He managed to enjoy the feeling of being a leader once, and the feeling of being surrounded by the crowd is simply not too pleasant!

The third master wanted to protect his short-term dignity, so he said directly: "Zhou Xuejian, you don't have to be sarcastic here!"

"You'll know when we go home and make this thing!"

"Guaranteed to taste better than yours!"

"The big guy didn't listen to him, so hurry up and take the food home, we can finally eat meat!"

The call of the third master was almost universally answered.

The neighbors were very excited to take the toad home and prepare to eat it! .

Chapter 188 The third master is overjoyed!The whole compound is frying toads!

Listening to people's persuasion to eat enough, these beasts are not willing to listen to Zhou Xuejian's persuasion, what can Zhou Xuejian do with them?

As long as this group of people eat and have trouble, don't come to him.

Zhou Xuejian made the piles of pimples feel a little disgusted, so he quickly took a sip of wine to suppress his shock.

Xiao Longnv still had some doubts about what happened just now.

She couldn't help but asked Zhou Xuejian: "Those frogs caught by the third master are really inedible?"

Zhou Xuejian laughed immediately. It would be fine if he believed that he couldn't eat it, but the problem was that he didn't believe it.

I don't believe that when I take it home and cook it, it is poisonous and full of parasites.

Don't think that all these parasites will die after being cooked. Even if it is high-temperature sterilization, two will always remain in the stomach.

This compound, sooner or later, something will happen because of this!

Zhou Xuejian thought for a long time before explaining to Xiaolongnv: "This thing is a toad, it is poisonous."

"It's guaranteed that something will happen after they eat it."

"Anyway, I have persuaded them, and there is nothing they can do if they don't listen."

Before Xiao Longnv could speak, Nannan interrupted and said: "My brother is always right, I listen to my brother most!"

"The elder brother told you not to eat spicy food at 327 just now, why do you still eat it?"

Zhou Xuejian teased deliberately.

Nannan's little face turned red all of a sudden.

"I just knew that it would be hot if I didn't listen to my brother, so I knew I had to listen to my brother!"

"Ha ha!"

Zhou Xuejian laughed from ear to ear when he heard this sentence.

Xiao Longnu couldn't help laughing when she saw Nannan's cute appearance.

The family of three continued to eat hot pot happily.

After a while, I could smell the fragrance from every house.

There is really no meat in this age.

If there is no meat to eat for a long time, everyone is actually unfamiliar with how to make meat.

The families didn't know what to do when they got this toad. They didn't know how to cook it even if they wanted to imitate Zhou Xuejian.

Zhou Xuejian has hot pot ingredients, but they don't.

But I always feel that Zhou Xuejian looks delicious when made spicy.

So they searched their brains and took out a bunch of chili peppers from home and stir-fried them directly!

This stir-fried frog itself is a famous dish, and the taste is still unique.

But this stir-fried toad is not necessarily the case.

Every household in the neighborhood was in full swing frying toads.

A happy scene.

But when he arrived at the third master's house, the style of painting was different.

The third master took the toad home and put it on the table to show off to his family.

"I didn't move my hands even once today. The neighbors caught it and gave it to me!"

"If it weren't for me, they might not be able to eat such good meat!"

The third mother looked at the pile of spoils of the third master, and Le's back molars were about to be seen.

She looked at the third master and couldn't help but praise: "Old Yan, you still have a way."

"There are so many frogs, our family has to eat several meals!"

"Can this thing be air-dried, let's dry it and eat it!"

Before the third master objected, Yan Jiecheng interjected first: "Mom, why is this thing air-dried?"

"And you look big, but in fact, pick it, pick it, there is not much meat!"

"We can fry it and eat it. If you stir-fry this thing with chili, the whole bowl of rice will be delicious!"

Yan Xiecheng was beaming with joy as he spoke, almost bursting into tears as he spoke.

Yu Li had seen the market before, and she felt that it might not taste good when fried.

After all, you need a bean paste to make chili stir-fry, and you have to follow the Sichuan cuisine to make it delicious.

Thinking of this, she immediately made an opinion.

"Stir-frying is still not enough. We don't have so many seasonings for stir-frying, so it may not be delicious!"

"I think we can stew it!"

"I remember last time it seemed that my mother took some soybean paste, and it was delicious to stew with that stuff."

"I don't have any rice at home, so it's delicious with corn tortillas if it's stewed."

The two of them had a lively discussion, which really spoiled the two little ones, Yan Jiekuang and Yan Jiedi.

After talking for a long time, no one took the toad to clean it up and came out quickly.

Isn't this a gluttonous child?

Yan Jiekuang started arguing first.

"You have said so much, take it to wash and eat quickly!"

"I haven't eaten meat for a long time!"

When Yan Jiedi saw that her brother had spoken, she said unambiguously, "Yes, I want to eat meat too!"

The third master gave them a look and said: "I have never seen the world!"

"Of course good things should be kept in the stomach!"

"And good things can be eaten in one meal?"

"Damn it, you take out half of it and cook it tonight, and find a tank to raise the other half!"

"When the time comes, we'll raise it a little bigger, and let's have a good meal."

"Maybe it will become two after raising one. We can eat for several days!"


The third mother has always been obedient to the third master.

Although marrying the third master did not lead a good life, but in terms of calculation and life, no one can compare with the third master.

What the third master said is the same as the imperial decree.

He was right!

The third mother was just about to deal with the toad, when she turned around again.

How to do this thing, the third master hasn't said yet!

She didn't dare to act rashly!

"But my son's father, how do you eat this thing?"

"Nonsense, of course we should follow Zhou Xuejian's method!"

"He used it to make hot pot, and I also want to use it to make hot pot!"

"I want to see why he said he can't eat this thing!"

The third master said with a little anger.

When the third mother saw the meat, she didn't care about it, and took it directly to the yard to deal with it.

The neighbors were making toads at home, and the scent wafted into the nostrils of the third mother.

"Old Yan is really good!"

"This smells really good!"

"It's more fragrant than the fish in the river set!"

"After this meal is over, I guess I won't be able to eat meat for more than a year!"

The third mother washed the toad, but her hands felt very itchy after washing it.

"Why is this thing still itchy?"

"It's weird!"

The third mother realized that it might be the toad's problem, but she felt that the size was all pieces of meat.

Even if there is a problem of toads, you have to eat until you have eaten your stomach.

The three mothers thought it might be that the river loop was not clean and some grass had been planted.

Thinking of this, she washed harder.

After all, it is something that goes into the mouth and needs to be washed clean.

The third mother was washing and thinking about the smell of this toad. It would be great if I could eat this toad in the future!

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