But in order to create opportunities, I still gave food to the children and asked them to go out first.

As soon as the children saw the meat, they were like flies seeing daddy. They rushed out and ran out holding the roasted chicken.

Yi Zhonghai was experienced at first glance, he closed the door as soon as he saw the children running away.

Without saying a word, he hugged Qin Huairu directly from behind.

"I miss you."

Yi Zhonghai's voice hit Qin Huairu's ears.

Qin Huairu was inexplicably nauseated.

She originally talked about Yi Zhonghai's ambiguity with him because of those rations, but now these rations are not so important to her.

But Yi Zhonghai still wants her to pay more things in exchange for what should belong to her.

Of course she wasn't happy about it.

Thinking of this, Qin Huairu quickly pushed Yi Zhonghai away.

"Speak just speak, speak nicely.".

Chapter 198 Yi Zhonghai proposes to Qin Huairu?

Yi Zhonghai felt a little unhappy for Qin Huairu's refusal.

Normally, he and Qin Huairu would not talk about doing anything else when no one was around, even if they hugged and kissed Qin Huairu, they still wouldn't push him away.

Why did Qin Huairu push him away even though he brought roast chicken for the child?

Yi Zhonghai felt that Qin Huairu had the air of acting like a good boy even after taking advantage of it.

He let go of Qin Huairu and said with an unhappy look: "Qin Huairu, why are you pushing me away?"

Qin Huairu saw that Yi Zhonghai was a little unhappy, and she also knew that what she just did was too obvious.

Yi Zhonghai didn't come here in vain for the first time, and if Sha Zhu didn't come out for the second time, he had to ask him for some relief at home.

It would definitely not be good to offend him directly at this time.

Thinking of this, Qin Huairu changed her smile and said, "I feel uncomfortable."

"What are you looking for me for?"

Qin Huairu quickly found a reason that sounded very reasonable to change the topic.

Yi Zhonghai didn't think much of it, he laughed dryly and said, "I divorced your mother, do you know that?"

Qin Huairu's heart skipped a beat.

Yi Zhonghai finally mentioned this topic.

If he can tell about the divorce, he will definitely talk about something else later.

If Qin Huairu made him really open his mouth, it would be difficult to talk about her later.

 333 She quickly laughed twice and said: "Oh, it's been so many years, you can just coax her."

"I may not be able to adapt to living with another wife!"

"dont you agree?"

At this time, Yi Zhonghai still hasn't heard what Qin Huairu means!

Because Qin Huairu always pretends to be a good old man whether he is in the compound or his usual personality.

No matter what I tell her, she is the one who wants to make peace but not break up.

Besides, what Qin Huairu said is also right, Yi Zhonghai has been with Yi Zhonghai for so many years.

It would be unbelievable for Yi Zhonghai to divorce just because of such a trivial matter.

Yi Zhonghai is very confident that Da Ma is the kind of woman he can coax back casually, and he feels that Da Ma cannot do without him.

But the crux of the problem is that Yi Zhonghai didn't want to coax him at all.

A mother, a middle-aged lady, is troublesome even if she is placed at home.

Yi Zhonghai wanted to dump her for a long time.

Compared with Qin Huairu in front of him, the aunt's beauty was no longer enough for Yi Zhonghai.

Who doesn't want an old woman if she's young?

Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu were not fake, they directly spoke their minds.

 (agah) "The problem is I don't want to coax."

Qin Huairu swallowed nervously, hoping that Yi Zhonghai would not say what he said later.

"It's just right that I divorced her. Then I can find another one."

"It's useless to keep this kind of middle-aged lady, it's better to be with you!"

"Anyway, the two of us are already like this now, and we are not afraid of neighbors' gossip."

"Or just live together!"

While talking, Yi Zhonghai wanted to come over and make a move.

Qin Huairu was so frightened that she quickly avoided him.

This action was so obvious that Yi Zhonghai's face turned black immediately.

"What are you doing today?"

Yi Zhonghai's voice became much louder!

He had already bought roast chicken, why couldn't Qin Huairu even touch it?

How can there be such a thing?

Don't talk about roast chicken, you can hold hands with a bag of stick noodles. You have to kiss a roast chicken, right?

Qin Huairu must have a problem!

Yi Zhonghai also felt it.

Qin Huairu's hiding just now was purely out of disgust, and Yi Zhonghai could no longer satisfy her interests to a greater extent.

Of course she didn't want to pay more.

And she had already seen through Yi Zhonghai's main purpose for coming here today.

Ever since Yi Zhonghai divorced Da Ma, she already knew it in her heart.

Yi Zhonghai will definitely come to her to propose marriage or something.

Qin Huairu can use Yi Zhonghai to make the family's life better, but she must not marry Yi Zhonghai.

One is that she doesn't like it, and the other is that the spittle stars of the neighbors can be drowned by her.

Qin Huairu can't offend him. If he offends him, the children really want to drink whatever they want in the future. If Shazhu is not at home, who will she expect?

Don't count on Yi Zhonghai.

Qin Huairu stood there without making a sound, thinking about it for a long time.

"What are you thinking about here!"

Yi Zhonghai is in a hurry!

He didn't know what Qin Huairu was thinking.

This confident man feels that everything is certain with women.

Qin Huairu was already like him. She didn't even have to ask for a proposal. As long as she gave him some benefits, she would definitely get involved.

But Qin Huairu did not post it today, which made Yi Zhonghai feel very strange.

He was a little angry. He didn't like disobedient women.

Qin Huairu quickly smoothed things over and said, "I didn't think anything of it. Your incident was too sudden. You can't let me have an answer right away, right?"

"Why don't you just wait for two days? There are so many things happening in our family. How can I think about it now!"

When Yi Zhonghai heard this, he was fooling him!

Qin Huairu didn't want to be with him!

Then those before, could it be that they were all fake?

If he hadn't known that Qin Huairu would be his next family after the divorce, he wouldn't have divorced so happily!

It's a good thing now, Qin Huairu's next family has made a mistake!

This is something Yi Zhonghai never expected.

He still has that stubborn energy, and today he has to discuss it with Qin Huairu.

"Qin Huairu, don't you want to be with me?"

"If you don't want to be with me, just say so!"

"Don't beat around the bush here, what's wrong with me, Yi Zhonghai!"

"Although I am a little older, many young people are not as good as me!"

Yi Zhonghai was somewhat angry when he said this.

A man cannot say that he is not good, and he does not allow other women to say that he is not good.

Qin Huairu has been wandering among various men all year round, she is well aware of this.

When she saw that Yi Zhonghai was a little angry, she quickly said with a smile: "No, you see, I already have four children, isn't this a drag on you!"

"You support the whole family all at once, and now you have to pay the eldest mother for living expenses."

"What a hard time we've had!"

"You are going to retire soon, wouldn't it be nice to enjoy your old age alone?"

If Qin Huairu had said that earlier, maybe Yi Zhonghai wouldn't be angry.

Yi Zhonghai really didn't expect these four children just now!

With four children and four mouths, he earns more than 30 yuan a month. It is true that life is very tight.

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