Zhou Xuejian said: "You apologize is your business, I don't accept it is my business."

"Is there any necessary connection between the two?"

"Which law stipulates that the other party must accept an apology?"

"You show me the legal text."

"With such a law, I accept it immediately."

Yi Zhonghai was about to die of anger from Zhou Xuejian, he didn't know how to refute Zhou Xuejian's words.

But this apology, if Zhou Xuejian doesn't accept it, it will become Yi Zhonghai's problem instead.

Yi Zhonghai felt like he had eaten shit, and he felt that Zhou Xuejian was a tough nut to crack.

He was simply making things difficult for him on purpose!

But what can he do?

There is nothing he can do!

"Okay, then how do you say you can accept it?"

Zhou Xuejian looked at Yi Zhonghai coldly, this is what he wanted.

Yi Zhonghai has been fooled, and he wants to make him helpless so as to achieve the effect he wants.

Zhou Xuejian had long thought about how to make Yi Zhonghaishe die.

"Then you kneel down and beg me to forgive you, and I'll accept it!"

Zhou Xuejian's cold tone directly blew up the pot among the neighbors!

They stared at Yi Zhonghai with great interest.

They really wanted to know if Yi Zhonghai would really accept this matter.

Zhou Xuejian made Yi Zhonghai kneel down!

Will Yi Zhonghai really kneel?

If he didn't kneel, what method would Zhou Xuejian use to ruin Yi Zhonghai's reputation?

Many questions linger in the minds of the neighbors.

They even secretly made bets, some bet that Yi Zhonghai would not kneel, some bets that Yi Zhonghai would definitely kneel.

Of course, Yi Zhonghai's first reaction when he heard these words was that he would never kneel down.

He looked at Zhou Xuejian as if he wanted to kill someone.

"I don't kneel!"

Yi Zhonghai roared directly.

He could barely contain his temper.

He knew that if he knelt down, his position in the courtyard would be completely lost!

He doesn't want to live a life where people point at the back and make irresponsible remarks every day.

This is worse than Yi Zhonghai's affair with Qin Huairu when it was exposed!

Yi Zhonghai wants to defend his last dignity!

The first mother knew Yi Zhonghai well, and she knew that Yi Zhonghai was about to lose his temper.

If she had changed her job before, she would definitely have wanted to let this matter go.

But it's different now. With Zhou Xuejian's support, Auntia is not afraid of Yi Zhonghai at all.

Not only was she not afraid of Yi Zhonghai anymore, she felt that she had to defend her backing.

Only Zhou Xuejian can give her dignity and the life she wants.

Thinking like this, the first mother held Yi Zhonghai's braid in her hand, and she was not afraid of anything anymore.

She was very courageous and used the greatest courage in her life to say: "Yi Zhonghai, you are not going to kneel, are you?"

"Then I will post the big-character poster at the gate of the compound tomorrow!"

"No, I want to post it in the alley, so that everyone can see what kind of person you are!"

Yi Zhonghai was about to break out in a cold sweat, he knew that compared to kneeling for Zhou Xuejian, the shitty things he did would kill him more.

And it's not that the compound may affect his work.

Yi Zhonghai had no choice.

For his own future.

Kneeling on the ground with a plop!

"Sorry, Zhou Xuejian!".

Chapter 209 Yi Zhonghai humbles himself and seeks reconciliation!

Yi Zhonghai's kneeling took away his dignity.

He also lost his position in the compound.

The neighbors all looked at Yi Zhonghai with a very strange look.

The reason for their strangeness was not only that Yi Zhonghai knelt down for Zhou Xuejian, but also that the aunt could threaten Yi Zhonghai one day.

What kind of outrageous things did Yi Zhonghai do that could be threatened by a big mother.

They looked at Yi Zhonghai with these curiosity.

Yi Zhonghai slowly raised his head and met the eyes of his neighbors. He felt a little guilty.

He knew that if he didn't kneel today, Da Ma would really reveal all the things he did.

He really can't mess around in the compound.

What the neighbors don't know, the aunt knows very clearly.

At the beginning, the big mother didn't say it was not because she was not kind, but because she was still husband and wife with him.

Their husband-wife relationship gave Da Ma a certain degree of restraint.

Let the big mother bury these secrets in her heart.

Now that they are no longer husband and wife, the big mother will reveal all these things sooner or later.

Yi Zhonghai can get rid of it this time, but he can't get rid of it for a lifetime.

Thinking of this, he felt that he should get back together with Da Ma.

Only by reuniting with the big mom can the big mom's mouth be blocked.

If the eldest mother doesn't say anything and the deaf old lady isn't here, he can take these things into the coffin.

He will never be exposed for the rest of his life.

The persona that Yi Zhonghai worked so hard to build will not collapse, and he can take his image into the underworld.

When Yi Zhonghai raised his head, he took a special look at the big mother's eyes.

Auntie's eyes were exactly the same as Zhou Xuejian's. They both looked at Yi Zhonghai indifferently, as if they were looking at someone they didn't know.

Seeing Da Ma's eyes like this, Yi Zhonghai's heart went cold.

They had been husband and wife for many years, and she could actually watch him kneel down to a young man with such indifference.

Don’t all the aunts miss the friendship between husband and wife for so many years?

Yi Zhonghai instantly felt that he was completely helpless. He lost his son, Sha Zhu, his house, and his salary of 99 yuan.

Now he no longer even has a wife who has always been submissive to him.

Yi Zhonghai felt that his future was bleak.

But he can't let his future be so bleak.

At least he has to leave a support for himself in his future life, right?

Silly Zhu, he has no ability to rescue him.

There is no way for the deaf old lady to come out. If the deaf old lady stays in the prison until she is put into the coffin, he will not have the right to inherit her estate.

At this time, without a daughter-in-law, he really has nothing.

When Yi Zhonghai thought of this, the way he looked at Da Ma changed.

He looked at Da Ma with a hint of hatred and unwillingness.

Yi Zhonghai thought that he must reunite with his mother, he needed someone to take care of his life, he needed someone to rely on.

Yi Zhonghai thinks he knows Aunt A relatively well.

He thinks that Da Ma can be reconciled as long as he says a few soft words.

When the farce was over, the neighbors dispersed.

Zhou Xuejian and Da Ma are also preparing to go back.

Yi Zhonghai rushed forward and grabbed the first mother and said, "Xiao Cui, I think we need to talk."

The big mother threw off Yi Zhonghai's arm with a look of disgust.

"There's nothing more to talk about between us."

Yi Zhonghai knew that he had to seize this opportunity, otherwise he would really have no chance to say some things.

"Xiao Cui, there are some things that I did wrong."

"I just found out today that you're actually pretty good, too."

"Just found out today?"

Facing Yi Zhonghai's scumbag quotations, Zhou Xuejian couldn't help but interrupt.

He knew that First Mother had some feelings for Yi Zhonghai, if Yi Zhonghai suddenly said something nonsense, First Mother might soften her heart.

He must nip Yi Zhonghai's words in the cradle.

When Yi Zhonghai saw Zhou Xuejian interrupted, his expression darkened.

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