Is it possible that he will be kicked out of the compound when he is old?

Zhou Xuejian is really yin!

This kind of trick is all you want!

He didn't want Yi Zhonghai's money, but his life!

Of course, Yi Zhonghai couldn't "[-]" agree to mortgage his house.

He just wanted to refuse.

"I disagree!"

The big mother who had been silent all this time opened her mouth.

She yelled this sentence almost at the top of her voice.

The aunt has been with Yi Zhonghai all her life. In fact, it is not really a good life, but she has never lived a hard life.

Even though Yi Zhonghai had been talking about it all his life because he couldn't have a child.

But she is also unwilling to jump out of this comfort zone and really stand on her own.

So she has been enduring, enduring Yi Zhonghai's strange temper, enduring Yi Zhonghai's flirting with Qin Huairu.

She thought that as long as she held back, this life would pass, and she would be like this.

But what Yi Zhonghai did recently really chilled her heart.

She also couldn't bear the thought of divorcing him.

But this idea was also ruined because of the comfort zone she was in.

Now that Yi Zhonghai got into trouble and lost her house, what should she do?

What will she do with the rest of her life?

Although she is not in good health now, she can still move. She can serve Yi Zhonghai to death.

But absolutely can't serve him until death without a house!

Yi Zhonghai saw that the big mother objected, so he hurriedly got off the donkey and said, "You don't think I don't want to?"

"Elder mother is not willing, the two of us have lived together for the rest of our lives."

"This house also has someone else's share, so I can't just mortgage it if I say it is a mortgage?"

Of course Zhou Xuejian knew what Yi Zhonghai and Big Mom were thinking.

How could he let them convince the neighbors with just a few words and fool him into getting over this matter.

Zhou Xuejian had an idea and said: "Yi Zhonghai, this house belongs to you, you must have the right to speak!"

"Besides, when have you ever consulted Auntie's opinion?"

"When you donated money to the compound, didn't you just give it to the Jia family?"

"If the aunt doesn't do it, why don't you still do it?"

"What? In your heart, the Jia family is human, but the neighbors are not?"

"The neighbors' money is blown out by the strong wind, whatever you want?"

When the neighbors heard this, they felt even more aggrieved.

Yi Zhonghai used their money to help the Jia family when he was an uncle all these years.

He also said that he was doing good things!

How can he do good deeds like this?

He used other people's money to do his own good deeds, and just because of his good deeds, he made money and fame again, and even Qin Huairu had an affair with him.

Why all the good things belong to Yi Zhonghai.

They paid for it but got nothing.

Now that they want the money, do they want it back?

"What Zhou Xuejian said is right, you have never respected the opinions of other big mothers!"

"I think you just don't want to give this money!"

"If you want to give it to you, I can give it to you!"

"Despite all odds, you will mortgage your house to us!"

"Just like when you wanted to give money to Jia's family, pay directly for tens of hundreds!"

"3 yuan is indeed not a small amount."

“But that’s also our hard-earned money!”


Neighbors chattered like this, Yi Zhonghai is now a stranger inside and out.

He is no longer the big man in the courtyard, he can completely mess up.

But he is the kind of person who cares about face very much. Even if he is not in a high position, he still wants to save his face.

This is a good image that he has worked hard for decades to create.

You can't let a house be ruined just because of 3 yuan!

The money is the hard-earned money of the neighbors, but the image he established is still his hard work!

When Yi Zhonghai thought of this, he even persuaded his aunt!

"Xiaocui, I know you are afraid that we will lose our house and have no place to live, but in this situation, we can't do without it!"

"Look what the neighbors are saying to us 0..."

"In the future, I will live in the compound. I can't see you when you look up."

"It's really not okay if you don't give it!"

When the aunt heard this, she became even more angry!

When did Yi Zhonghai only think about himself, never for this family.

If he hadn't only thought about himself, their family's life would definitely be better than it is now.

Because he was thinking of himself, that's why he spent so much money on Sha Zhu.

Because he thought about himself, he gave so much relief to the Jia family.

Because he was thinking about himself, that's why he asked for a house!

And the woman who has been with him all his life seems to have never gained anything.

What else has she ever had but the title of a vain big mom?

She worked like a cow and horse all day long as Yi Zhonghai's nanny, and in the end, she didn't even have a place to live!

But he is still thinking about his reputation!

Thinking that I couldn't lift my head in the compound.

The aunt is no longer the aunt she used to be. She has to fight for herself once.

The first mother shouted: "If I don't agree, I don't agree. No matter how much you say, it's useless!"

"It's true that this house is yours, but I also live in this house, and I also have the right to speak!"

"You can't be the master alone!"

"Tell you well, you won't listen, will you?"

Yi Zhonghai was in a hurry!

He is not in a hurry to mortgage the 0.7 house to his neighbors.

What he was anxious about was that Auntie dared to humiliate him in front of so many people.

The two of them have been married for so many years, and Da Ma has always been submissive.

In the end, he dared not give him face in front of so many people today.

Even if these things are said, it's okay for the aunt to say it well!

He even yelled!

Why is she a big mother?

She was just a bad old lady that Yi Zhonghai married.

It's okay to say that when I was young, my mother said these things and lost her temper.

Now that she is old and fading, what qualifications does she think she has to say these words?

The first mother dared to yell at herself when she saw Yi Zhonghai.

She was completely desperate, she knew that this man would never think about herself again.

The big mom yelled: "If you give the house away, I will divorce you!".

Chapter 172 The old man was driven crazy, Zhou Xuejian reaped the benefits of the fisherman!

The aunt's roar shocked the neighbors!

Is this something that can come out of a big mother's mouth?

The aunt who has always been submissive dares to say that she wants to divorce Yi Zhonghai?

Even when Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu held hands in front of everyone in the courtyard, the aunt didn't even say such a thing.

It can be seen that the big mother is really anxious.

What is she anxious about?

Is it that house?

Neighbors also sense that maybe not the whole story.

What was urgent was that Yi Zhonghai never considered her opinion.

It sounds like a human tragedy that a woman is never respected in a family of two.

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