Since it belongs to their family, they can of course dispose of it at will.

Thinking of this, the third master rolled his eyes, turned around and found Yan Jiecheng.

When Yan Jiecheng saw the third master looking at him, he immediately averted his eyes.  …

He has been the son of the third master for so many years, how could he not know what the third master thinks.

Once the third master is eyeing someone, it is definitely a matter of money, let alone the current situation.

Yan Jiecheng himself doesn't have a job, and he doesn't even have a house, and he still lives in the third master's house.

Where did he get the money to pay for the third master's medical expenses?

Not to mention that the medical expenses are 3000 yuan, even if the third master asked him to take 20 yuan to deal with emergencies, he probably didn't have it.

But the third master is his own father after all.

He couldn't refuse directly, he could only hide as long as he could, as long as he didn't give the third master money.

How could the third master want money to make Yan Jiecheng avoid the opportunity to give money.

He directly pulled Yan Jiecheng out of the crowd and said, "Xie Cheng, dad has never asked you for anything."

"You must help me this time."

"You just use some money to settle the debts of the neighbors!"

When Yan Jiecheng heard what the third master said so bluntly, his face turned pale with fright!

The third master is not asking for money!

This is simply killing him!

Where did he get the 3000 yuan to give to the third master!

Third Master, this is simply a lion's mouth!

However, if the third master said it bluntly, he, Yan Jiecheng, would not have to be so euphemistic.

He made a very embarrassed expression and said, "Dad, where did I get so much money?"

"You also know that Yu Li and I don't even have a job."

"If you don't help us in daily life, it will be 0.7 wrong."

"How can I get this money!"

The third uncle had long expected that Yan Jiecheng would say he had no money. Of course, this was not Yan Jiecheng making excuses for himself.

Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li never went to work, so of course they didn't have much money.

It must have been a struggle to get them to take out so much.

Fortunately, the third master had already thought up his speech.

The third master hurriedly said: "It doesn't matter if you don't have money. If you don't have money, don't you still have Yu Li's dowry?"

"You let her take it out for emergency."

"If the money is not paid off this time, I guess our family will not be able to stay in the compound in the future."

"This is also for the sake of our family!"

When Yan Jiecheng heard what the third master said, he felt very upset.

Why are you still thinking about Yu Li's dowry?

Is the third uncle out of his mind because of poverty? .

Chapter 196 Yan Xiecheng Yu Li was unfilial to his descendants, the third master knelt down and begged his neighbors!

Not only was Yan Jiecheng unhappy, but Yu Li was also unhappy when she heard it.

She quickly said: "Our family's dowry is reserved for our young couple to live. Dad, no matter what you say, you can't take my dowry!"

Yan Jiecheng has always listened to his wife the most, especially Yu Li's personality is relatively strong.

As long as Yu Li said something, he would definitely go along with it.

He didn't want to say anything just now, after all, he is still living with the third master at such an age.

Living in the house of the third uncle, he has already lost most of his freedom in his life.

But Yu Li gave Yan Jiecheng a lot of courage when she spoke.

He followed up Yu Li's words and echoed: "Yu Li is right. Yu Li brought this thing back from her parents' house. How can you just take it away?"

"We can think of another way to do this, but we can't take other people's dowry, right?"

The third master saw that Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li were not happy, and his face darkened instantly.

"Yu Li has already married into our family, so her dowry is also from her marriage. It's all from our own family. Why can't we use it?"

When the third uncle said this, the neighbors thought it made sense.

"Yeah, when something goes wrong at home, you don't have to react so much to the emergency things you take out, right 06?"

"You are so unfilial. Your father is so anxious."

"How did he spend so much money?"

"Don't say three thousand, do you think your dad can come up with 300 yuan?"

"I can't get anything out, and you still don't help!"

"Obviously you don't know how to take it out, you really don't know what to say!"


In this era, the concept of father and son's superiority and inferiority is very strong. In the age of foolish filial piety, no matter what parents do, children must obey unconditionally.

It is unfilial if the child disobeys.

The third master had such a big incident, Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li obviously had money but didn't want to take it out.

This is the greatest disrespect in the eyes of the neighbors.

Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li suddenly became the targets of neighbors' attacks.

Yu Li will not be used to these beasts, she is also very opposed to moral kidnapping.

The main reason is that she was kidnapped by morality, and even this moral kidnapping has involved money.

When it comes to money, there will be benefits, and Yu Li does not allow her own interests to be harmed in the slightest.

Yu Li directly angered all the beasts and said, "Emotions are not your money, are they?"

"If you can afford 3000 yuan, why don't you pay it yourself!"

"If you are willing to pay, why don't you ask our family to pay?"

"A poisonous frog is greedy and insists on eating it, and blames others everywhere after eating it."

"Anyway, it has nothing to do with you making my dad lose money."

"It's impossible for us to pay for this."


These words directly pierced the heart of the third master.

The third uncle now feels that his son is no longer a son.

It seemed that the family had been separated now. Standing in front of him was his son who had been separated.

And the daughter-in-law is not her own daughter-in-law anymore.

It was as if he had been expelled from the family, and the third master even felt that his surname was no longer Yan.

The neighbors clicked their tongues when they heard Yu Li say that.

"I've never seen such a daughter-in-law before."

"I don't recognize my father anymore, what's the situation?"

"Sure enough, with a daughter-in-law, I forget my mother, and I don't even want my own father."

"Who are they all!"


Yan Jiecheng saw that Yu Li was talking about himself.

Although he is shameless, he also likes to be pointed at his nose and said so!

Yan Jiecheng quickly defended himself, "What are you talking about?"

"What does it mean to marry a daughter-in-law and forget your father!"

"Why don't you tell me about my dad first!"

"See for yourself who caused this disaster?"

"We were the ones who made you eat poisonous frogs?"

"It was him who caused the trouble, and it was the two of us who lost money. Why?"

"I'll ask you why!"


The third master directly slapped Yan Jiecheng on the face.

He was so angry that his face was red and his neck was thick.

"Just because I am your father!"

The third master yelled at Yan Jiecheng.

Yan Jiecheng calmed down a bit after being slapped, at least he didn't dare to shout like that to the third master.

He hid behind Yu Li like an angry little daughter-in-law.

After all, it was my own father who was beaten and couldn't return it.

Yu Li doesn't care about that, her father is Yan Jiecheng's father, not her own anyway.

Her husband was beaten, but she didn't feel so distressed.

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