Mainly because her husband was so timid after being beaten, and she was really unhappy!

What a waste!

But after a slap, he stopped making a sound.

What about her dowry?

Is it really possible to give it to the third uncle?

It's impossible for Yu Li to sacrifice her own money!

The dowry money is still the capital she can save for what she can do in the future!

Yan Jiecheng, that little trash, was counting on him. He probably wouldn't be able to find a good job in his whole life, and that would be his life as a part-time job.

Yu Li yelled directly at the third master: "Why are you beating Yan Jiecheng?"

"Is what we both said wrong?"

"Didn't you cause the poisonous frog incident yourself?"

"Now that you have caused trouble, you have to take out 3000 yuan. If you can't get it out, let us take it!"

"Why should we get it for you?"

"Is it amazing that you are our father?"

"It's Yan Jiecheng who you wanted to give birth to, not Yan Jiecheng who begged you to give birth to him."

"If he could choose, he wouldn't want to be reincarnated as your son!"

"that's right!"

Yan Jiecheng directly gave Yu Li a big thumbs up.

The neighbors who watched this operation were shocked!

Is there really a daughter-in-law talking to her husband-in-law like this in this world?

And the son still thinks what such a daughter-in-law said makes sense?

The third master's heart was even colder.

He didn't know how to give the 3000 yuan.

He really couldn't come up with 3000 yuan to compensate the neighbors.

Moreover, Yan Jiecheng and the others were resolutely unwilling to help him, so he couldn't say it was a dead end.

In short, he must be reviled by the neighbors.

The third master is ready. At this time, even if the family is bankrupt, they will not be able to give the money at all.

With a plop, he knelt down in front of the neighbors and cried, "Neighbors, or else I'll give you IOUs!"

"You all saw that my own biological son didn't help me!"

"Who will help me!"

"I really can't get the 3000 yuan out!"

"Don't force me!"

The third master's heartfelt words made the neighbors feel uncomfortable, especially the first master. What made him uncomfortable was that his own son would not help me.

Chapter 197 Yi Zhonghai Worried about Retirement, Had a Child With Qin Huairu?

Yi Zhonghai witnessed the whole process of the third master, and couldn't help but think of himself.

The third uncle has three sons and one daughter in his family, making a total of four children.

The eldest son grew up, got married and started a business, and brought his daughter-in-law to disobey him in front of so many neighbors.

It would be better not to have a biological son.

But no matter what, Yan Jiecheng was also born to the third master.

This is related by blood, and it is definitely different from those adopted outside or other adoptions.

A biological son can do such things and say such words when his parents are old, let alone a godson who is not related by blood.

Yi Zhonghai had no children in his life, let's not talk about whose problem it is.

He has sacrificed a lot for his retirement plan.

Silly Zhu, whom he worked so hard to train, also went to jail.

Thinking of this, Yi Zhonghai couldn't help feeling sad.

He still can't believe that he can't have a child, so he thinks that at this time, he should find someone to have a child that is truly his own.

Otherwise, I have to get my daughter-in-law back.

Although it was only a few days since the first mother divorced him, he already felt that his life had been greatly affected.

When the big mother was around, he was living a life where he opened his mouth and stretched out his clothes for food.

But things are different now. What kind of life is he living?

He lived like a bum.

Yi Zhonghai cannot take care of many things in life by himself. He didn't realize it when his aunt was here before, but now that his aunt is gone, many inconveniences in his life are revealed.

But after divorcing an old woman, Yi Zhonghai can't find another old woman, right?

It makes people laugh so much!

Yi Zhonghai felt that his conditions were not bad. Although he would have to give the big mother 60 yuan a month for living expenses in the future, at least he would have 33 yuan left!

This is already considered a high-paying class for this age.

Besides, Yi Zhonghai felt that his body was not bad, and there was nothing wrong with his appearance.

Judging from these comprehensive conditions, Yi Zhonghai felt that he was already a dragon and phoenix among men and could be worthy of a younger woman.

Yi Zhonghai has lived in the compound all his life. When it comes to finding such a young woman, the first thing he thinks of is Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu had an affair before he got divorced.

Now that he is divorced, Qin Huairu can still give it a try.

At least Qin Huairu was able to have children, not just one.

Yi Zhonghai thought that if Qin Huairu could give birth, the two of them might give it a try. If Qin Huairu was really pregnant, wouldn't that prove that it wasn't him who was infertile?

If he had a child with Qin Huairu, he would also have a child.

With the lessons learned from the third master, Yi Zhonghai felt that he might be able to educate this child well.

When this child grows up, he will definitely obey him, and he will definitely not be as unfilial as Yan Jiecheng.

Thinking of this, Yi Zhonghai regained hope for his future life.

He made up his mind and walked towards Jia's house in the backyard.

At home, Qin Huairu was leading the children to eat steamed buns. The children looked at the dishes that were not oily at all, and they all ate delicious food.

Once something is not tasty, it will be eaten very slowly.

The wowotou was originally made dry, the kind that would fall off as soon as you touch it. They eat it slowly, and the scum can fall all over the ground.

Originally, the family was short of food, and it was so wasted.

Qin Huairu felt angry just looking at it. She slapped the table and said, "Can you guys eat well?"

"It all fell to the ground, what a waste!"

With Qin Huairu scaring her like this, the three children didn't dare to eat, for fear that they would be spoiled again.

At this time, Yi Zhonghai opened the door and came in, holding a roast chicken in his hand.

Before entering the room, the smell of roast chicken rushed into the child's nostrils.

After all, they were still children who cared about eating rather than playing. They all ran to Yi Zhonghai to smell the roasted chicken.

Their little black paws didn't dare to touch the roast chicken, so they could only watch helplessly and sniff it with their noses.

"It's delicious!"

The children's greedy halazi is about to flow out.

Qin Huairu looked at the door and saw that Yi Zhonghai had come and brought such a big roast chicken, his heart skipped a beat.

She has wandered between men for so many years, so of course she knows what Yi Zhonghai means.

Nothing to do is to commit crimes or to steal.

How is he trying to please his daughters?

This is obviously just to please her!

As soon as Qin Huairu thought of Yi Zhonghai wanting to please him, he thought that he had already divorced Da Ma.

Yi Zhonghai ran to his home after divorcing his aunt, and Qin Huairu understood because of the relationship between the two of them before.

In fact, the ambiguity with Yi Zhonghai was not because of the mouths at home.

It's not so much a few mouths as it is a sticky mouth.

Now Banggeng is also staying in a juvenile detention center. These girls can't eat anything to grow up.

Although Qin Huairu is not as patriarchal as Jia Zhang, her attitude towards her daughters is not particularly good either.

Qin Huairu thinks that delicious food, meat and nutritious food should only be rationed to sticks.

As for these daughters who eat so much, they won't grow taller and stronger, even if they grow taller, it's useless.

And as for herself, of course she is not very willing to exchange her hue for a little bit of food.

If you just have your hands touched or your face kissed, you can get something in exchange.

She, Qin Huairu, really didn't have to sacrifice too much.

And Yi Zhonghai is the one who wants too much.

"`ˇGo get it and eat it, go out to eat, I have something to talk to your mother about."

When Yi Zhonghai saw him coming, Qin Huairu even greeted him, feeling a little uncomfortable (well, well).

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