Zhou Xuejian has little to do with this incident.

Moreover, if something happened just now, it was the third uncle who sent him to Zhou Xuejian.

This matter is not due to Zhou Xuejian, but to the third master.

The neighbors immediately turned their finger on the third master.

"`ˇThird uncle, you asked us to catch frogs. It's up to you to do this."

"You ate it up yourself, so we can't rely on us for this matter, and you should pay for it yourself!"

"Yes, look at you for killing us all night!"

"There are still such high medical bills in the hospital, you have to accompany us!"

"We can't find Zhou Xuejian. If we want to find him, we have to find you!"


The third uncle saw that he had finally passed the responsibility to Zhou Xuejian, and now Zhou Xuejian passed the responsibility back to himself.

Of course he can't do it!

He can't bear this responsibility!

3000 yuan for medical expenses!

How can he afford it?

The third master hurriedly said: "Don't let Zhou Xuejian be fooled!"

"Zhou Xuejian just wants to shirk responsibility."

"Didn't I just watch him eat it and think about the neighbors wanting to eat it, so I asked everyone to catch it?"

"Have you fished yet?"

Zhou Xuejian snorted coldly and said, "Besides asking your neighbors to fish for you, have you fished yourself?"

"Don't think I didn't know if I didn't follow."

"You want the neighbors to come along because you want to take advantage."

"After the neighbors caught the fish themselves, didn't they all share it with you?"

"You let the neighbors catch poisonous frogs for your own sake."

"You took advantage of your neighbors and now you want to take advantage of me!"

"How can you be so shameless!"

The third master was scolded for being shameless, and now he is very angry.

He absolutely cannot pay the 3000 yuan!

He had to ask Zhou Xuejian to pay the 3000 yuan.

But now he has no reason to argue.

At this critical moment, the third master thought of the lameest reason and shouted: "Then how do you prove that the frogs we catch are poisonous!".

Chapter 193 The silver needle tests the poison!The third uncle was stabbed so hard that he screamed!

The third uncle is so awesome at this trick!

All the frogs caught by the neighbors before have been eaten.

How can I prove what I have eaten?

If you can't prove it, how can you prove whose responsibility it is?

The neighbors thought this question was too difficult and they didn't know how to answer it.

The third master saw that the audience was silent, and felt that he was simply too talented.

How could he come up with such a good idea and knock Zhou Xuejian down with just one slap?

What else could Zhou Xuejian say?

He can't say anything!

Zhou Xuejian had no way to break his trick.

But the third uncle forgot one very important thing. All the toads caught by the neighbors were eaten, but the third uncle’s was not finished!

Zhou Xuejian didn't say anything, and ran directly to the front yard.

His strength is more than ten times that of ordinary people.

In order to prove that he had won, he directly took out the tank where the toads were kept in the third uncle's house.

Seeing Zhou Xuejian come out carrying the vat, the neighbors were shocked.

"How come Zhou Xuejian has such great strength!"

"This is more than just strength, and what is he doing with the tank?"

"Is there something hidden in the tank of the third master?"


Zhou Xuejian put the vat on the ground with a bang.

"Third Master, you can see for yourself what's in your 330 tank?"

The third uncle was already panicking when he saw the jar.

The neighbors looked into the tank curiously.

"Isn't that the poisonous frog?"

"That's right, this is a poisonous frog!"

"The third master didn't finish eating the poisonous frog!"

"How many poisonous frogs did he catch!"


The third master was stupefied now, Zhou Xuejian actually resisted the poisonous frog in order to prove that the frog was poisonous!

Why is this person so stubborn!

The third master has never seen such a serious person.

But the third uncle still has a way, so what if he takes out the frog?

How could he prove that the frog was poisonous?

Is it possible to taste it on site?

On-site tasting is the best. If you eat this frog, you will have to let Zhou Xuejian suffer once!

"So what if you take out this frog?"

"How do you prove that this frog is poisonous?"

The third uncle's expression was still so proud.

He proudly felt that Zhou Xuejian must have no way to deal with him now, even if the on-site test proved that the frog was poisonous.

Zhou Xuejian would also eat himself with diarrhea because of this frog.

The third master just now died so violently in front of the people in the compound and in front of the parents of the students.

He just wanted Zhou Xuejian to die like this once.

Zhou Xuejian snorted coldly, of course he knew what the third master was thinking.

Ordinary ruthless people don't talk too much ruthless, if Zhou Xuejian can't prove that these frogs are poisonous, of course he won't fight all the frogs out of this tank, right?

Zhou Xuejian directly took out his silver needle and stuck it into the frog's poison bag.

When the silver needle was pulled out, it was all black.

Zhou Xuejian showed the silver needle to everyone.

"Is this not poisonous?"

The neighbors were shocked when they saw that the silver needle was black.

"Oh my god, did we eat such a poisonous thing?"

"Third Master, you are too harmful, aren't you?"

"Don't you really know that this thing is poisonous?"

"I seriously doubt that you did it on purpose!"

"Third Master, you are so cruel!"

"You just want to kill us!"


The third master was completely dumbfounded!

Could it be the frog's problem?

But what poison can a frog have?

It's not from snakes, insects, rats and ants, so how could it be poisonous?

The third master certainly didn't want to take on this responsibility.

That's 3000 yuan!

What is the concept of 3000 yuan to him?

According to his frugal lifestyle, he can live on this 3000 yuan for the rest of his life!

Is this how I will spend all my money in my next life?

This is something that the third uncle, who is a thief and a scheming man, will never allow.

The third master still wanted to fight for himself, so he hurriedly said: "I have eaten something myself, how would I know (agah) it is poisonous!"

"Don't blame people!"

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