“We have plenty of food in our house, so I don’t miss a bite of yours!”

Xiao Longnv also echoed: "That's right, Big Mom, it's a lot of fun when there are many people eating!"

"From now on, you can just come over here when it's time for dinner!"

"You don't need to do anything, I can do it with Xuejian."

When the first mother heard what they said, she was moved to tears.

You have to know that she has been doing a lifetime of work in this life, so don't do nothing.

Even if the oil bottle fell to the ground, Yi Zhonghai would not help him at home.

Everything depends on the mother herself.

But now, two people who are neither relatives nor friends are having a meal together just because of his suggestion. Not only did they agree to it, they also didn't have to do anything.

For the first time, the first mother felt the warmth of this world.

She looked at Zhou Xuejian and Xiao Longnu with gratitude.

The hope that the two of them were his biological sons had never been so strong.

The eldest mother couldn't control her emotions and said directly: "Learn swordsmanship, if only you were my son."

Zhou Xuejian was very happy when he heard this.

In fact, he has no other relatives in this compound except Xiaolongnv.

It is a great thing for a big mother to treat him like a son. It is a great thing for multiple mothers to love themselves and their daughters.

Zhou Xuejian saw that the first mother had said so himself, and he couldn't say nothing at all.

Suddenly a bold idea came to his mind.

If you really recognize a big mother as a mother, it seems not bad.

Nowadays, the eldest mother can help take care of my daughter when she has nothing to do, and she is quite lonely at home alone.

Finding a partner for a big mother is urgent and has to be done slowly.

The two families get along well, and Yi Zhonghai must die of anger.

Zhou Xuejian knew that Yi Zhonghai wanted him to support him in the old age.

After all, Zhou Xuejian's conditions are so good.

Yi Zhonghai worked hard for a long time, but Zhou Xuejian ignored him.

But Auntie got a pensioner like Zhou Xuejian without doing anything. When Yi Zhonghai found out, his nose was so angry that he was so angry. . . .

And let's say it's pension, in fact, it's just a meal when there's nothing to do.

A mother with a character like that would still have to get piles of vegetables and meat from the house where Zhou learned swordsmanship.

Zhou Xuejian can't suffer any disadvantages, so why not do it if there are more mothers who love him!

Zhou Xuejian thought about it, and said directly: "Mom, you don't have to think so much in the future."

"Treat our home as your home, and we will treat you as our own mother!"

"It's not easy for you to be alone anyway. We take care of each other. Isn't this day getting better and better?"

When the mother heard this, tears came out.

She looked at Zhou Xuejian and said with tears in her eyes, "Xuejian, is what you said true?"

"You really have to treat me like your own mother?"

Zhou Xuejian said: "Why are you lying to me?"

"Anyway, my mother passed away early, so you can just follow us and be our mother from now on!"

"You are different from Yi Zhonghai, we treat you well because you are kind!"

"Yes, Xuejian is right, you will be our real mother from now on!"

Xiao Longnu also said happily.

Not to mention, she has never felt a mother's love in her life, and she doesn't even know who her mother is!

The aunt was even more moved when she heard this.

She broke through her tears and said with a smile: "Hey, from now on, you will be my own sons, daughter-in-laws, and grandsons!"

As she said that, the aunt touched 0.7's little head.

The neighbors were shocked when they saw this scene.

"Zhou Xuejian recognizes Da Ma as his mother?"

"This is really big news!"

"The two families are getting closer and closer!"

"Zhou Xuejian's conditions are so good. If I follow him, my life will not be too good!"

"It's not that bad, it's really a good thing!"


The neighbors thought it was a good thing, but Yi Zhonghai's face darkened when he heard what the neighbors said.

He couldn't believe his ears.

He had once moved Zhou Xuejian's mind, he thought about Zhou Xuejian's conditions and wanted him to be a pensioner.

But he didn't expect that the matter that he worked hard for a long time to no avail, let the aunt take the lead! .

Chapter 206 Yi Zhonghai's covetous deaf old lady's inheritance is exposed!

Yi Zhonghai has been in Waterloo for two consecutive days, and he has aged ten years.

Now he sees Da Ma having dinner with Zhou Xuejian's family, it's so delicious, it's almost like a real family.

Yi Zhonghai's face was turning green.

He didn't understand the difference between himself and the first mother?

When Yi Zhonghai wanted to find Zhou Xuejian to take care of him for the elderly, he tried to please him in every possible way, and Zhou Xuejian didn't even pay attention to himself.

However, the aunt didn't do anything and just sat at the same table with others to eat.

Zhou Xuejian even made dumplings for Da Ma!

Why is this?

If Yi Zhonghai hadn't cared so much in the past, after all, he had money, a pension, a silly pillar, and he might have an inheritance from a deaf old lady.

But it's different now. Half of his salary has to be shared with the aunt. Silly Zhu has gone to jail, and even the deaf old lady has gone to jail.

He doesn't even have a wife now, but there used to be a daughter-in-law who went to be a mother for others.

What's the matter with this aunt?

What's the deal with getting divorced and taking away all his things?

The more Yi Zhonghai thought about it, the more he couldn't hold his breath. Seeing their happy family, he couldn't help but walked over.

"Yo, it's delicious!"

Yi Zhonghai sipped old lemon essence.

 06 Zhou Xuejian didn't even want to talk to him when he saw him talking to him, and the aunt saw him as a transparent person.

The neighbors watched this drama with great interest amidst the aroma of the dumplings.

They estimated that a big battle would be triggered soon.

When Yi Zhonghai saw that neither Zhou Xuejian nor Auntia was paying attention to him, he didn't say he was anxious, but he was a little angry anyway.

"You guys are having such a good time!"

"It's like living a life like a god!"

"Eat dumplings and recognize mother!"

"Zhou Xuejian, if you recognize your mother here, do you know that your real mother is under the influence of Jiuquan?"


Zhou Xuejian slapped the table directly!

This momentum is simply terrifying!

Judging from his fierce eyes, he seemed to be able to chop Yi Zhonghai in the next second!

Not to mention Yi Zhonghai was a little scared.

He swallowed, but didn't speak at first.

But the neighbors who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal started booing.

"You see that Yi Zhonghai will have to be cleaned up later!"

"I think he can't escape this time, it's worse!"

"The two beatings just now weren't enough!"

"You have to come to your door to scold me!"

"Why don't we say that people are all cheap!"

"Not necessarily, I think Yi Zhonghai is the cheapest!"


When Yi Zhonghai heard what the neighbors said, he felt that he had lost face.

If he didn't say anything, the neighbors would laugh him to death. ;

Yi Zhonghai calmed down his fear, summoned up his courage and said, "What's the matter?"

"What I said is wrong!"

"I've seen people who go out to pick up children as adopted children, but I've never seen someone who loves to pick up mothers on the street so much!"

"Zhou Xuejian, although your mother is gone, you still have to ask for their opinion, right?"

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