Thinking of this, Yi Zhonghai felt that the big mother didn't know how to flatter her, so he responded to Zhou Xuejian's words in a fit of anger.

"340 You said that if you don't let me step into the backyard, you won't step into the backyard?"

"What if I still have something to do in the backyard?"

Zhou Xuejian said: "It is your freedom to step into the backyard, but you are not allowed to meet the big mother again!"

"The neighbors will be watching you and will no longer provide an avenue for your violent behavior!"

"Is it the neighbors?"

As soon as Zhou Xuejian finished speaking, the neighbors all echoed.

"Yes, Zhou Xuejian is right!"

"If you go to the backyard from now on, all of us will be watching you!"

"Don't think about having anything to do with Auntie anymore!"

"You are nothing short of a beast!"

"If we encounter you very close to Aunt Ma again, just wait for us to kick you out of the compound!"

"He should be kept away from Big Mom now!"

"There is no room for a man who beats a woman in our courtyard!"

"Get out now!"


The more the neighbors talked, the more excited they were, they simply pushed Yi Zhonghai out.

Yi Zhonghai was so weak that he had no choice but to resist, so he could only let his neighbors push him, and in a short time he had already stepped out of the backyard.

He used to be the all-powerful Yi Zhonghai in the compound, but now he has become a street mouse that everyone shouts and beats in the compound.

Yi Zhonghaiqi's nose was about to turn crooked, and he stood on the dividing point in the backyard and shouted towards the inside: "You wait, if I get back together with Gao Xiaocui!"

"You all have to apologize to me!"

"Dream you!"

The neighbors yelled at Yi Zhonghai like heckling!

After the crowd dispersed, Zhou Xuejian also prepared to go back.

"Learn sword!"

The big mother suddenly stopped him from behind.

"What's the matter, Auntie?"

Zhou Xuejian turned around and asked in confusion.

"Thank you so much for what happened today. If you hadn't helped me, I really don't know what to do!"

The first mother thought for a long time before she thought of words to express her gratitude to Zhou Xuejian.

As his junior, Zhou Xuejian should not be so embarrassed.

However, Zhou Xuejian helped himself in this way, which always made the big mother feel like she had an extra son.

It was the first time to get along with a junior as a mother, and the aunt felt a little reserved.

Zhou Xuejian didn't understand Da Ma's politeness and restraint, so he just smiled and said, "Why are you being polite, Da Ma!"

"I just can't understand Yi Zhonghai like this."

"And you have been with him for so long, and he still treats you like this, no one can bear it."

"But aunt, since things are like this, do you have any plans in the future?"

Zhou Xuejian almost forgot about the system tasks just now when he was thinking about going home.

The system task said to find a partner for Da Ma.

This object is not difficult to find, after all, (agah) Big Mom is here now.

Divorced with no children, her husband paid 66 yuan a month ago. Although she has no house, the deaf old lady won't come back for a while, so she can live here for a long time.

Moreover, Auntie's character is that of a good wife and mother, so men of similar age to her are definitely rushing to get her.

The most important thing is not what kind of partner the aunt can find, but whether the aunt wants to find a partner.

If she didn't have such thoughts herself, no matter how much Zhou Xuejian said, it would be useless.

When the aunt heard Zhou Xuejian ask this question, she was still a little confused and didn't quite understand what he meant.

"Learning swordsmanship, what do you mean by this?"

Zhou Xuejian explained: "Mom, I think you are quite comfortable living alone."

"After all, I have been serving others all my life."

"It's time to relax for yourself."

"But if Yi Zhonghai harasses you like this from time to time, the neighbors won't be able to watch him even if they want to!"

"Have you ever thought about finding another one?"

"After all, the two of us will still be companions when they grow old!"

When the aunt heard this, she fell into deep thought.

What Zhou Xuejian said was right, she wasn't afraid that Yi Zhonghai would harass her, because if he harassed her, she just ignored him and it was over.

The main thing is later life.

Although she is rich every month now, she has no children or anything.

If you have a child, you will have someone to take care of you when you get old.

Like now that she is in good health and can move, what if she becomes old and unable to move?

At this time, you really need someone to take care of you.

But is it not a good influence to start looking for a partner right after the divorce?

It's time for the neighbors to make irresponsible remarks. If I'm innocent for the rest of my life, I won't be able to get a bad reputation when I'm old, right?

Thinking like this, the aunt couldn't help expressing her worries.

Zhou Xuejian immediately put forward different opinions.

"Mom, you can't just think about these things."

"You think this will affect your reputation, it certainly won't!"

"What kind of person Yi Zhonghai is, the neighbors can see it now."

"If you find another one now, no one will say anything."

"Besides, do you think Yi Zhonghai didn't look for him again?"

"I just watched him come out of Qin Huairu's house."

"I don't even need to tell you about the messy things he and Qin Huairu did!"

As soon as the aunt heard Yi Zhonghai coming out of Qin Huairu's house, her eyes widened.

This old crooked!

The big mother couldn't help cursing in her heart!

Qin Huairu can be his daughter, but she still has to be involved in this way.

Yi Zhonghai did too much! .

Chapter 204 Cooking dumplings!Nannan touches the dough with her dirty hands!

The aunt made up her mind to divorce Yi Zhonghai, but Qin Huairu really had something to do with it!

Yi Zhonghai brainwashed the big mother for a long time, making the big mother feel sorry for Yi Zhonghai because she couldn't give birth to a child.

The first mother has been carrying this kind of guilt all her life and can't hold her head up at home.

As it turned out, it was Yi Zhonghai's fault that he didn't say anything about it, and he was still involved with the little widow in the courtyard.

It's okay to be unfaithful to the marriage and treat yourself badly. Thinking of this, the aunt feels very wronged.

In this life, people have bullied me like this.

Zhou Xuejian would not lie. If Yi Zhonghai really came out of Qin Huairu just now, it means that he found Qin Huairu first and then came to find her.

It wasn't that he wanted to get back together with her, but that he chose to talk to her again after Qin Huairu had hit a wall.

What does this take her as a big mother?

Isn't this using her as a first-mum as an alternative?

Her aunt has spent her whole life with Yi Zhonghai, but in the end she is just a backup option?

The more the aunt thought about it, the more angry she became, and she felt that what Zhou Xuejian said made sense when she was so angry.

"Xuejian, you are right, I should think about my future affairs!"

"It doesn't matter if there is no man in the family. I must have a companion when I grow old."

"If someone can live a good life, I will not be in vain to serve the suffering of this life!"

Zhou Xuejian felt happy when he saw that Da Ma agreed.

In fact, leaving aside the system tasks, Zhou Xuejian felt that Da Ma was indeed a good person.

When Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady were messing with him before, Da Ma was the closest relationship with the two of them, but she never helped them.

Zhou Xuejian also heard that the big mother once persuaded the big man not to treat him like this.

Da Ma is a good person, a rare good person in this compound.

If it weren't for this, Zhou Xuejian wouldn't have helped Big Mom.

So Zhou Xuejian sincerely wants to see Da Ma get happiness.

The aunt herself also had this idea, so he felt relieved.

Zhou Xuejian knew that if he really helped Auntie find someone, it would not be difficult to find him, so he would tell Aunt Zhang if there was a suitable one and introduce him.

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