Why didn't he tell me his little thoughts earlier?

Zhou Xuejian has the best development in the academy, and he is handsome and tall. He is much better than Yi Zhonghai and Silly Zhu.

If Zhou Xuejian had expressed his thoughts earlier, wouldn't there be no such thing as Little Dragon Girl?

Without Xiaolongnv, Qin Huairu can still develop with Zhou Xuejian.

At that time, Zhou Xuejian married her, and by the way, he brought all of BangGong's children with him.

Isn't their family living such a life of eating and drinking?

Qin Huairu felt happy when she thought that she could eat without worrying about food and clothing.

The eyes she looked at Zhou Xuejian again changed, the kind of affectionate, the kind of passionate, the kind of eyes that would burn people to death.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Xuejian didn't even look at her.

He just stared at Yi Zhonghai and said, "Yi Zhonghai, I will give you two choices today. First, you should quickly settle the score. How much money did you take from the neighbors and hand over the money?"

"Second, you go to the police station with me and explain how much money you have defrauded your neighbors over the years."

"You can choose one of these two options, but you must choose." 310

"If you don't choose, I'll call the police directly and let the police come and judge!"

When the neighbors heard about this matter, it was closely related to their own interests.

They were all on fire right away.

They began to accuse Yi Zhonghai.

"Yi Zhonghai, you don't need to say anything else, just give us the money!"

"It's all in one compound, and we don't want to make it so ugly!"

"You don't have to feel bad about the money, it was you who withheld it from us."

"Since it is our money, of course it must be returned to the original owner."

"If you take out the money, we will forget the past and won't let you go to jail!"


Yi Zhonghai knew that he had no choice. If he didn't pay him now, he would be taken to the police station by these neighbors.

It can be said that it is unrealistic for him not to want to give money now.

But how many times he organized donations and how much money he raised, he himself didn't remember.

How much this number is not yet determined by Zhou Xuejian.

Zhou Xuejian is such a sinister person!

It won’t necessarily be how much it will cost if he decides it (agah)!

He can even defraud the deaf old lady of three thousand, but he must not defraud her of thirty thousand!

3 yuan is literally killing him!


Even at the cost of his old life, he couldn't get it out!

Yi Zhonghai almost cried when he thought of this. He had to give this money, he couldn't escape.

But what does he not want to do?

Yi Zhonghai immediately thought of an idea and said: "Everyone thinks I should give this money, and I, Yi Zhonghai, am also unambiguous."

"After all these years, everyone knows what kind of person I am!"

"I may have done something bad in other things."

"But I'm definitely generous when it comes to money!"

"I can give you the money, but I really can't remember the amount. Let's just let the third uncle in our courtyard who is the best at settling accounts settle this account."

"When I was still the first uncle, I was still a partner with the third uncle."

"He knows some things better, right?"

Zhou Xuejian glanced at Yi Zhonghai, of course he knew what he was up to.

Yi Zhonghai was afraid that he, Zhou Xuejian, would decide the amount of money and end up with tens of thousands.

The third master has always lived in a relatively poor life and has never seen so much money.

And the third master himself has the habit of keeping accounts.

Not only his own family's accounts, he probably also kept track of the accounts in the compound.

But Yi Zhonghai just forgot one thing, the third master also took money from the compound, wouldn't he want to share some of the money with Yi Zhonghai after he spit it out?

So many people's money is shared by so many people, if he said less, wouldn't it mean that if he distributed it to himself, he would not have much money.

Thinking of this, Zhou Xuejian gave the third master a look.

The third master immediately understood after receiving this look.

"Okay, if you guys really trust me, I will come and calculate the money for you."

"Let's start from the first time the uncle organized donations?"

As he said this, the third uncle actually took out a ledger from his pocket.

Not to mention that his eyes are quite good!

Don't look at him wearing a pair of broken glasses, the account book is as small as the size of a palm.

It is densely packed with words, and no one can see what is written on it, just like a Morse code book.

"High, third master."

"You even keep this account in mind!"

"As expected of a fortune teller in our courtyard!"

"What kind of fortune teller is simply a living abacus!"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and let the third uncle settle the accounts quickly!"


The third uncle gradually lost himself in the rainbow farts of his neighbors.

His voice when reading the account book rose several degrees.

"The donation amount on July 7 is 18 yuan."

"Amount of donation on August 8, 2 yuan..."

After thinking about it this way, the third uncle's figures are mixed between true and false. Many of the figures are false. Of course, they are reported upwards and not downwards.

He still always remembers Zhou Xuejian's eyes.

The money must be taken out of Yi Zhonghai's pocket to make him bankrupt directly.

He started donating from the first year until this year.

The neighbors are tired of talking about these accounts.

The neighbors can't take it anymore, they just want their money back. Who wants to suffer from this?

The neighbors all interrupted.

"Okay, third master, don't read it for now."

"Just count it as a total!"

“You’ve been reading it for so long and we still don’t understand it!”

"I can't remember which time was which."

"Yeah, let's count the total!"


Before calculating the total, the third uncle winked at Zhou Xuejian and asked him for instructions.

Zhou Xuejian nodded slightly to indicate that it was okay, and secretly held out three fingers to the third uncle to indicate to him how much money he should have.

Not to mention the third master has a tacit understanding with Zhou Xuejian.

He pretended to be doing the math, and did the math for a long time.

Yi Zhonghai was a little nervous, but he felt that the third uncle was better at doing this than Zhou Xuejian.

After all, Zhou Xuejian has seen big money.

What if he came to settle the account and come up with a total of 1 or [-]? .

Chapter 170 Unable to get the money out, the old man took the house as collateral!

3 yuan? !

Yi Zhonghai was stunned, this amount was no less than the third master knocked his head off with a hammer!

He just thought that if Zhou Xuejian bids, it must be as much as 3 yuan.

But it was still difficult for him to accept these words coming from the third uncle's mouth.

What's more, where did the 3 yuan come from?

It's not enough for him to sell the house and take out all the pensions!

And he is still living well with the first mother now!

It is impossible for the aunt to agree to him taking out 3 yuan to share the bills with the neighbors!

Yi Zhonghai will never accept this amount that will cost him his life.

And he didn't believe that he had really gotten so much money from his neighbors over the years.

If he had gotten so much money out, his pension would have been enough.

You can lie down directly, why bother to find a pensioner?

Sha Zhu was obedient, but he was obedient, but before he got into trouble, he paid a lot of money for himself.

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