But it is also possible that the 0.7 dream can dream of this suffocating smell.

"Promise me first not to say anything!"

"Promise me first!"

The third master begged bitterly.

In the dark night, he couldn't feel that there were other eyes watching him around him.

The parents of the students said: "Okay, okay, I promise you."

"I will never tell about your trousers!"


Now the onlookers didn't know it!

As a result, I can now hear them all!

In an instant, there was a sound of laughter from the whole alley.

The third master blushed even redder than ink pad amidst the laughter.

If only there was a knife at this time!

With a knife, the third master can directly solve himself!

The third master really doesn't want to live anymore, mainly because he doesn't want to live in such a shameful situation for the rest of his life.

Chapter 191 The medical expenses cost 3000 yuan? !We must seek compensation from Zhou Xuejian!

It's really hard to toss the people in the compound this night.

Zhou Xuejian has seen many famous scenes when he went to the toilet.

He watched as the neighbors ran to the bathroom and hurried back, and then to the bathroom again.

My heart is almost bursting with joy.

He never imagined that he could be so happy in this compound.

Zhou Xuejian felt happy seeing these beasts being unlucky.


At that time, he said that they would not be allowed to eat, that they could not eat.

They don't listen to advice and insist on eating!

Are they all eaten up now?

Don't you deserve it?

This is considered good, if the pull is not enough, it is estimated that they will have to be hospitalized.

Zhou Xuejian was thinking about it, really thinking about it.

"Someone fainted!"

Someone who suddenly came back from going to the toilet shouted loudly.

Immediately afterwards, the neighbors hurried over to check, and they didn't know whether it was because they left in a hurry or because they were too weak.

Those who ran over to save others also fell to the ground and became those who needed to be rescued!

Just now there were one after another of popping sounds in the compound, but now it has become one after another of shouting.

The neighbors fell down one by one, leaving only the young and strong ones who could not hold this one.

These few people with stronger physical fitness are already in chaos.

"Why don't we call an ambulance!"

"Yes, come and call an ambulance!"

"Hurry up!"

"Who can run fast!"


Those who can run quickly rush to the hospital to call a car.

After a while, at least three Kung Fu ambulances came to pick up the people in the compound.

Zhou Xuejian was just about to go home and sleep, when the medical staff shouted: "Wait a minute, comrade, you seem to be fine."

"Why don't you come with us."

"Anyway, there is someone who is a little more sober."

Zhou Xuejian took a look at these beasts, he couldn't sacrifice his rest time if he wanted to watch the fun!

"None of my business!"

After saying that, Zhou Xuejian went back to the house and went to sleep.

The neighbors froze in place, they had never seen such a cold-blooded and ruthless Zhou Xuejian.

But there is no way, no matter what, we must first cure the disease.

They hurriedly put the neighbors who had fainted into the ambulance.

The car went all the way to the hospital with lights flashing.

In the ambulance, everyone is still discussing what to eat will cause collective diarrhea?

"I eat stick noodle porridge and steamed buns every day!"

"Can this thing still give you diarrhea?"

"No, in addition to these things, we also ate frogs!"


"Yes, it's a frog!"


When the neighbors mentioned the frog, they thought of the third master, and when they thought of the third master, they seemed to see the enemy.

The third uncle is still lying on the stretcher of the ambulance at the moment.

He is clutching his stomach right now and it hurts so much!

Seeing the embarrassing eyes of the neighbors, the whole person panicked.

If these people do something to him, he will die without knowing how he died.

At this time, you must first shirk responsibility.

"What are you looking at me for?"

"Zhou Xuejian started eating frogs first, why is it okay for him to eat frogs?"

"And if he doesn't eat frogs, will we eat frogs too?"

"So this thing can't depend on me, but on him!"


The neighbors heard that what the third master said made sense!

They are all frogs, and they look similar, so why should Zhou Xuejian be fine after eating them.

But they have something to eat!

Zhou Xuejian may have some kind of special function, a steel-reinforced iron stomach!

But it has nothing to do with them!

The problem is that if Zhou Xuejian didn't eat the frog first, they wouldn't be able to eat that frog either.

So everything depends on Zhou Xuejian!

It was Zhou Xuejian who insisted on eating that frog that caused them to become like this!

"Damn Zhou Xuejian!"

"We have to settle accounts with him!"

"Yes, it depends on that Zhou Xuejian!"


"Keep your voice down, some patients are still resting!"

The casual nurse scolded loudly.

Along the way, the neighbors scolded Zhou Xuejian while yelling ouch.

After finally arriving at the hospital, various examinations were done, the good guy had food poisoning and acute gastroenteritis!

This is caused by eating unclean food.

The total hospitalization fee is 3000 yuan.

Even if every household empties themselves, they can't afford it!

When it comes to the neighbors, they are confused, how can this be solved with 3000 yuan!

How can they have money to govern!

But there was no cure, it was food poisoning.

Food poisoning cannot be tolerated. Once they persist, their lives are in danger.

But who will pay the 3000 yuan?

The average medical expenses per person in each household is 56 yuan.

So much money is enough for them to eat for three months.

And now they spend 56 ten because they ate the wrong meal.

Thinking of this, the neighbors turned their attention to the third master again.

When the third uncle felt this gaze again, he was so frightened by the medical expenses that he died.

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