"When the time comes, you will not be a human inside and out."

"The matter of divorce is still a matter of whether the aunt is voluntary or not."

"You have to ask other people's opinions first!"


The aunt was slapped by Zhou Xuejian's comfort just now, and her heart was settled.

For some reason, she developed a feeling of trust in Zhou Xuejian.

In the compound, the two of them actually didn't communicate much.

But Auntie knew that Zhou Xuejian was different from the other neighbors in the compound.

Where is it different, maybe it is because there is a lot more conscience!

The aunt has lived for decades, and she can still understand people.

Zhou Xuejian wanted to help her, at least he would never harm her.

Relying on Zhou Xuejian's trust in Zhou Xuejian, the aunt will not question Zhou Xuejian. On the contrary, she still feels that her divorce seems to be handled by Zhou Xuejian.

Thinking of this, the first mother subconsciously said, "I've made up my mind, I want a divorce!"

When Yi Zhonghai saw that Big Mom was still obsessed with it, he immediately became angry.

But Zhou Xuejian injured his arm just now when he wanted to hit someone.

Now if I move my fingers again, I'm not sure where I've broken it again!

Yi Zhonghai didn't dare to do anything anymore, he only dared to blow his beard and stare at the big mother: "Listen to what you are talking about yourself?"

Big Mom didn't want to say a word to Yi Zhonghai anymore.

She lowered her head and continued to choose silence.

Zhou Xuejian said, "Don't threaten Big Mom, Yi Zhonghai."

"You don't have to think about divorce. Hurry up and go through the formalities tomorrow!"

"Didn't you say what the aunt eats after the divorce?"

"Then just eat yours!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present, including Da Ma, was shocked!

"What do you mean eating a big man?"

"How can you eat the uncle's?"

"The old man divorced the big mother, can the money he earns be given to the big mother?"

"Yes, learning swords, are you confused?"

"Otherwise, don't worry about other people's affairs!"


Yi Zhonghai laughed immediately when he heard this, he thought Zhou Xuejian was capable of something!

If you co-author, your mouth will be full of nonsense!

The aunt is going to divorce him. If she really divorces, she still needs to be supported by him?

What is Zhou Xuejian when he is Yi Zhonghai?

A big injustice?

Is it a cash machine?

Yi Zhonghai is not so stupid, and he is definitely not happy about this matter!

He said to Zhou Xuejian: "What nonsense are you talking about here?"

"She is about to divorce me, and I still let her eat from me?"

"Do you think I'm a fool?"

Zhou Xuejian had already guessed what Yi Zhonghai would say. There was no need to talk nonsense to him for being so blind to the law.

But it was related to whether Yi Zhonghai would go bankrupt, so he reluctantly opened his mouth to say something.

"Yi Zhonghai, I told you just now that you are committing domestic violence."

"Auntie wants a divorce now, but you don't want to divorce her."

"Then the aunt can directly go to court to sue for divorce."

"You are at fault for domestic violence, and you have to pay the price."

"Not only do you have to leave the house, but you are also responsible for the living expenses of the big mother."

"If you don't believe it, you can give it a try. Anyway, Auntie is going to litigate, and I also have many lawyer friends."

Zhou Xuejian's voice is not loud, but every word is sonorous and powerful.


When the neighbors heard this, they suddenly exclaimed!

"After all, it's Zhou Xuejian who is educated and understands the law!"

"We didn't think of that just now!"

"No way!"

"Zhou Xuejian is so good!"

"What else will Yi Zhonghai say this time!"


Yi Zhonghai really didn't know how to refute Zhou Xuejian.

Zhou Xuejian has put all the legal provisions in front of him, and he, who is uneducated, really doesn't understand what the law means.

He only knew that Zhou Xuejian couldn't be frightened at this time.

Didn't Zhou Xuejian just want him to go bankrupt?

It’s not enough to just persuade the neighbors to take away his house, but also want him to have no wife, even if he doesn’t have a wife.


What kind of rule is this?

Of course he, Yi Zhonghai, couldn't do it!

Yi Zhonghai yelled: "Zhou Xuejian, you are farting!"

"Do you think I might give this money?"

"Still press me with the law!"

"Which law is so unreasonable!"

"Is there such a law?"

Zhou Xuejian said: "Yi Zhonghai, I know you don't believe it, it's okay if you don't believe it."

"Auntie, tomorrow I will go to court with you to sue him for divorce."

"He abused you domestically, so you can win this case."

"You don't have to do anything then. You can get Yi Zhonghai's money just by lying at home."

"If Yi Zhonghai doesn't execute it, the court has plenty of means to make him execute it."

The aunt's trust in Zhou Xuejian has risen to a high level, she only knows that listening to Zhou Xuejian now is sure that there is nothing wrong.

She nodded vigorously and said, "I will listen to you when it comes to learning swordsmanship. Anyway, I won't be with Yi Zhonghai."

Zhou Xuejian was affirmed by the aunt, and he no longer has any worries.

He said directly to Yi Zhonghai: "You choose now. Should we resolve it directly in court, or should we keep it private?"

"If you want to settle it in court, just wait to receive the summons tomorrow!"

"Oh, by the way, I have to work hard for you to go to the police station today."

"You hit someone, we have to go check the injury on Auntie!"

Yi Zhonghai was stunned when he heard the words court and police station.

He didn't know why he was involved in these two places even though he was divorced!seven.

Chapter 176 Yi Zhonghai faces high alimony!

Yi Zhonghai had a shadow of the police station and the court, and he was terrified when he heard about these two places.

He had been defiant just now, but suddenly his attitude softened.

"Xue Jian, we are just divorced. Why do you want to start such a big fight?"

"In the end, this is still a matter between the two of us. It would make people laugh if we made such a big fuss."

"Is there no other solution for us?"

Seeing Yi Zhonghai's 180-degree turn in attitude, Zhou Xuejian was filled with disdain.

This Yi Zhonghai is really interesting!

Were you not afraid just now?

Isn't he still here to learn sword dance and Xuanxuan from Zhou Zhou, looking like he is not afraid of anything?

Why is your attitude softening now?

Are you scared?

The thing that made him Yi Zhonghai afraid is still to come, so where is it?

Zhou Xuejian said: "There is "March [-]". As I said just now, you can keep it private if you want!"

"This is called divorce by agreement. You and your aunt can sign an agreement on divorce."

"After divorce, how alimony will be paid, how compensation will be paid, and how property will be distributed are all written in black and white."

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