"We all support your divorce."

"Now the Civil Affairs Bureau is off work, it doesn't matter, we will accompany you to go through the formalities with him tomorrow!"

"Yes, this kind of person can't live with him anymore!"


When Yi Zhonghai saw that the neighbors were pointing the finger at him, his face darkened.

He knew that the source of this conflict was not with the neighbors, but with Zhou Xuejian.

This Zhou Xuejian is simply meddling with a mouse!

What does it matter to him if he beats his wife?

Could it be that the first mother is his real mother!

Why is he so wide-ranging?

Thinking of this, Yi Zhonghai didn't know how to repent, and didn't know that he didn't feel that he had done something wrong.

He looked at Zhou Xuejian and shouted: "Our family's business is none of your business!"

"So what if you call the police?"

"We haven't divorced yet, this is my wife!"

Zhou Xuejian snorted coldly when he heard this.

This Yi Zhonghai is uneducated, a rough guy, and he doesn't know how to study.

He is purely legally illiterate!

Doesn’t hitting your own wife count as a beating?

Could it be that the big mother sold him if she married him.

Has it become a piece of furniture in their home that cannot breathe?

What are these thoughts?

No wonder it has dominated the beast courtyard for so many years, these three views are really the top of all beasts!

Zhou Xuejian shouted: "Are you legally blind!"

"It's illegal for you to beat your own wife, it's domestic violence!"

"And you are a domestic violence mother, you are the wrong party in the marriage!"

"If the aunt wants to divorce, she can sue you, and you have to leave the house, you know?"

"So many neighbors in our compound are watching, you don't need to say any more."

"Auntie, do you want a divorce?"

The tears that the big mother has been crying at this moment are about to dry up.

She never thought that she would end up like this.

She has lived with Yi Zhonghai since she was a child, and it has been more than 30 years now.

In the past 30 years, except for Yi Zhonghai's eccentric temper and always telling her to do this and that.

There is nothing too wrong with other things.

Her submissive character feels that it is okay to live like this, and she will pass it for a lifetime.

But she never expected that she would be so old that she would be beaten and kicked one after another just to stop Yi Zhonghai from mortgaging his house!

Yi Zhonghai is really too much!

She didn't understand what she did wrong to be treated like this by him!

Big Mom was about to collapse (agah). She looked into Yi Zhonghai's eyes, which were full of resentment and despair.

She was completely disappointed in the man in front of her!

She can no longer live with this man.

She couldn't even be with this man for a minute or a second.

The first mother shouted: "Yi Zhonghai, I want to divorce you!"

"We must get a divorce!"

When Yi Zhonghai heard this, he was stunned.

He originally thought that the combination of punches and kicks could directly bluff the big mom.

But I didn't expect that the gentle little sheep would dare to say no to the shepherd after he grew up to be an old sheep!

The neighbors in the whole courtyard heard this silent shouting!

This is no longer a question of divorce or not!

This is a matter of a man's dignity and face!

Let a woman who has lived for more than 30 years yell in front of the neighbors in the compound that she will not live with her.

This is even more embarrassing than having his arm broken by Zhou Xuejian just now.

Yi Zhonghai felt that it would be even more embarrassing if he agreed just like that, as if he was being manipulated by a woman.

But if he didn't agree, he seemed to be cornered.

He has no choice.

Yi Zhonghai decided to spur on the big mom at the last moment, he had to let the big mom see Yi Zhonghai's majesty as a man.

Yi Zhonghai shouted: "If you want to divorce me, do it in your next life!"

"I don't agree. Let's see how you get divorced in this marriage!"

"If you are really divorced, what will you eat?"

"Do you drink northwest wind?"

"Think about it yourself!"

"You better use your brain when you speak!"

Big Mom didn't make an impulsive decision, but when Yi Zhonghai said this, he panicked.


She has no job now and has never gone out to work!

If she really divorced Yi Zhonghai, what would she do in the future?

What do you live on?

The house also belongs to Yi Zhonghai, where does she live?

The price of this divorce is too high!

After divorce, she might have nothing!

Thinking of this, the first mother fell silent. She lowered her head and thought about her future, and whether she should take back her words.

Zhou Xuejian saw through Da Ma's worry, and he patted Da Ma's shoulder quietly.

This action is to reassure the big mother.

"Don't be afraid."

Zhou Xuejian said in a low voice.

At this moment, Yi Zhonghai was very proud.

He knew that as soon as he finished speaking like this, the aunt began to think about the consequences.

As long as she thinks about the consequences, she can't divorce him.

He knows Big Mom too well.

In this life, she has been a soft persimmon that is held by others, and she is even someone who does not push her or leave her.

If it weren't for such a character, he wouldn't be able to deal with a big mother for the rest of his life.

What Zhou Xuejian disliked the most was Yi Zhonghai's pride, he stood up and shouted: "Yi Zhonghai, your marriage must be divorced!".

Chapter 175 Yi Zhonghai Is Legally Blind!

The neighbors all stared at Zhou Xuejian.

They couldn't understand how Zhou Xuejian could say such a thing.

The main reason is that what Yi Zhonghai said just now is correct!

If he really divorces Auntie, Auntie's life security will be gone.

This is a fatal blow to Big Mom, isn't it-?

Is it possible that an old lady really has to live by picking shit for the rest of her life?

These people still know how difficult it is to go from extravagance to frugality.

For the years that Da Ma has lived with Yi Zhonghai, she can't spend her monthly salary of 99 yuan.

She washes and rinses in the courtyard every day, and after cleaning up the housework, she can live a life of luxury.

At this time, let her suddenly go out to pick up shit for others and can't earn a lot of money. Can she bear this kind of life?

It must be unbearable!

So is learning sword this week helping Big Mom or hurting Big Mom?

"Xue Jian, what you said is wrong."

"It's really difficult for a big mother to get divorced now!"

"What does she expect to live after divorce!"

"As the saying goes, it is better to demolish ten temples than destroy one marriage."

"It's better not to get involved in the matter of the couple."

"It's probably all your fault if you meddle in or out."

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