"You get the real estate certificate today, go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the divorce certificate tomorrow!"


Yi Zhonghai pulled away from his thigh, and slapped Big Mom with one hand.

At this moment, the air became very quiet, and everyone was watching the good show in front of them.

No neighbor wants to miss out on the next development of this good show.

They wanted to see what attitude Big Mom would have when facing Yi Zhonghai who was a domestic violence victim.

They wanted to see what kind of explanation Yi Zhonghai would give to his behavior just now!

The first mother covered her face, she raised her head and looked at Yi Zhonghai in disbelief.

"How dare you hit me?"

Auntie knew that she had never suffered a loss or really suffered from following Yi Zhonghai in her whole life, even though she had never been able to live her own life and would always be a bully for him.

But Yi Zhonghai never hit himself.

This was the first time the aunt had received such a slap, and it was because the aunt refused to let Yi Zhonghai take the house book.

Is it wrong for the aunt to think about this family?

When Yi Zhonghai was a master in the compound all these years, he spent money inside and out.

Either when donating to Jia's family, pretend to be a big head and give fifty or one hundred, or give them stick noodles and white noodles if they have nothing to do.

These aunts just turned a blind eye to avoid quarreling between the two of them.

Now the neighbors are clearly planning Yi Zhonghai to ask him to take out the house as a mortgage to pay back their money.

The money was originally donated to the Jia family, and they still want to return it.

Yi Zhonghai asked him to mortgage the house if he couldn't return.

What is this all about!

The aunt really couldn't understand, because she didn't know that Yi Zhonghai really withheld money from donations.

In her eyes, Yi Zhonghai has a lot of hearts, but he has never been greedy for such petty gains.

So she disagrees.

She felt that the neighbors were cheating Yi Zhonghai.

But whether she tried to persuade her or threatened her with divorce, Yi Zhonghai not only refused to listen, but slapped her in the face.

The first mother is very sad now, but she can't do anything, she can only stare at him and question him.

After Yi Zhonghai slapped him, his chest was still heaving.

He hadn't lost his temper yet, and the big mom directly hit him on the muzzle of the gun.

He doesn't feel any regret at all now.

I even felt that the reason why Auntie was so gentle and submissive was because he often spurred her and controlled her.

In the past two days, it was found that he could not give birth, and he was too embarrassed to talk too loudly at home.

Once the woman stopped pushing, once she stopped controlling, she started to fuck.

How dare he question his decision in front of so many people.

How dare you propose a divorce to him in public?

Is this what her big mother deserves to say?

Her aunt herself should have been angry with Yi Zhonghai all her life, and she should have been Yi Zhonghai's cow and horse all her life.

Thinking of this, Yi Zhonghai's anger became stronger.

He stared into the big mother's eyes and shouted: "You said divorce is divorced' "?"

"Is the Civil Affairs Bureau run by your family?"

"Let me tell you, I will keep the house, and I will never leave this marriage!"

"You will follow me as a cow and a horse for the rest of your life!"

"You eat and drink a lot, why are you doing this!"

After Yi Zhonghai said these words, all the neighbors were shocked!

In Yi Zhonghai's eyes, the co-author Da Ma is just an animal!

There is food to eat and a place to live, and that's it!

Does he say that to people who have been with him all his life?

The neighbors couldn't stand it anymore and started talking about it.

"Yi Zhonghai, you are going too far, the big mom has been with you all your life, how can you talk like that!"

"He is willing to serve you because you are his husband."

"But just because you are her husband, you can't think you deserve it!"

"Besides, you don't even have a place to live now, why are people following you!"


Yi Zhonghai almost gritted his teeth when he heard this, is there any place for him to live?

The place where he lives does not have this, who is it thanks to?

Isn't it forced by these beasts?

How dare they say such things?

what's going on?

They wanted Yi Zhonghai to have neither a house nor a wife, so he had to die to be willing, right?

The more Yi Zhonghai thought about it, the angrier he became, that the house could be given to them.

This wife is gone, but no one can serve him.

He figured out that Qin Huairu was useless even if she married her back home, she couldn't possibly serve Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai said to the eldest mother who was still crying on the ground: "Let me tell you, Zhang Xiaocui, this divorce is not something you can just say."

"I don't agree to the divorce first, and I will really give the house second."

"Don't think I'm fighting with you."

"This is what I owe my neighbors and I owe it."

"What I'm most afraid of with this old face is other people's gossip."

"So you don't have to think about anything else, just get out of my way and I'll go get the house book."

"Otherwise I'll still beat you!"

The first mother looked at the strange Yi Zhonghai in front of her, with mixed emotions in her heart.

She had never seen such a violent Yi Zhonghai, and she had never been punished.

She was even a little afraid of Yi Zhonghai like this, because she couldn't guarantee what Yi Zhonghai would do.

But the only thing that Da Ma was sure about was that she had to divorce Yi Zhonghai.

If you continue to live with Yi Zhonghai like this, Da Ma will definitely not have a good life.

Not only would he not be able to live a good life, even the big mother would be beaten to death by him.

"No, I just want to divorce you!"

"We're going to the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow!"

"You have to agree if you don't agree!"

Yi Zhonghai hated this kind of troublesome thing the most, he stared at the big mother and shouted: "Are you looking for death!"

Talking about beating Big Mom! .

Chapter 174 Zhou Xuejian pinches and breaks Yi Zhonghai's arm, the aunt hesitates whether to divorce

Before Yi Zhonghai's hand touched Big Mom's face, Zhou Xuejian grabbed his arm.

Zhou Xuejian twisted it so hard that Yi Zhonghai's arm only heard a click.


Immediately, Yi Zhonghai let out a scream!

He staggered back two steps, held his injured arm like a wounded beast, stared at Zhou Xuejian viciously and shouted: "What the hell are you trying to do?"

Zhou Xuejian didn't want to take care of these nosy things at first.

But Yi Zhonghai had gone too far.

There are only 0 times of domestic violence and countless times. This Yi Zhonghai hit the big mother once in front of the neighbors in the compound, let alone hit the second time.

Is it because the aunt wants to divorce him?

If such a person doesn't divorce him, can he still keep it for the New Year?

What Zhou Xuejian looked down on the most in his life were men who beat women, especially those who beat their wives.

Not to mention the other aunts who have worked so hard to serve him for so many years, there is hard work without credit!

He Yi Zhonghai doesn't think about the old love and just gets started, what kind of man is this?

Zhou Xuejian couldn't bear his temper anymore, he shouted at Yi Zhonghai: "Try again!"

"Believe it or not, I will call the police!"

It was the first time that the aunt was protected by others, and she was so moved that 313 burst into tears.

She hid her face and began to cry, and anyone who saw this scene was moved by it.

The neighbors couldn't bear to see it, and started talking about it.

"Big Mom, don't cry, Yi Zhonghai has really changed."

"We women can't let him bully us anymore."

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