Yi Zhonghai's character is not good, but he has a good character, and he will directly speak out when he has a problem.

If he doesn't accept it, he doesn't accept it.


Yi Zhonghai yelled directly: "Old Yan, you are definitely making false accounts, how could you have so much money!"

"If the neighbors donated 3 yuan, why is Jia's life so poor?"

This sentence pierced Qin Huairu's heart.

Life is bad, life is bad, what happened?

How many people are there in their family?

Besides, how much does Jia Zhang's immortal day cost.

There are also those brats who eat as much as they can in a day.

Where can they save money?

And not all of the money went into their hands.

Yi Zhonghai withheld at least 3 yuan from the 2 yuan!

In the past ten years, only more than 1 yuan has been in their hands, and what is left, even Jia Zhang's pension is not enough.

How dare Yi Zhonghai say this.

Neighbors, however, felt that this incident seemed a bit exaggerated.

Even if they donate 3 yuan door-to-door all day long, it is probably not that much, right?

They have never seen 3 yuan, how could they take it out of their own hands to donate to Jia's family!

The neighbors also started talking.

"Third Master, why don't you do the calculation again."

"There are obviously some problems with this number."

"3 yuan can literally last a lifetime."

"How can there be so much money?"

"That's right, Third Master, isn't your calculation not working?"



You can say that the third uncle is stingy, calculating, or petty.

But you must not question his arithmetic ability!

His ability to calculate accounts is second to none in Siheyuan, let alone Siheyuan.

Who can understand him better than arithmetic?

The third master suddenly became unhappy when the neighbors questioned him.

He pouted and argued, "When have I ever failed to count?"

"Which of your families has been married for so many years and didn't invite me to write the gift book?"

"Let me ask you, did I miss it when your family wrote the gift account?"

"Is there a difference between what I wrote and what you received?"

"Tell me that I can't do the math, or you can do the math, you can do the math!"

The third gentleman blushed with a thick neck, and directly handed the ledger to the neighbors.

The neighbors didn't say anything when they saw the dense numbers.

When Yi Zhonghai saw that the neighbors were silent, he panicked even more.

"Old Yan, we're not questioning your ability to count, but isn't 3 yuan too much?"

"Even if you sell me, our house, and Da Ma, it's not worth that much money!"

"I really can't get it out, or you can do the calculation again!"

The third master became even angrier when he heard this, and directly threw the account book on Yi Zhonghai's face and cursed: "Whoever doubts me will count!"

"If you question me, you'll be fine!"

"See what you can figure out?"

"Can you understand it!"

"You don't even know a single word, you old man!"

Zhou Xuejian chimed in and said, "Third Lord, this money is from the neighbors, you let him count."

"He figured it out and estimated that three yuan is gone!"

"Yi Zhonghai, if you don't want to pay, just say so."

"Why didn't you smudge like that when you collected the money!"

"When you were collecting money, you were so quick to put the money in your pocket. Now that you're taking money out, you step back."

"These are hard-earned neighbors. When you asked the neighbors for money, you got it with just one mouth."


"How can you do that?"

Neighbors asked Zhou Xuejian to say this, and they all felt pitiful.

The way they looked at Yi Zhonghai changed.

"Yi Zhonghai, you don't need to say so much."

"Will you take this money or not!"

"Hurry up and take it out!"

"If you can't get it out, we will sue you for fraud!"


Qin Huairu also chimed in and said, "The money from the neighbors was donated to our family at the beginning, and you withheld it all. You have to return it to us no matter what!"

"If you don't pay it back, I'll go directly to the police station and sue you!"

Qin Huairu's face is still hurting now!

Yi Zhonghai, that bastard, is pretty heavy handed.

... 0th

The slap made her head hurt.

This money is closely related to her, 3 yuan!

Not to mention 1 to 1000 in her hands, at least there is [-] to [-], right?

It just so happens that Mrs. Jia Zhang is not here at the moment, so she can keep all the money in her pocket!

Qin Huairu felt elated when he thought of this.

Yi Zhonghai gritted his teeth angrily, he was forced to the edge of a cliff now, and he couldn't do without the money.

But if he was asked to take out 3 yuan, he really didn't have so much money.

There was no other way, Yi Zhonghai could only slander and say: "You want me to get [-], but I really don't have it."

"Otherwise, you should pay less, and you won't suffer any loss anyway."

"Think about it, you have given all this money over the years, and now it's all back at once."

"Are you not going to suffer a loss?"

When the neighbors heard what Yi Zhonghai said, they felt it was reasonable and unreasonable.

They were whispering among themselves, and some neighbors already agreed to reduce the money.

"Yi Zhonghai said the same thing, the money is given to us all at once, and we don't know how to spend it!"

"If it's not enough, let him make an IOU!"

"How long will it take to pay back the IOU?"

"If he doesn't come out within two years, let him go to jail!"

"It's okay, or else you can just give Qi Shao some blame for him at once!"


Zhou Xuejian listened beside him, and couldn't help but groaned in his heart.

Absolutely impossible for less money!

"Yi Zhonghai, who said you can't take it out, don't you still have a house?" Seven.

Chapter 171 Shocked!The aunt actually wants a divorce?

When the neighbors heard about the house, they felt that what Zhou Xuejian said made sense.

They started talking again.

"That's right, Yi Zhonghai, your house is still worth some money!"

"If you can't, just take the house as a mortgage!"

"Including the house and your pension, I guess it's enough?"

"You are the most profitable in the whole compound. Your monthly salary is 99 yuan!"

"This 3 yuan is nothing to you!"

"Don't fake it, just take the money out!"


Yi Zhonghaihan is about to come down. If he doesn't even have a house, where will he and his aunt live?

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