After the deaf old lady went in, the first mother lived in her home.

The door of the house was closed, Yi Zhonghai guessed that the eldest mother was still taking a nap at home.

Thinking that I have to get up early and work late at night every day, but in the end I have to hand over half of my salary to my aunt.

The aunt was sleeping at home.

Yi Zhonghai was still a little unbalanced.

After such a long time, Yi Zhonghai felt that in the end, he got nothing out of this marriage. After wasting his whole life, he had no children. When he got old, his daughter-in-law was gone, and even the former daughter-in-law spent his own money at home. Take a good nap.

Yi Zhonghai used to say that Sha Zhu was a big wronged species, but now he has become a real big wronged species.

Big Mom is really lucky!

Yi Zhonghai couldn't help sighing in his heart!

He has never been to work in his life, "San San Qi" was supported by him before, and he will support him when he is old.

In the past, I had to serve and serve him. Housewife is also considered a job!

The results of it!

Now she doesn't even need to be a housewife, she can just lie flat at home and get paid.

It costs 66 yuan per person!

What is the concept of 66 yuan in this era!

The whole family can't spend 25 yuan a month, and she spends 66 yuan alone!

She simply saved the money that she couldn't spend today until tomorrow, and she couldn't spend it all tomorrow!

The more Yi Zhonghai thought about it, the more he held back his breath. After getting angry with Qin Huairu, he wanted to seek compensation from Da Ma.

In his eyes, Big Mom is still that gentle little sheep who can be bullied by him at will.

When Yi Zhonghai walked to the door of the deaf old lady's house, all the hands that wanted to knock on the door were raised and lowered.

He hesitated.

He hesitated when he thought of his present life and future life.

He never had children, and never will.

Originally, he had a good idea. The first mother divorced him, so he went to Qin Huairu to have a child and get married.

But now Qin Huairu is neither willing to marry him nor have children with him.

Doesn't that mean that his future life is not guaranteed?

If the aunt still insisted on divorce at this time, he would not even have a daughter-in-law.

Without his wife, he doesn't even have anyone around him to serve him.

Yi Zhonghai felt terrible when he thought about his life these days, he didn't want to live like this for the rest of his life.

It may not be possible to put down your face and beg a big mother.

But at any rate, giving each other a step down is to comfort her hurt heart, Yi Zhonghai thinks it is still acceptable.

He felt that Auntie still cared about him in her heart.

As long as Big Mom has him in her heart, he has hope to get back together with Big Mom.

Yi Zhonghai calmed down his mood and stretched out his hand to knock on the door.

As a result, the door opened with a creak, and the face of the big mother was reflected in Yi Zhonghai's eyes.

"Xiao Cui..."

The first mother saw Yi Zhonghai's expression very ugly, and she was very happy when she woke up, but she felt unhappy when she saw him.

She didn't close the door immediately, she knew that Yi Zhonghai must have come to look for her.

"Is there anything wrong with me?"

The big mother's tone was cold.

Yi Zhonghai was hit by her cold tone, and his mood sank after he had just sorted out.

He said angrily, "I can't find you if I have nothing to do?"

"We're both divorced, why do you have nothing to do with me?"

Aunt Ma thinks Yi Zhonghai is really weird. Why are they still looking for each other after they are divorced?

Sometimes I really can't figure out what Yi Zhonghai is thinking.

If he didn't want a divorce, he could have said so at the time.

But at that time, he didn't agree very quickly, so why pretend at this time?

Yi Zhonghai became even angrier when he heard the word divorce, and he said, "What's the matter, you don't talk about the relationship between husband and wife at all?"

“You’re divorced and you can’t even say a word?”

"Yes, don't talk when you're divorced. I have no choice but to live in a large courtyard."

"I hope you understand."

The aunt said and turned around and left. She also wanted to wash clothes when she came out, but she didn't expect to meet Yi Zhonghai.

It's also a little bad luck.

Of course Yi Zhonghai would not let the big mom go away so easily, he grabbed her arm and said, "Why are you going?"

"What did you mean by that sentence?"

At this time, the voices of Yi Zhonghai and Da Ma had already attracted the attention of some neighbors.

After they gathered around, they started talking.

"Why are they still arguing after divorce?"

"Do you think it's really easy to divorce after decades of couples?"

"It's not like Yi Zhonghai still wants to find a big mom to get back together, right?"

"This kind of thing is really not right!"

"Look at him, it doesn't look like a big mother is looking for him!"


The first mother was upset when she heard the neighbors' comments.  …

She just realized that of course Yi Zhonghai would not come to her for nothing.

He must have wanted to tell her about the divorce.

Speaking of divorce may mean remarriage.

The aunt has been thinking very clearly these days.

A man like Yi Zhonghai is absolutely not acceptable.

It's fine for this kind of man to flirt with flowers and grass outside. When something happens, he never knows how to solve it. He will only make peace with him. He will do anything for his own face.

Besides, she had managed to get out of a very constrained marriage now.

I don't know how wonderful it is to live alone in the deaf old lady's house these two days.

She has a salary of 66 yuan a month!

These wages are used to eat meat every day, and they can’t be spent!

You can get money without doing anything. Who would give up easily if there is no job like this?

When the aunt thought of this, she quickly distanced herself from Yi Zhonghai and said, "Don't hold me back here!"

"We are already divorced."

"I really don't want to see you. If we meet in the courtyard in the future, it's okay to pretend that you don't know me?"

The first mother thought she was very straightforward.

But Yi Zhonghai acted as if he didn't understand, he still held the big mother's hand and didn't let go.

To be rejected by an obedient woman at 0.7?

Yi Zhonghai was more or less unwilling!

In his heart, Da Ma is an obedient lamb and will never disobey him.

Yi Zhonghai still felt that he could handle Big Mom. He even thought that Big Mom was disgusting, but actually he was looking forward to it.

For a woman, just give her what she expects.

Anyway, Yi Zhonghai's ultimate goal is to let the big mother come back to serve him.

To put it bluntly, it costs money to hire a nanny, but it's different for an aunt.

She doesn't need any money and can work as a nanny for him for free.

How could Yi Zhonghai miss someone like Big Mom?

"Have you had enough trouble?"

Yi Zhonghai decided to shirk all the responsibility on the aunt.

"Isn't it just the little things you care about?".

Chapter 201 Zhou Xuejian!Have you fallen in love with Gao Xiaocui?

Big Mom originally wanted to save Yi Zhonghai some face, but when she heard this sentence, she immediately became angry.

"What's this little thing?"

The big mother yelled directly.

She was almost crushed by Yi Zhonghai.

The fuse of their divorce was just a trivial matter?

Yi Zhonghai was really beating her violently!

Hitting someone is still a trivial matter, so what is a major event in Yi Zhonghai's eyes?

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