asked him to save Bangge just now, she was still flirting with him!

Now for the donation money, he would turn back and bite him!

Yi Zhonghai knew that this woman was realistic, but he never thought that this woman would be so realistic!

And Qin Huairu is shameless for doing this realistically, right?

Why are you still talking nonsense?

Every time he gave them money, Qin Huairu happily took it, and never asked him anything at all.

Yi Zhonghai was so angry that he was about to vomit blood, and he wondered if he might get together with Qin Huairu in the future?

Seeing Qin Huairu's performance now, if he has anything to do with her.

From now on, Qin Huairu must not blackmail herself to death!

Thinking of this, Yi Zhonghai saw Qin Huairu gritted his teeth, and said, "You fart!"

Qin Huairu was stunned, and so were the neighbors.

Yi Zhonghai scolded Qin Huairu, what kind of plot is this?

Didn't the two of them still hold hands in public in the compound last time?

Don't you still betray you and me?

Why do they seem to have turned against each other just because of the donation?

These two are really interesting.

I don't quite understand, you can look again.

The neighbors watched Qin Huairu's reaction with great interest.

Sure enough, Qin Huairu was immediately annoyed by Yi Zhonghai's scolding.

Yi Zhonghai hasn't gotten her yet!

He already dared to scold her!

If Yi Zhonghai really got himself in the future, Yi Zhonghai might not be able to do anything!

Such a irresponsible man must be unreliable, and he is worse than a stupid man!

Silly Zhu will always stand by Qin Huairu's side no matter what Qin Huairu does.

Qin Huairu stared at Yi Zhonghai and shouted, "Who are you talking about farting!"

"You have deducted all the donations from the neighbors in the family compound to our family!"

"You still have the nerve to scold me?"

"`ˇIf you're sensible, spit out all the money to us!"

"Otherwise, be careful and I will sue you for fraud!"

"Malicious organizations do not donate the full amount to the recipients, you are defrauding you!"

"Do you want to go in with the deaf old lady and Silly Zhu, the three of you will eat in prison together!"


Yi Zhonghai slapped Qin Huairu directly on the face!

This slap stunned everyone!

Instead, Zhou Xuejian was amused.

This is Zhou Xuejian's favorite scene to watch. What he likes to watch most is people killing each other in the compound.

Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu, two old mistresses, actually got into a fight over a donation.

So what else can't they do?

The harder the two of them fought, the more excited Zhou Xuejian was.

The dog's head knocks out the duck's head, whoever kills it is a great thing for Zhou Xuejian.

Zhou Xuejian also knew very well that Qin Huairu's conflict with Yi Zhonghai was undoubtedly because he wanted the money.

But even if Yi Zhonghai spit out all the money, Zhou Xuejian (good luck) would not let Qin Huairu take the money.

This money belongs to Yi Zhonghai and belongs to the beast, so it cannot fall into the hands of other beasts.

Zhou Xuejian is the one who can protect the money well.

Thinking of this, Zhou Xuejian suddenly came up with an idea.

He rushed over and grabbed Yi Zhonghai and slapped Qin Huairu's hand and shouted angrily, "Yi Zhonghai, you beat him even if you embezzled his money."

"You are still not human!"

"I advise you that if you take other people's money, you should return it to them as soon as possible."

"Otherwise I really report you to the police station, and you won't be able to eat and walk away!"

Yi Zhonghai looked up and saw Zhou Xuejian, who was standing up for Qin Huairu, very unbelievable.

Qin Huairu was also stunned seeing Zhou Xuejian who was so abnormal.

Could it be that Zhou Xuejian is also interesting to himself?

But he already has Xiao Longnu. If he was interested in him, why would he still be with Xiao Longnu? .

Chapter 169 The Third Master Zhou Xuejian cooperates, and the Elder Master faces [-] compensation!

As soon as Qin Huairu saw Zhou Xuejian defending himself like this, he began to think about it.

Zhou Xuejian actually stood up for himself in front of so many people, it was too kind of him.

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