"That taste must be a hundred times more fragrant than yours!"

Zhou Xuejian glanced at the frame of the third master, what kind of frog is the lonely and screaming frog in the frame!

These are obviously toads!

What is a toad?

It's the one with Lai on the body, according to Sichuan's words, it's a leprosy!

The third uncle has lived for such a long time and it is impossible not to recognize this kind of toad.

But coincidentally, now is not the best season for toads, and some toads haven't grown up yet!

They don't have so many bad guys, so it's hard to tell them apart!

It's okay if this thing looks ugly, but if you really eat it, there may be problems in your stomach.

Zhou Xuejian took one look and snorted coldly and said: "I suggest you eat it raw!".

Chapter 187 Zhou Xuejian suggested eating the toad raw, but the third uncle was dissatisfied!

When the third master heard Zhou Xuejian's slightly contemptuous words, he was instantly unhappy.

"Zhou Xuejian, what are you talking about?"

"What do you suggest I eat raw?"

"Why don't you eat it raw!"

The neighbors also felt that what Zhou Xuejian said was a bit too much.

Why did his neighbors not be able to eat what Zhou Xuejian could eat?

He, Zhou Xuejian, was so valuable that he had to eat all the good things.

Zhou Xuejian didn't think there was anything wrong with what he said.

How fierce is the third master!

Pick up a bunch of toads and come back, fry and cook them!

It might as well be eaten raw!

The third master is going to eat toads, what else can't be eaten raw?

"Either you don't eat this thing, or you eat it raw, you just listen to me and it's over!"

"How many people in our courtyard are more professional than me when it comes to eating?"

There is nothing wrong with what Zhou Xuejian said!

In this age when houses were scarce, every household ate Wowotou stick noodle porridge.

Only Zhou Xuejian's family is eating in different ways.

When it comes to food, the people in the compound have never eaten anything delicious.

But Zhou Xuejian ate more than just delicious food, he ate the taste of the food, the essence of the food, and the nutrition of the food.

If it's about eating, isn't Zhou Xuejian more professional!

The neighbors were a little shaken by this thought.

"Third Master, Zhou Xuejian may be right!"

"Of course he is well-informed and knows how to eat this stuff."

"I've also heard that many of these things are eaten raw in foreign countries!"

"It's better to eat raw than cooked!"

"I heard that you have to dip it in soy sauce and wasabi if you eat it raw!"

"Really? Can it be delicious?"


The third uncle heard that the neighbors were discussing how to eat raw food, and he immediately became unhappy.

He felt that Zhou Xuejian was taking advantage of the neighbors' ignorance to tease him.

Although he was right in thinking, there was always something wrong in his heart.

The third master's face darkened, and he said: "Don't discuss it here, I will eat it according to Zhou Xuejian's way` "!"

"I cook as he cooks!"

"Why should I eat it raw if he eats it cooked?"

"I'm not doing it!"

Zhou Xuejian saw that these three masters really wanted to eat toads!

He couldn't help but want to laugh. Isn't this toad going to explode when he eats it?

Moreover, the third uncle not only wanted to eat it himself, but also led the neighbors in the courtyard to eat together.

This toad made them eat in a new way. Toad cooks hot pot.

The third uncle is simply more ferocious than a toad!

Zhou Xuejian felt that if he didn't speak clearly, this group of people would have to find him for something wrong.

Zhou Xuejian doesn't want to take responsibility.

Taking responsibility for these beasts is simply being taken advantage of.

Zhou Xuejian said: "Third Master, do you know what kind of frog this is?"

"That's not a frog at all, it's a toad!"

The neighbors were shocked when they heard the toad!

Some people were even so scared that they quickly opened the lid of the bucket to check what kind of toad it was.

But the toad and the frog look very different, but the toad on this body is as muddy as mud.

There is also a frog of this kind that Zhou Xuejian ate, and it seems to look like this after being taken out.

Could it be that Zhou Xuejian didn't want them to eat so he made up a lie to deceive them?

But why didn't Zhou Xuejian want them to eat it!

When the neighbors still couldn't figure this out, the third master gave the answer directly.

"Zhou Xuejian, you just think that your frog was brought back to you by a friend from other places."

"We can get out of the loop directly."

"You think it's a shame to deny us food, right?"

"Why do you have such a good face?"

"A food, you don't care where it comes from, you can do it and we all admit it!"

"But the same ingredients don't mean we can't cook well, right?"

"The neighbors in our compound are not like you, who eat big fish and meat all day long."

"We haven't tasted meat for a long time, so what's the matter with the meat?"

"How can you be like this, and say that toads are here to disgust us!"

What the third master said was approved by all the neighbors.

They felt that what the third master said was very reasonable.

There must be a reason why Zhou Xuejian stopped them from letting them eat.

So what is the reason? Designation is shameful!

What Zhou Xuejian can eat, why can't they eat it!

Isn't it just to save face, why would they compete with him for something to eat!

The neighbors also talked about it.

"Learning swordsmanship, you are really a bit of a coward."

"Even if we can get these frogs out of the river loop."

"`ˇWe will not joke that your frog was brought back by a friend from other places!"

"We want to eat some meat without breaking the law."

"And you didn't force you to tell us how to cook this frog!"

"We fished the frogs ourselves, and we cooked them ourselves. We didn't ask you to eat them, so why are you trying to persuade them here?"


When Zhou Xuejian heard this, he really didn't want to care about them.

He wasn't worried about their bodies before telling them it was toad's.

But they don't want to treat kindness as a donkey's liver and lungs!

It seemed that he, Zhou Xuejian, didn't let them eat it and instead harmed them.

And the third master took a group of people to catch toads and came back to cook and eat them.

But it seems to be saving them.

Zhou Xuejian felt speechless, and he really couldn't stop this group of people if they wanted to die.

He had no choice but to shake his head and said, "How you eat, whether you eat or not really has nothing to do with me."

"You can do whatever you like (Okay Zhao)!"

"Anyway, I don't care, and I don't want to!"

"Wish yourselves the best of luck!"

The neighbors can't understand the idiom, but the third master can always understand it.

He knew that Zhou Xuejian was mocking them!

How could the third master be ridiculed as the leader!

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