"Who knows if the deaf old lady took the food by herself when eating at that time!"

"I see, it's all your tricks!"

"I'm shameless, but I think others are shameless too!"

"What do you think!"


After the neighbors finished discussing, Da Ma still seemed to be puzzled.

This Yi Zhonghai simply looked down upon her. She had been wronged enough to live with him all her life.

Now it can be regarded as freed from the sea of ​​suffering. Having a child like Zhou Xuejian treat her well, and it can be regarded as making up for her regret of not having children in this life.

Seeing that life is getting better day by day.

This Yi Zhonghai is going to come over and cause trouble!

When they were married before, they didn't realize that Yi Zhonghai had such a small belly, but after the divorce, he suddenly realized that Yi Zhonghai was usually so small.

And it's not just a small belly, he's also jealous and can't look down on others.

I can't see how good my ex-wife is or how good Zhou Xuejian is.

The big mother is not for herself, but for Zhou Xuejian, and doesn't want him to be insulted.

It was the first time that the aunt stood up to fight against Yi Zhonghai and said: "Yi Zhonghai, I have the most say in this matter!"

"Why do you provide for the deaf old lady? You and I know it well."

"But Zhou Xuejian is nice to me, simply because we think he is nice to me, and he thinks I am nice to him."

"It's such a mutual thing, you know?"

"Besides, I didn't say to use Zhou Xuejian to support me in the elderly!"

"I have money in my pocket, and I have hands and feet that I can move."

"No one has any interests involved."

"Do you think everyone is like you?"

"`ˇThere is nothing else in this world except profit!"

"I have been with you for so many years, but you still have no real feelings for me, let alone a deaf old lady."

"I won't say too much, you have to apologize to Zhou Xuejian now!"

Yi Zhonghai couldn't believe his ears!

The first mother actually asked herself to apologize to Zhou Xuejian?

Not to mention that Zhou Xuejian is a junior, but the key question is what did he do wrong in this matter?

He did nothing wrong!

Yi Zhonghai looked at the aunt in disbelief and said, "Why should I apologize to Zhou Xuejian?"

"who is he?"

"Who are you?"

"You can't even control me when we live together!"

"What's more, we don't live together anymore!"

"Who do you think you are, you!"

The aunt knows that Zhou Xuejian has done a lot of things for herself, and it is impossible for her to remain indifferent like that.

Now that Zhou Xuejian was wronged and bullied by Yi Zhonghai, she had to stand up.

If it had been before, Da Ma would have kept silent, thinking that everything Yi Zhonghai said was right, and even if it was wrong, she would force herself to think he was right.

Because they are a couple, the eldest mother thinks that it is necessary for a husband to be a married woman.

But now they are not a couple anymore.

And she also saw clearly what kind of ghost Yi Zhonghai is.

She doesn't care about Yi Zhonghai at all and won't be afraid of anything.

She just glanced at Yi Zhonghai contemptuously.

"Yi Zhonghai, should I tell you all the things you did?"

"Or let everyone know about it just because of this!"

"I know who you are, Yi Zhong!"

"Don't worry, I just want everyone to comment on who is right and who is wrong in some things!"

Yi Zhonghai never thought that Big Mom would threaten him in this way.

He was so scared that he was about to break out in a cold sweat.

Chapter 208 Yi Zhonghai Kneeled to Beg Forgiveness?

The neighbors are still looking forward to the exposure of the aunt.

They who just watch the excitement and don't take it too seriously don't care what kind of mood Yi Zhonghai is.

"Yi Zhonghai, how many things do you have that we all don't know?"

"I see, don't even think about apologizing to Zhou Xuejian."

"Just ask Da Mama to tell all the things so that we can all understand."

"You don't want to apologize to Zhou Xuejian anyway."

"That's right, big mom, you can hurry up and say it!"

"We're all waiting to hear it!"


The first mother looked at Yi Zhonghai's reaction and didn't say a word, but there was a trace of contempt and threat in her eyes.

Yi Zhonghai's face looked as if he had eaten shit.

He knew that in the past, the first mother probably wouldn't have said anything, which is why she was caught.

He has always looked down on Aunt Ma's character and felt that she had always been submissive.

Whenever Big Mom wants to say something, Yi Zhonghai can scare Big Mom away with a yell.

But it's different now, Big Mom won't be so resigned.

For Zhou Xue 343 Sword, and for herself, she could expose everything about Yi Zhonghai.

Although Yi Zhonghai didn't feel that he was wrong in some things, he knew that once these things were exposed, the neighbors in the compound would definitely drown him in spit.

Yi Zhonghai still has to face in the compound.

He looked nervously at the aunt, then at the neighbors who were about to eat melons, and at Zhou Xuejian who didn't change his face.

At this moment, he knew that he would trade his dignity for his face.

On the choice of dignity and face, Yi Zhonghai had considered for a long time.

In the end, he still chose his own face, after all, he still has to live in this compound until his own birth, old age, sickness and death.

He didn't want his future life to be so miserable.


Yi Zhonghai's voice was like that of a mosquito, he couldn't hear it clearly.

Of course Zhou Xuejian was very dissatisfied with such an apology.

"what are you saying?"

"I can't hear you!"

The neighbors also started to boo.

"Yeah, what are you talking about!"

"We can't hear clearly!"

"If you want to apologize, you should apologize well!"

"What do you do if you are unwilling (agah)!"

"It's already happened. If you really don't want to, don't apologize!"


Yi Zhonghai's face turned darker. He knew that he couldn't escape today.

The neighbors kept picking on him. If Zhou Xuejian was alone, he would be easy to deal with. This group of people directly affected his reputation.

His status in the courtyard had already dropped to such an extent, and if he dropped any further, he wouldn't be able to continue messing around in the courtyard.

Yi Zhonghai shouted loudly at this time: "I'm sorry, Zhou Xuejian!"

It took all his courage.

Not only courage, but Yi Zhonghai's entire dignity has been placed on these words.

He thought if that wasn't enough, he would rather die.

Apologizing to a junior in front of so many people is simply a huge insult to him.

Of course Zhou Xuejian knew what Yi Zhonghai was thinking, how could he let Yi Zhonghai go like this.

Just an apology is not enough.

This is painful for Yi Zhonghai, but not a huge pain.

"I do not accept."

Zhou Xuejian said coldly.

Yi Zhonghai's face turned as black as coal, he stared at Zhou Xuejian viciously and said, "Why don't you accept it?"

"I've already done this, what else do you want?"

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