This compound is really unbearable, the sounds of nausea and vomiting keep coming and going!


Immediately afterwards, a foul smell spread from the air!

The smell is so irritating to the eyes!seven.

Chapter 190 The Third Master's Death Triple Alliance!

"Holy shit, what does it smell like!"

"Who the hell is that!"

"Do you have a sense of public morality?"

"Can't you bear to go out and let it go?"

"Everyone is enduring here, what is this for! This is it!"


The neighbors couldn't stand the smell anymore and complained one after another.


Another bang!

The whole courtyard can't wait any longer!

Everyone is still looking for the source of the taste!

"It's the third uncle!"

At this time, a neighbor suddenly shouted!

Then everyone looked at the third uncle, and the third uncle's face turned red.

The third master has stood on the podium all his life, and those children have been staring at him all his life.

Occasionally, the school organizes some kind of conference, and the third master still has to attend, so many eyes are watching his every word and deed.

He can speak eloquently in front of so many people's "[-]".

But now, in front of so many people, he put shit in his crotch in public.

This kind of thing could make him stand here and die ten thousand times.

Now if there is a knife, the third master can really wipe his own neck.

But the third uncle didn't have the courage to die, and he didn't look at the neighbors in his pants.

And the two hits just now are not over at all!

The third uncle felt that his back was still moving hard, and his stomach hurt terribly!



He now has to find the toilet first!

But the toilet was outside the crowd, at the end of the alley, and he didn't even have the strength to leave the hospital now.

The third master stood there, he didn't dare to move, as if he was about to come out.

The neighbors looked at the third master with disgust.

"What the hell is going on!"

"You're such an adult, can't you control yourself?"

"Still standing here, do you want to solve it on the spot?"

"Hurry up and go to the bathroom!"


The neighbors still have the nerve to talk about the third uncle!

As soon as the discussion was over, there were popping sounds again and again in the compound.

None of the neighbors survived the disaster, and they all started!

The whole compound exploded!

Everyone rushed to the toilet!

Let's just run all the way, the things behind the way are still spraying out!

The third master stood in the crowd and saw that the neighbors couldn't control himself, so he felt much more comfortable.

He also followed the crowd and ran out with the big current.

But the more he ran, the more his stomach hurt, and he couldn't control himself at all.

The third master is going to the toilet soon, victory is already in front of him, and he is about to step into the toilet right before his eyes.

"Mr. Yan!"

When the third master turned his head, how could there be parents of students wandering around outside in the middle of the night!

The third master is a very face-saving person. At this time, he ran into the toilet and ignored people's greetings, which is undoubtedly disrespectful to others.

But if he stops at this time, the third uncle will be finished!

The third uncle will definitely not be able to control himself.

But the third master had no choice but to clamp himself hard so that he would not be so desperate.


The students' parents were quite happy to see the third uncle, and they didn't even plan to leave yet.

"Our family Xiaoqiang, his grades are very good recently. He often talks about you at home, and he is very patient in teaching."

"I'm worried that I won't have a chance to visit you!"

"What are you doing here in the middle of the night?"

"Are you feeling a little sick?"



This untimely fart!

And it's not just a fart anymore!

That impure fart directly spread a very explosive smell in the air.

The smell went straight into the nostrils of the third uncle and the parents of the students!

The parents of the students pinched their noses subconsciously.

The answer is already obvious.

First of all, that voice is definitely a fart, and secondly, that fart was not made by myself, so there are only two people now.

Then this impure fart is definitely the third master's.

The third uncle's second social death turned out not to be on the three-inch podium, not in the compound where he had lived for decades, but at the door of the toilet in the alley.

The person who met at the door of this toilet was an unfamiliar student's parent.

Will the parents of this student speak out?

Will he tell his children if he goes out?

Will his children tell their classmates after hearing this?

Will the students in his class talk to the students in other classes?

When Third Master goes to school the next day, will he get several nicknames?

None of these nicknames are good.

And this nickname will accompany these children to graduate.

At that time, the third master will retire with a very ugly nickname and end his teaching career.

The more the third master thinks about it, the more he collapses, the more he feels more uncomfortable, the more he thinks about it, the more he wants to die.

The parents of the students also smelled the embarrassing atmosphere amidst the stench.

His eloquent talk just now was gone, and he pinched his nose in embarrassment and said, "Teacher Yan, why don't you be busy first, and I'll leave first."

With that said, the parents of the students turned around and were about to leave.

The third master thought of those nicknames, thought that he was going to retire soon, and thought of the students in his class.

The third master knelt down on the ground with a bang.

Not because he wants to kneel, just because he wants to walk now but can't stand still.

Neighbors who came and went saw the third uncle kneeling in front of a middle-aged man in the middle of the night.

Although they were anxious, they were not anxious enough to watch the fun.

The neighbors all stopped, and they looked at the third master.

Those eyes were strange.

"Please don't say it!"

The third uncle's voice was almost crying.

This aroused the curiosity of the neighbors even more, they really wanted to know what the third master said not to say it!

"What's the matter, Teacher Yan?"

"What are you doing, get up first!"

The parents of the students couldn't bear the smell anymore. This was at the door of the toilet, surrounded by a bunch of people who were in the same situation as the third master.

Fortunately, it's not dinner time but late bedtime.

Otherwise, he wouldn't even be able to eat breakfast.

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