This is the power of anger!

It seems that Yi Zhonghai really made Auntie anxious this time.

Seeing that Da Ma made such a big fight for herself, Zhou Xuejian silently gave Da Ma a thumbs up.

This teammate can really cooperate.

Yi Zhonghai is dead now.

It's not that Zhou Xuejian is helping in this kind of thing, it's just that he has participated in the past or is still a couple.

If one side is occupying outsiders, Zhou Xuejian has a great chance of winning.

It can be seen that Auntie is really frustrated with Yi Zhonghai.

Zhou Xuejian wanted her to be disheartened towards Yi Zhonghai, so that she could find a good home for Da Ma and complete the system tasks.

It is not difficult to find a partner for a aunt, but the difficulty lies in whether she can accept new relationships.

After all, how long has it been since she divorced Yi Zhonghai!

It is inevitable that there will be times when you can't get out.

Zhou Xuejian was very relieved to see the performance of the big mother.

"Yi Zhonghai, what are you talking about?"

The eldest mother roared at Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai still feels that he said something wrong!

There is no wrong word in his dictionary.

Even if there is, it's everyone else's fault, certainly not his fault, Yi Zhonghai's.

Yi Zhonghai folded his arms, looked at the big mom with disdain and said, "What did I say wrong?" "?"

"Why should he help you if he is not related to you?"

"You two can't really be so shameless, can you?"


Yi Zhonghai was kicked away by Zhou Xuejian!

He can't bear it now!

How dare Zhou Xuejian talk to him like this!

Of course he couldn't bear it, he kicked him lightly!

It would have been nice if I didn't kill him directly.

"Yi Zhonghai, who do you think is shameless?"

"I think the most shameless person is you!"

"If you are dirty, everyone is dirty!"

"Who in our courtyard doesn't know about the little affair between you and Qin Huairu?"

"Qin Huairu is old enough to be your daughter, and you are still messing around with others. If you don't have children, can you fuck other people's children?"

"You're the only one who wants me to get married again!"

"You are wishful thinking and daydreaming!"

These few words of Zhou Xuejian directly aroused great repercussions from the neighbors.

They even clapped excitedly!

"Zhou Xuejian is right, Yi Zhonghai is the most shameless one in our courtyard!"

"It's not just shameless, it's shameless, it's shameless to open the door for shameless, shameless home!"

"He has the nerve to talk about others here!"

"Any one of the shitty things I did is good to say but not good to hear!"

"No, Yi Zhonghai didn't come here just to get back together with Da Ma?"


The neighbors directly exposed Yi Zhonghai as they talked.

Yi Zhonghai stood in front of the neighbors as if he had been stripped naked. He didn't know what to say.

When he came just now, he didn't even tell the aunt about his ultimate goal.

How come Xuejian’s guess was so accurate this week!

The problem is that he figured it out, why didn't he expose it earlier!

The aunt beat him and scolded him too.

He has lost all face now, and even let the neighbors know that he is here to get back together with his aunt.

Doesn't it seem that Yi Zhonghai is more on the pole!

What Yi Zhonghai fears most is losing face. Once he loses face, he feels ashamed.

For the sake of face, Yi Zhonghai didn't want to admit that he came to get back with Da Ma.

He shouted directly: "Who said I got back together with a big mom?"

"I just came to see her. Which law stipulates that you can't visit your ex-wife after a divorce?"

"Did you make it or did you make it?"

"Why are you beeping here about something that is not regulated by law?"

The neighbors left Yi Zhonghai speechless.

Zhou Xuejian has plenty of words waiting for him!

"Who said there was something wrong with your ex-wife?"

"You see that there is nothing wrong with your ex-wife, would your ex-wife want to see you!"

"And do you see your ex-wife with her eyes or with her hands?"

"` ˇ Did you want to hit someone just now?"

"If I didn't stop me just now, Big Mom will be beaten again!"

"You call this looking at your ex-wife?"

"You call your ex-wife home!"

Zhou Xuejian's neighbors applauded again.

They have a sense of justice now, and under the leadership of Zhou Xuejian, they seem to be the embodiment of justice.

They can't intervene but they also have to show that they are righteous people.

Yi Zhonghai became the biggest villain, standing where he didn't know what to say.

Zhou Xuejian saw that he couldn't speak and continued: "You were divorced because you beat a big mother. Why don't you have a long memory?"

"If you are prone to domestic violence, go to the hospital for treatment!"

"Stop embarrassing yourself here!"

"I've seen a lot of people like you. Sure enough, there will be a second time once."

"You remember Yi Zhonghai, you and Big Mom are already divorced, even if the two of you haven't divorced!"

"It's against the law for you to hit someone!" (Okay)

"This time I stopped the next one!"

"Since your mood is so unstable now, I suggest that you are not allowed to step into the backyard again in the future!"

"So as not to carry out domestic violence against the big mother again!"

"You domestic violence man, hurry up and die!"

After Zhou Xuejian yelled like this, the first mother shed tears of emotion.

She knew that Zhou Xuejian was helping her get rid of Yi Zhonghai.

The two of them didn't have much contact before, and it was also because Yi Zhonghai always messed with Zhou Xuejian with the deaf old lady.

Zhou Xuejian must have a bad relationship with their family.

But the aunt thinks that Zhou Xuejian is not bad, and every time she asks not to treat Zhou Xuejian like this, she will be yelled back by Yi Zhonghai.

Now it seems that my judgment is not wrong.

Zhou Xuejian is really warm-hearted to stand up for himself like this today.

The first mother looked at Zhou Xuejian very gratefully, just like looking at her own son.

Chapter 203 Yi Zhonghai was kicked out, Zhou Xuejian persuaded the aunt to find a partner!

The first mother had no children all her life, and in the compound, although Shazhu was her godson on the surface, in fact he only listened to the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai.

Shazhu's relationship with the first mother is only superficial, and she has never felt the feeling of being protected by her son.

What Zhou Xuejian did today moved Da Ma very much.

She knew that Zhou Xuejian was sincerely doing her best, and that a person who was neither a relative nor an acquaintance could be so kind to her.

Even better than Yi Zhonghai who has been with him day and night for decades.

The first mother has completely given up on Yi Zhonghai's behavior, and she doesn't even want to say a word to Yi Zhonghai.

When Yi Zhonghai saw that Zhou Xuejian said that his mother didn't even say a word, his heart skipped a beat.

Originally, he still felt that he had some hope, at least the big mother would think about loosening up on his old relationship.

It turned out that the eldest mother had completely forgotten all the good things they had done before.

Yes, in Yi Zhonghai's heart, he felt that he was very kind to Da Ma.

He is simply a perfect lover, who can make money and is considerate and gentle, and the big mother will turn a blind eye to him.

That's the big mom's problem.

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