Is it really a big deal to beat her to death?

The aunt felt that she had lived her whole life very aggrieved. All her contributions and all her swallowing seemed to be paid by mistake.

Although marrying Yi Zhonghai has not suffered any physical grievances, those spiritual grievances are unacceptable to ordinary people.

She accepted because Yi Zhonghai was her husband and she was a very traditional woman.

She upholds the idea and concept of marrying a chicken as a chicken and marrying a dog as a dog, and this concept has caused her misery.

She was left to suffer and suffer like this for decades.

This is all her youth, and may even occupy more than half of her entire life!

The first mother yelled crazily, she wanted to vent all her dissatisfaction with Yi Zhonghai.

"You think it's a trivial matter to hit me, and you 06 think it's a trivial matter to flirt with Qin Huairu."

"I've been married to you for so many years, have I ever forgiven you once?"

"But you, you haven't even given me the most basic respect!"

Big Mom's roar resonated with most of the neighbors.

They have lived in the compound for so many years and know the marital status of Da Ma and Yi Zhonghai very well.

They also knew that Da Ma had indeed suffered a lot of grievances.

After all, no husband in any family would treat his wife like Yi Zhonghai treated his first mother.

"Yi Zhonghai, you have indeed gone too far in some things."

"How kind is Big Mom to you, you still beat her on the day of your divorce!"

"If you just hit her, you're not human at all!"

"You were disloyal to this relationship before the fight!"

"You're still accusing Big Mom now, what's your position?"


Yi Zhonghai never realized that he was wrong, including when Da Ma yelled at him like this.

He couldn't listen to what Big Mom said at all.

He only knew that the sheep-like woman who was submissive and gentle in front of him was yelling at him!

He can't accept it!

It was an assault on his dignity as a man.

The neighbors are still adding fuel and vinegar to the side, saying that it is their own problem.

What's wrong with him?

What could be wrong with him?

He just made a mistake that all men in the world make.

He was just teaching his wife to save himself some face outside.

And even if he beat the aunt, the aunt didn't learn these things.

Yi Zhonghai was also angry, but his way of anger was not as civilized as Big Mom.

He directly raised his hand and was going to hit the aunt.

When his hand was just raised, it was grabbed by the other hand before it fell.

Yi Zhonghai looked up and saw that this person was Zhou Xuejian.

Zhou Xuejian passed by the compound just after get off work, and felt something was wrong when he saw the neighbors gathered together. He originally wanted to see the excitement.

In the end, when he met Yi Zhonghai, he wanted to get rough on the big mom again.

What Zhou Xuejian hated most in his life was men who beat women.

When Yi Zhonghai and Da Ma were still husband and wife, he would do it.

The first mother and him are no longer husband and wife, and he still wants to do it.

Who did Yi Zhonghai think he was, the emperor?

Everyone has to obey his orders, and if there is a little bit of disobedience, they will be punished?

When the neighbors saw Zhou Xuejian approaching, they knew in their hearts that Yi Zhonghai was going to be in trouble again.

Since Yi Zhonghai stepped down from the position of First Master, Zhou Xuejian's status in the compound has been soaring all the way, and he is only one title away from the position of First Master.

In fact, Zhou Xuejian is taking care of all the big and small things in the compound.

Zhou Xuejian looked at Yi Zhonghai with angry eyes and shouted directly: "How dare you beat someone in the courtyard?"

"Believe it or not, I'll send you directly to the police station!"

Yi Zhonghai looked at Zhou Xuejian, the anger in his eyes did not subside, and even became more intense.

He hates Zhou Xuejian.

I hate that Zhou Xuejian likes to be nosy, I hate that Zhou Xuejian always spoils his good deeds, I hate that Zhou Xuejian has robbed him of his position in the compound.

It's not that Yi Zhonghai didn't think about resisting, it's just that he couldn't resist.

Zhou Xuejian now has a higher status than him no matter in the factory or in the compound.

Even if he resisted, there would be no result.

But at this moment Yi Zhonghai didn't want to continue to endure, he knew that the result of patience was nothing more than Zhou Xuejian's continued manipulation.

He didn't want to be manipulated, and he didn't want to be caught and be reprimanded for the rest of his life.

He must stand up and regain his position as the first director of the compound!

Yi Zhonghai shouted directly: "This is my family business, why are you meddling?"

"Do you think the police station will take care of other people's family affairs?"

"You always use the police station to scare people. Could it be that your family opened the police station?"

"You are still the director of the police station!"


Zhou Xuejian slapped Yi Zhonghai directly on the face!

The neighbors were all dumbfounded!

Zhou Xuejian's way of dealing with problems has never been so simple and crude!

It seemed that he was really angry this time!

How could Yi Zhonghai be willing to be beaten, he rushed up to fight Zhou Xuejian!

He hadn't touched Zhou 337 Xuejian's body, and was directly thrown to the ground by Zhou Xuejian!

Yi Zhonghai fell down on the ground and struggled for a long time to get up.

After getting up, the first thing Yi Zhonghai said was to yell at Zhou Xuejian: "Zhou Xuejian, I'm going to send you to the police station!"

"You are murdering now, do you know that?"

"I will make you stay in prison for several years!"

Zhou Xuejian snorted coldly and said, "The neighbors are all watching, did I do anything?"

The neighbors shook their heads.

Who would dare to offend Zhou Xuejian at this time!

Zhou Xuejian couldn't handle them with just a flick of his little finger.

When Yi Zhonghai saw that the neighbors were turning away from him, his heart suddenly turned cold.

He knew that at this time, he could only rely on himself.

Only he saves himself.

Yi Zhonghai shouted: "You didn't hit me, but what do you care about my family's affairs?"

"Could it be that you have taken a fancy to our Gao Xiaocui?"


Yi Zhonghai was really impatient and dared to say anything!

Isn't this obviously going to offend Zhou Xuejian to death!

What is a big mom?

It's Zhou Xuejian's elder, and he dares to think about it!

Watch it!

Neighbors watched the farce with interest.

The uncle is guaranteed to be cleaned up again later! .

Chapter 202 Zhou Xuejian Angry at Yi Zhonghai's Domestic Violent Man!

Yi Zhonghai yelled this sentence and before Zhou Xuejian could react, the big mother slapped Yi Zhonghai on the face.

Her chest heaved and fell from anger, and she had reached a critical point of temper.

In this life, Yi Zhonghai can bully her however he likes, but he can't insult her like this!

Zhou Xuejian was old enough to be her son, yet Yi Zhonghai could say such a thing.

Is Yi Zhonghai delusional or neurotic?

He still wanted to bury her, Gao Xiaocui, on purpose!

Yi Zhonghai, including Zhou Xuejian, were a little surprised by the slap of Big Mom.

The big mother's image in the courtyard has always been amiable, and she obeys Yi Zhonghai's words, not to mention beating Yi Zhonghai, she has never spoken loudly.

But now he dared to directly attack Yi Zhonghai?

What power is this?

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