When he thought of this, a smile appeared on his face.

"Mom, leave this to me!"

"Just wait!"

Seeing Zhou Xuejian's serious appearance, the first mother was also very relieved.

Zhou Xuejian is really good to himself!

Big Mom said in her heart.

Zhou Xuejian was so kind to her, if she didn't express anything, it would appear that she was cold-blooded and ruthless.

Auntie still has her own opinions on how to behave in the world.

She said: "Learning swords, don't worry about it, we'll talk about it when we see something suitable."

"But thank you for your help. I'll make dumplings tonight, so you can bring Xiaolongnv and the others to have dinner together!"

The first mother extended the invitation very sincerely.

Zhou Xuejian never thought of refusing.

After getting along with each other these days, Zhou Xuejian actually felt that Da Ma was just like his own mother.

Now that he has traveled here, he has never met someone who is kind to him in the compound.

Big Mom treats me well, why does he refuse?

Moreover, the eldest mother is a good person, so it’s okay if the two families move around a lot.

However, Zhou Xuejian didn't want the aunt to spend money to make dumplings for them. After all, the aunt didn't have a pension, so the 66 yuan was just counting on the uncle.

If we don't take advantage of this opportunity to save money, the life of Da Ma will be difficult in the future.

After all, finding a partner is still an idea without any action!

Thinking of this, Zhou Xuejian smiled and said to his aunt: "It's okay to make dumplings, but let's eat with our family."

"Our family happens to have a piece of pork belly left."

"We can pack pork and green onion stuffing."

"Little Dragon Girl and I can still help."

The first mother is quite smart, and she understood in her heart when she heard Zhou Xuejian say this.

Zhou Xuejian wanted her to save money and it was for her own good!

Thinking of this, Big Mom felt that Zhou Xuejian was kind to her.

She didn't refuse again, but she couldn't eat Zhou Xuejian's for nothing.

"Okay, then I'll go home and get noodles and green onions."

"Don't shirk, the two of us will have dinner together!"

"It's not good for me to eat at home alone!"

"It tastes better when there are more people!"


Zhou Xuejian didn't refuse Da Ma anymore, he knew that if Da Ma really didn't take her for anything, he would feel sorry for himself.

Just like that, the aunt took the noodles, Zhou Xuejian produced the meat, and the two families merged into one family, and they were busy working in the courtyard at night.


Da Ma made noodles, Zhou Xuejian made stuffing, and Xiao Longnv rolled the dough.

The division of labor between the three people is very clear.

Zhou Xuejian has chef skills, so he must make the dumpling stuffing by himself.

He first boiled a little scallion and ginger water, and chopped the pork and scallions.

Mix the scallion and ginger water into the minced meat filling, and the dumpling filling will not be so fishy when it is cooked later.

Then add pepper powder, salt, light soy sauce and a spoonful of lard.

The dumpling stuffing is done!

After stirring like this, the dumplings will be delicious before they are put into the pot!

After Zhou Xuejian made the dumpling stuffing, the fragrance has spread out.

"smell good!"


The girl just came back from playing outside with a muddy body, and she came over after smelling the fragrance.

She was so excited when she saw the noodles and dumpling stuffing on the table!

These days, every household can't eat or drink, but Zhou Xuejian's food is considered good!

Their family eats big fish and meat all day long, but they still eat very little of these dumplings.

The main reason is that Zhou Xuejian was a southerner before time travel, and he usually doesn't think much of eating this.

But Nannan has always been a northerner, and her love for dumplings is simply deep in her bones.

Children can't hide things, and they can't help but be happy when they see something they like.

Seeing that the family was going to make dumplings, the girl jumped up and down happily and shouted: "Oh~ our family is eating dumplings today!"

"My daughter likes to eat dumplings the most!"

Seeing her happy baby, Xiao Longnv couldn't help but smiled and said, "It's not enough to just eat, you have to help!"

Nannan didn't hesitate, she just grabbed the dough with her dirty hands!

Fortunately, Zhou Xuejian's sharp eyes and quick hands quickly stopped her, otherwise, the reconciliation after hard work would have been ruined!

"Nanny, wash your hands!"

Zhou Xuejian said slightly seriously.

Nannan stuck out her tongue and went to wash her hands. When she came back, Xiao Longnu grabbed a piece of dough for Nannan to play with.

Nannie had a great time playing with the dough.

At this time, the delicious dumplings are out of the pan.

"Eat dumplings!"

Auntie came out of the kitchen carrying a large pot of dumplings.

The smell of that dumpling made the neighbors gasp when they smelled it!seven.

Chapter 205 Zhou Xuejian recognizes a big mother as his mother, and Yi Zhonghaiqi's nose is crooked!

The neighbors in the compound were all dog-nosed. They followed the smell and looked into the backyard. It was Zhou Xuejian's family cooking dumplings!

Their conditions are really bad to a certain extent. Let alone cooking dumplings, eating meat once in a while is already considered a New Year.

But Zhou Xuejian cooks dumplings and eats them directly, not to mention being greedy and jealous.

"I don't know what happy event Zhou Xuejian has!"

"If it's not the New Year's Eve, let's start cooking dumplings!"

"And the dumplings seem to be filled with meat!"

"I just watched pork and green onion stuffing!"

"The food in their family is really getting better every day!"

"People are more popular than dead people!"

"No, why did I see that Big Mom is still at their house!"

"It seems to be, these two families live together?"


"Three or four." The neighbors were really eager to eat dumplings, and they were also eager to eat melon when they saw the aunt sitting there with her.

It's really interesting that this aunt had just had a conflict with Yi Zhonghai, and she turned around and went to Zhou Xuejian's house to eat dumplings.

The neighbors had never seen Zhou Xuejian walking so close to Da Ma before.

This is really true, after such a short time, the two of them are almost like mother and son.

The first mother sat at the gate of Zhou Xuejian's house and ate dumplings with his family.

She put that plate of dumplings into her daughter's bowl.

Nannan's little mouth was full of oil when she ate, and she was still praising it with her face raised!

"Grandma, the dumplings you cook are really delicious!"

The eldest mother couldn't help but laugh when she looked at Nannan's cute little appearance!

She felt that her daughter was just like her own granddaughter, so cute, obedient and sweet.

Especially when the nannie called her grandma, the aunt was so happy.

It would be great if this was really my own granddaughter!

The first mother felt that she was very happy at this moment, and ate dumplings in the yard with Zhou Xuejian, Xiaolongnv, and her daughter. ;

It's like a real family.

Zhou Xuejian is her own son, Xiaolongnv is her own daughter-in-law, and Nannai is her own granddaughter.

She felt that she had never lived such a lively life.

It would be great if I could live a life like this in the future.

Thinking of this, the eldest mother couldn't help but suggest: "Learn swordsmanship. It's hard for me to cook food at home."

"I'll bring some vegetables in the future, so let's eat together, okay?"

When Zhou Xuejian heard such a request from Da Ma, he would naturally not refuse.

"What kind of food to bring, you can come here as often as you want!"

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