"I am a victim too!"

"Besides, who knows if it's Zhou Xuejian's silver needle!"

"What if he uses a fake silver needle to frame me!"

The neighbors agreed when they heard it. What if Zhou Zhou learned the sword to evade responsibility and deliberately used poisonous things for testing?

They are not the kind of literate people and don't know how to judge, right?

"That's right, to learn swords, you have to prove that poisonous things are not poisonous!"

"You have proved yourself and then you can prove the credibility of this frog!"

"If we don't believe in the third master, we won't believe in you either!"

"You prove yourself first!"


Zhou Xuejian had expected that the third master would have such a skill.

He directly took out the same silver needle and stabbed it into the third master's arm!

The third master groaned in pain!

"What are you doing Zhou Xuejian?"

Zhou Xuejian took out the silver needle, it was still silver white.

"The result is self-evident, right?"

The neighbors were all shocked when they saw the unchanged silver needle.

"Zhou Xuejian didn't lie, so it's your third master who lied?"

"Third Master, what else do you have to say now?"

"You should compensate us for not a single point!"

"It seems that you really poisoned us with poisonous frogs on purpose!"

"Now the medical expenses of 3000 yuan, what do you think about it!"


The third master's face turned green immediately, and the neighbors asked him what to do.

How does he know what to do with himself?

He also wanted to ask them what to do?

3000 yuan for medical expenses!

If he was really asked to pay, he would have to go bankrupt!

The third master was completely dumbfounded, he knew that he was doomed.

But the third uncle wanted to struggle again, so he quickly said: "How could I harm you with a poisonous frog!"

"Obviously I ate it myself!"

"I'm a victim too, am I not?"

"If I say I did it on purpose, all of you guys did it on purpose."

"You can't rely on me for being greedy!"


The third uncle is so anxious that he dares to say anything.

What he said was an explanation, it would be better not to explain it at all!

What the third master said made the neighbors anxious.

Why do they have to rely on themselves when they are greedy!

Is the third master really not afraid of being beaten when he speaks like this?

Zhou Xuejian found it inconceivable that the third master, who usually looks very shrewd, would say such stupid things now?

Zhou Xuejian couldn't rely on him to say stupid things himself.

Zhou Xuejian quickly chimed in and said, "The neighbors are greedy, but if it wasn't for the frogs you made, would they be able to eat them?"

"The entire responsibility falls on the victim."

"You can really figure it out, Third Master!".

Chapter 194: All the Beasts Forced the Third Master to Reimburse Medical Expenses?

Zhou Xuejian's words directly brought the neighbors' emotions to a peak.

The neighbors immediately realized that this responsibility should have been on the third uncle.

It doesn't matter whether Zhou Xuejian is the one who eats the frog first.

Besides, there was nothing wrong with Zhou Xuejian eating the frogs. On the contrary, it was only after eating the pile of frogs that the third uncle took them to catch that there was a problem.

Just now the third master's sophistry can still be believed, but now Zhou Xuejian has tried it with a silver needle.

Third Master's frog is poisonous, how can he argue?

The neighbors immediately became angry and pointed their fingers at the third uncle.

"Third Master, what else do you have to say now?"

"That's what you caused."

"Now all the neighbors are killing poisonous frogs."

"After eating that poisonous frog of yours, all the neighbors died."

"You are really harmful!"

"If we forget it like this, we will be sorry for our vomiting and diarrhea just now!"


The third master saw that the neighbors pointed the finger at him, and they were all blaming him, so he panicked all of a sudden.

If he just reasoned with Zhou Xuejian alone, the third master might have a little chance of winning.

But now that he has to face so many people, the third master's chance of winning is not much.

And there is money in it!

The medical expenses of the neighbors added up to 3000 yuan.

How can he pay for it if he is asked to pay it alone!

The third master still wanted to struggle for the last time and shouted: "No, you also know that I also ate that poisonous frog."

"I'm just like you, I'm a victim."

"If I knew that frogs were poisonous, would I let you eat them?"

"Will I feed it to myself?"

When the neighbors heard what the third master said, they thought it made sense.

After all, they were not the only ones who ate the poisonous frog, the third master also ate a lot of it!

And the third master's symptoms were even more serious than theirs.

Even the first person in the compound to pull his trousers pocket is the third uncle.

Thinking about it this way, the neighbors don't know how to blame the third master.

At this time, if there is any dispute with the third master, it will not be very authentic.

Zhou Xuejian saw that the neighbors were whispering to each other, but no one brought their words to the bright side.

He immediately understood that the neighbors were beginning to be persuaded by the third master.

How could Zhou Xuejian allow such a thing to happen?

He quickly said: "Third uncle, it is true that you are a victim, but this is your own fault!"

"If you didn't want to eat that poisonous frog, would you become what you are now?"

"But the neighbors are different. You took the neighbors to catch poisonous frogs because you wanted to eat them."

"Similarly, without you, the neighbors certainly wouldn't be able to eat that poisonous frog."

"So this matter is still your problem!"

"Whoever has the problem will be responsible. In fact, you don't need to do anything. You can just pay the medical expenses of the neighbors!"

"Is it the neighbors?"

The eyes of the neighbors widened when they heard about the medical bills.


Why didn't I think of this stubble just now!

They want to find out whose responsibility it is not to really blame someone.

This is of no use to them.

All they wanted was someone to bear the 3000 yuan medical expenses.

Medical expenses always have to be reimbursed by someone, so it is right to reimburse whoever makes a mistake.

Now that it can be proved that it was the third master's fault, he should ask the third master to reimburse him.

As soon as the neighbors saw the benefits, they immediately twisted into a rope and put all their energy on the third master.

"Zhou Xuejian is right, the medical expenses of the third master must be reimbursed by you!"

"If you don't reimburse the medical expenses, we can all go to the police station and sue you!"

"Anyway, no one can prove that you didn't feed us poisonous frogs on purpose!"

"And no one has proved that you yourself are eating poisonous frogs to get sick!"

"You have to pay this money today!"

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